本帖最后由 shantel_leong 于 15-3-2015 01:02 AM 编辑
(I) 申报违禁品
The most common items carried by visitors that need to be declared are:
* Food e.g. seeds, nuts, dried fish, meat, mushrooms and dairy products; * Plant material e.g. flowers, straw and wooden artefacts; * Wildlife products e.g. shells, American ginseng, feathers, animal skins and furs; * Herbal and other medicines e.g. dietary, nutritional medicines and tiger balm; * Pirated software e.g. pirated CDs and games (prohibited under trademark and copyright laws); * Local or foreign currency amounting to more than A$10,000 or its equivalent (there are no limits on the amount of cash you can bring into Australia but you must fill in a Customs form if you are carrying more than $10,000).
You should declare these items on your incoming passenger card, which will be given to you during your flight to Australia. Then you should proceed through the Red Channel which is marked ‘Goods to Declare’.
(II) 填写入境卡