回复 anthony94
話說,其實《女子落語》的neta也蠻多的...:rf ...
AdventChildren 发表于 10-7-2012 06:08 PM
如果不介意看一些英语的话。。。这个网站有解释大部分的puns...之前吐槽最多的 Haiyore nyaruko-san这个网站也是有逐一解释。。。
Their performances are all this grade. Horrible puns. After all, they are beginner rakugo comedians. The Japanese pun here is with the words 挨拶 (aisatsu, greeting) and 配達 (haitatsu, delivery). Luckily the context let me swap the words without losing much of the original meaning. The “greeting” would be probably an audience with some lord or something.
Useful Japanese phrases #392: すっぽんぽん supponpon, stark naked.
Apache Baseball Force. Marii’s comment is right: probably no one knows it.
All these names are puns. I can’t say I’ve figured them all out… - 駄豆(亜)亭針井四 (daatei harii shi): Fourth Dirty Harry. (There are at least three others, I’m not pointing them out one by one.)
- 空琉美遊亭丸京 (kuurubiyuutei gankyou), our bespectacled heroine. The first name is “cool beauty” while gankyou means “glasses” if written with different characters (眼鏡).
- 美尾乱亭誤自裸 (biorantei gojira): both Biollante and Gojira (Godzilla) are Japanese tokusatsu supermonsters.
- 夢寸亭平井手 (musuntei hiraite): musunde hiraite is a quite famous Japanese children’s song.
- 安談亭羅留誤 (andantei rarugo): andante and largo from your music.
- 矢個屁亭紋度 (yakohetei mondo): Jacopetti’s Mondo.
- 童氏亭工菜多 (doushitei kounata): どうしてこうなった (doushite kou natta), “how did it end up like this?”
- 死亭棒胃 (shitei boui): city boy.
- 蕪羅亭魔梨威 (buratei marii), the red haired girl. Bloody Mary.
- 恋四亭愛四手 (koishitei aishite): love me, love me.
Let’s get over with other names too that show up in the episode. First, the remaining three main characters: - 防波亭手寅 (bouhatei tetora): the purple haired girl. 防波堤 (bouhatei) means “breakwater” and tetora is for “tetrapod” (written as “palmtop tiger”).
- 波浪浮亭木胡桃 (haroukitei kigurumi): the blonde girl. Hello Kitty character costume (着ぐるみ).
- 暗落亭苦来 (anrakutei kukuru): the depressed girl. The anraku part either stands for “unlucky” or “euthanasia” (安楽死anrakushi). 括る (kukuru) means to hang oneself.
Now the rest: - 猫之亭喪仮鯛 (nekonotei mokaritai): 猫の手も借りたい (neko no te mo karitai) is an expression for being in dire need.
- 海亭蚊惨 (kaitei kazan): 海底火山, submarine volcano.
- 股似亭度礼酢 (matanitei doresu): maternity dress.
- 千葉六亭麻淋図 (chibarokutei marinzu): 千葉ロッテマリーンズ (chiba rotte marinzu), a baseball team.
- 背府亭番都 (sefutei banto): safety bunt.