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candymilk993 14-11-2015 02:58 AM
你好, 我们专为高负担, 低收入, 资料不足的顾客申请个人贷款和生意贷款或信用卡 :)

1. 必须要有供车期或者屋期 超过一年
2. 必须要有一张信用卡 超过一年
3. 年龄要求 25-55
4. 不是破产人士/没有黑名单
5. 准时供期(托期不超过2个月)

我们公司是和8间银行合作(Standard Charted, Citi & UOB) ...

若您符合以上条件, 我们可以帮到您申请到个人贷款 30k-150k或以上

1. 年龄至少23岁(1992)
2. 薪水不限
3. 最低要求一个EPF户口, 没进也没关系
4. 不是破产人士/没有黑名单/Ctos

我们合作的银行 ( Maybank )

若您符合以上条件, 我们可以帮到您申请Limit 5k-20k左右。

P/S: 我们不是非法财务公司, 更加不是私人贷款公司, 我们是管理与银行合作公司(bank agnecy) :)

Alan 018-2122021 (Call/SMS/Whatspp) 有关于银行贷款的问题也可以问问我, 谢谢! :)
cokev 19-9-2014 03:16 PM
请致电Kevin 012 2142465
火爆凯恩 2-4-2014 10:05 AM
你赚取的佣金是美金》平均赚2000USD X3.5=RM7000
Jaguar-Solution 25-2-2014 09:34 PM
如果你需要check value, 寻找banker 或银行的问题,欢迎你询问。以下是我的资料:

1) 称呼 : Rico Quah
2) 公司 : Jaguar Solution Sdn Bhd
3) 代理 : AIA, OCBC 和超过十间银行
3) 电话 : 016-288 2730
4) 电邮 : [email protected]
5) 服务领域 :Klang Valley(吉隆坡与雪兰莪)

6) 服务范围 :房屋贷款,保险,个人财务计划,一站式服务。

- 我们有做房屋贷款,Refinance & Remortgage。
- 我们有做Renovation loan, Skim Rumah Pertamaku (SRP), LVS Financing.
- 我们是一个专门帮各个银行提供房屋贷款的agency。
- 多选择,我们将提供各种银行配套让贷款选择。
- MRTA,火险, 房屋保险。
- 个人保险, 储蓄计划。
- 我们有超过10间银行可以选择,而且不必花太多时间,精神,去处理,我们这里批准率高。

* 请问你想在房屋贷款节省一笔乐观的钱吗?
* 你想提早清还房屋贷款的帐吗?
* 担心BLR起吗?我们有Fixed Rate !
- 免费! 使用我们的服务,却不用付一分钱。

**Property Agent, 买家, 律师 欢迎来致电**
阿糖小姐 20-10-2012 09:17 PM
你好,我是OCBC KL HQ 信用卡和貸款部門的職員,目前在有提供KL區的私人貸款服務。

申請 OCBC Cash Financing-I
快速审批。快速的现金。無需Stamp Duty。 無需担保人! 無需处理费用!


OCBC Titanium Card

10月份特別優惠,免付RM50GST加贈送價值RM20 Starbucks member Card!(須符合條件)
  * register online to activate ur Starbucks member card will get addition FREE a cup of drinks.

從10月份開始只要通過我申請OCBC Titanium Card 將免付RM50 GST,此外只要你介紹另外兩位親戚朋友和同事同時申請,你將額外獲得一張價值RM20的Starbucks Card(須符合條件)。附帶條件如下:-

* Starbucks card only will send out to You when all document completed received from all your frens.

OCBC titanium card come wtih 5% rebate for you on all Petrol, Utility bill, Dining & Groceries

Addition 20% rebate At the Curve on all dining

Promotion until 31st December 2012

This is KL Dining Promotion

Here’s a card that gives back each time you use it. With the OCBC Titanium MasterCard, you will enjoy 5% rebate each time you dine at any restaurant, do your grocery shopping, refuel your car and pay your utility bills.

start from July 2012 just pay thru OCBC titanium card you will get rebate on all MAXIS,DIGI,CELCOM, TM bills
THRU OCBC internet banking register FREE …. Pay by OCBC credit card

• Maxis
• Celcom
• DiGi
• TM
• OCBC Titanium Cardmembers enjoy this rebate on top of their
existing 5% Rebate on Utilities.

On top of that, you will also enjoy:

*1% rebate on everything else
*33% cash back on interest paid
*Zero annual fee with 12 swipes per year
*Annual usage bonus


阿糖小姐 20-10-2012 09:17 PM
你好,我是OCBC KL HQ 信用卡和貸款部門的職員,目前在有提供KL區的私人貸款服務。

申請 OCBC Cash Financing-I
快速审批。快速的现金。無需Stamp Duty。 無需担保人! 無需处理费用!


OCBC Titanium Card

10月份特別優惠,免付RM50GST加贈送價值RM20 Starbucks member Card!(須符合條件)
  * register online to activate ur Starbucks member card will get addition FREE a cup of drinks.

從10月份開始只要通過我申請OCBC Titanium Card 將免付RM50 GST,此外只要你介紹另外兩位親戚朋友和同事同時申請,你將額外獲得一張價值RM20的Starbucks Card(須符合條件)。附帶條件如下:-

* Starbucks card only will send out to You when all document completed received from all your frens.

OCBC titanium card come wtih 5% rebate for you on all Petrol, Utility bill, Dining & Groceries

Addition 20% rebate At the Curve on all dining

Promotion until 31st December 2012

This is KL Dining Promotion

Here’s a card that gives back each time you use it. With the OCBC Titanium MasterCard, you will enjoy 5% rebate each time you dine at any restaurant, do your grocery shopping, refuel your car and pay your utility bills.

start from July 2012 just pay thru OCBC titanium card you will get rebate on all MAXIS,DIGI,CELCOM, TM bills
THRU OCBC internet banking register FREE …. Pay by OCBC credit card

• Maxis
• Celcom
• DiGi
• TM
• OCBC Titanium Cardmembers enjoy this rebate on top of their
existing 5% Rebate on Utilities.

On top of that, you will also enjoy:

*1% rebate on everything else
*33% cash back on interest paid
*Zero annual fee with 12 swipes per year
*Annual usage bonus




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