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simon_ncc 29-7-2013 02:10 PM

我举个简单的例子:你想象一下,我们几乎每个人都有 Facebook Acc ,都有很多朋友在圈子里边,任何人在里边消费都是跟你没有关系,都是公司在赚钱。 就像前几年我知道 Gmail 后,我介绍我朋友申请 Gmail 帮他们弄 Invite Code, 现在都是很多人有 Gmail(已经不需要 Invite Code 了),都是大家介绍大家,但是没有钱赚,都是Google 在赚。 但是现在我们的公司打破 IT 界的做法,他要让认真在分享的用户也有钱赚。 Rippln 愿意把赚来的钱播出部分给任何圈子大的人,因为你已经邀请了很多人来 Rippln 成为用户,你的用户也会邀请用户,圈子越来越大。任何金钱活动在你的圈子,都跟您有关系,因为是你早期努力介绍他们进来这里免费使用产品。 十年前谁知道有 Facebook 这个东西,现在人家有10亿的用户,以前谁知道 Google 是什么,现在都在下载 Google Play 的 App,以前谁知道 Apple Iphone,现在很多人在下载付费 Apps. Rippln 要改变游戏规则,现在你遇到一个机会,他很可能会革命性的发展成像 Facebook ,Google,Apple 这样的大公司,以后你的圈子在 Rippln Platform 里边消费,我们就能赚取额外的收入,就是这样。假设一两年后有5000位你的圈子朋友,每个人平均每个月消费马币1零吉就好,你的收入是多少?只是简单的 把人邀请到你的社交圈子而已,他们自动成为你的永久“客户”。如何邀请呢?公司正式上线后只要把好玩的 Apps,软件,产品等等通过 share link 给朋友,朋友喜欢就点击链接,不喜欢也不会觉得你干扰他们,朋友觉得好玩也是 share 给 他的朋友,那些你不认识的朋友,都是自动成为你的社交圈子“客户”,跟邀请人玩 Candy Crush,Angry Bird 一样的道理,他们点击链接要玩,就是自动成为你的社交圈子朋友了,被其他人邀请还是一样是你的 “客户”,因为他已经有一个免费账号了是你当初 share link 给他时顺便注册的,跟 Facebook 一样的,只不过 Facebook 没有让我们赚分享费,Rippln 让我们赚应得的分享费。天大的好机会可以赚钱,但是不是每个人做的好这个生意的,要看个人努力了,即使不要做,一样可以使用 Rippln 的免费产品。现在不注册,迟早也是会遇到的,因为以后你都是会被被朋友 share 一个 Rippln 的 Apps link 给你的,你点击朋友分享给你的 link 注册后就是你的朋友圈子里的 “客户” 了。
(为什么么我说迟早会遇到呢,很简单的道理,就像我们都有 Facebook,Email,Iphone 等等的产品在用着,只是看谁先使用而已)

您好,这个你的邀请码 :4RUUY2K7


有任何疑问随时欢迎找我询问,记得 Add Friend,不然可能会看不到你的信息。
weide1969 12-6-2013 06:24 PM
add me at http://www.facebook.com/liow.vuiteck
weide1969 12-6-2013 05:25 PM
That look's great! Thank you so much!
Another 2 things. Sorry for being so many requests, just want to make sure we have a fruitful trip.
Check in hotel at 2pm. Schedule may need to adjust on that.
Is the proboscis monkey and fireflies included in the plan? if not, how much time need to spend on that? can pick only one? says just proboscis monkey.


for 13/07/2013
after airport pick up at 09.00am go to kedai kopi jia siang
then suria, then phillipines market,
then lunch at famous laksa at 怡丰
then city mosque, buddhist temple,
then check into hotel at 02.30pm
03.30pm high tea at Roti Kahwin Foo Yuen (富源), 麵包

the proboscis monkey and fireflies is together at rm70 per person.
reach klias at 04.00pm, stand by for boat transfer at klias
09.30 back to tunes hotel.
weide1969 12-6-2013 04:46 PM
2 people. No old folk. Arrive at around 9am.
Not considering rafting as my gf doesn't know how to swim.
The last day will have to check out hotel at 11am, it may not be suitable to go to island.
how much if I rent a car and drive at my own?
your charges RM200, RM100 is per day? including drive to bring us visit around?
Can you adjust the suggested schedule with the above information?

if you rent a viva elite auto 1000cc from me will be rm90 per day. thanks.

13/07/2013 09.00am pick up at airport
bring to breakfast at
lintas Kedai Kopi Jia Siang, for pork mee (家香生肉面)
10.30am visit suria
... wait for check in time at 12.00pm, check into tunes hotel
01.00pm lunch at
the famous laksa at 怡丰
01.30pm start city tour, city mosque, buddhist temple
phillipines market,
03.30pm bring to high tea at
Roti Kahwin Foo Yuen (富源), 麵包
04.30pm bring to tg aru for sunset
06.45pm send to dinner at
welcome restaurant (大茄来海鲜) for cheap local price seafood dinner,
at kompleks asia city (star city complex)
07.40pm send back to tunes hotel
charge for transfer will be rm100 for this whole day, include driver and petrol.

kundasang/ranau all popular destinations:-
06.30am pick up at tunes hotel to breakfast (breakfast and lunch not included)
breakfast at tuaran for tuaran mee
08.00am arrive at rumah terbalik (entrance fee at rm10 per person)
10.30am arrive at kinabalu park (entrance fee at rm3 per person)
11.15am arrive at strawberry garden (entrance fee at rm1 per person)
11.45am arrive at war memorial park, kundasang (entrance fee at rm2 per person)
12.30pm arrive at ranau for lunch
01.30pm arrive at hot spring (entrance ticket can use kinabalu park one), canapy walk (entrance fee at rm3 per person)
03.30pm arrive at desa cattle farm (entrance fee at rm4 per person)
04.30pm back to kk
06.30pm arrive at kk, send to
famous hawker style western food at, eddie restaurant,
07.30pm send back to tunes hotel
charge for transfer will be rm200 for this whole day, include driver and petrol.

15/07/2013 ... whole day visit 1 borneo
01.00pm send to airport
after check out at 11.00am lucgage can put at the hotel lobby.
charge for transfer for this day is rm30.
if you take taxi to airport will be from 1 borneo to airport will be rm50.
weide1969 12-6-2013 04:07 PM
13/7 早上到KK机场,15/7 下午3点飞机回。住Tune酒店。



13/07 morning pick up at airport, check into tunes hotel, 1 borneo
kk city tour

14/07 ?
1. kundasang
2. proboscis monkey + fireflies
3. rafting

15/07 3pm flight, 1pm pick up to airport
suggestion:- go to pulau, back at 12pm.

for how many people?
what time you arrive at 13/07?
how many of you?
any old people?

i charge rm200 for out station for less then 4 people.
i charge rm100 for kk whole city tour for less then 4 people.
if less then 10 people, will be rm400.

padas rafting at rm130 per person.
include light lunch.
kiulu rafting at rm80 per person.
include light lunch.
klias proposcis monkey and fireflies at rm70 per person.
include light lunch and buffet dinner.
all above not include transfer.
if more then 4 people to 10 people can sit van at rm400 per van. if 4 people or less, can sit my proton persona at rm200.
call 016-8814320.

complete schedule for, padas, kiulu and klias plus kundasang can page me.


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