


楼主: pya_ch

【专题讨论】Top Glove, Supermax与Kossan, 三国鼎立?

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发表于 20-10-2007 11:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pya_ch 于 5-10-2007 06:48 PM 发表
不过在品牌创造和高档市场很吃得开, ...


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发表于 21-10-2007 01:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
Top glove的股价已经最低点了吗?


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发表于 21-10-2007 03:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chengyk 于 10-10-2007 05:29 PM 发表

顶级不能扩大, 难道 Supermx 和 Kossan 就能??? 她们同在手套业了,难道顶级不

如果她们在不同的行业里,我还觉得有点可能。。。如果手套业真的缓慢,难道 Supermx
和 Kossan 没影响???

原帖由 pya_ch 于 10-10-2007 06:21 PM 发表




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 楼主| 发表于 22-10-2007 10:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 21-10-2007 03:26 AM 发表


顶级手套 ...


2001-03-19 分 析 员 的 “HOLD ”就 是 叫 你 卖 !


分 析 员 的 报 告 我 看 得 多 了 , 如 果 他 建 议 你 “HOLD ”, 表 面 上 是 叫 你 守 住 , 其 实 他 真 正 的 意 思 就 是 叫 你 卖 。

很 少 分 析 员 敢 建 议 “SELL”, 因 为 怕 得 罪 有 关 公 司 。 如 果 只 为 了 一 个 “SELL” 的 建 议 就 跑 掉 一 个 大 顾 客 , 搞 不 好 老 板 会 请 分 析 员 “ 另 谋 高 就” 。

所 以 分 析 员 通 常 只 是 建 议 “BUY” 和“HOLD”。
BUY 就 是 快 点 买 。
HOLD 就 是 快 点 卖 。

当 然 也 有 分 析 员 敢 建 议“SELL”。 他 们 通 常 是 新 成 立 的 独 立 股 票 分 析 公 司 。 例 如 :Malaysiastreet.com
因 为 是 新 成 立 的 关 系 所 以 作 风 就 比 较 大 胆 , 要 不 然 怎 样 能 引 起 人 家 的 注 意 !
这 是 收 费 的 网 站 , 它 的 分 析 员 都 是 大 有 来 头 的 专 家 。有 兴 趣 成 为 会 员 的 可 以 联 络 他 们 。

相 比 之 下 CARI 的 理 财 论 坛 是 免 费 的 , 所 以 只 是 一 般 股 友 聊 天 的 地 方 。
这 里 没 有 专 家 , 因 为 专 家 写 稿 是 要 收 费 的 。
所 以 我 们 在 这 里 读 到 的 东 西 不 必 太 认 真 。

闲 话 休 提 , 言 归 正 传 。

最 近 有 许 多 分 析 员 建 议 “HOLD” 住 EON , 其 中 有 一 个 建 议 “SELL” , 它 就 是 Malaysiastreet.com 。
它 在 8/2/2001 的 HOT TIP 里 建 议 投 资 者 卖 出 EON 。 听 清 楚 , 它 的 建 议 是“SELL” 不 是“HOLD”。 够 大 胆 了 吧 !
当 时 EON 的 价 钱 是 8.00 零 吉 。

它 持 悲 观 的 理 由 主 要 是 因 为 它 不 看 好 EON 可 以 从经 销 权 合 约 里 取 得 好 处 因 为 这 合 约 是 付 有 附 加 条 件 的 。 他 认 为 EON 将 因 此 要 付 出 昂 贵 的 代 价 才 能 取 得 PROTON 汽 车 的 经 销 权 。

你 好 像 也 读 过 了 那 篇 报 告 , 因 为 从 你 的 言 谈 中 也 带 有 那 悲 观 的 看 法 。 你 认 为 尘 埃 落 定 后 EON 的 股 价 将 会 下 跌 到 4.50 零 吉 。 那 可 是 2.13 的 本 益 比 呀 !

我 可 是 蛮 乐 观 的 , 理 由 很 简 单 。因 为 EON 的 谈 判 对 手 是 PROTON , 也 就 是 PETRONAS 。
谁 都 知 道 现 在 的 PROTON 是 PETRONAS 控 制 的 。
当 然 很 多 人 也 都 知 道 EON 是DRB-HICOM 控 制 的 。

每 个 人 都 知 道 PETRONAS 是 我 国 企 业 界 的 大 好 人 。 谁 遇 到 大 困 难 找 他 , 他 都 很 乐 意 帮 人 。

现 在 DRB-HICOM 才 从 困 境 里 爬 出 来 ,PETRONAS 这 个 大 好 人 扶 他 都 来 不 及 了 , 那 里 舍 得 给 它 辛 苦 。

圣 诞 老 人 就 是 圣 诞 老 人 , 它 是 不 会 变 成 强 盗 的 。

顺 便 讲 个 故 事 给 你 听 :
我 家 附 近 有 间 电 器 商 , 专 卖 日 本 电 器 。 最 近 他 的 老 板 看 到 中 国 的 电 器 太 便 宜 了 , 一 个VCD 机 成 本 才55 零 吉 , 竟 然 可 以 卖180 零 吉。 所 以 也 想 卖 一 卖 。 就 把 现 在 的 三 间 店 屋 隔 出 一 间 , 专 卖 中 国 的 电 器 。
日 本 电 器 商 看 到 不 妙 就 来 询 问 , 老 板 就 跟 他 讲 : “那 间 店 是 我 媳 妇 的 表 哥 开 的 。 那 种 生 意 怎 样 能 赚 钱 ?不 要 紧 店 屋 是 我 的 , 我 即 刻 起 她 的 屋 租 , 让 她 顶 不 住 , 早 日 关 门 大 吉 。 我 再 收 回 来 卖 你 的 日 本 电 器 。”

故 事 就 到 此 为 止 。

让 我 们 再 回 来 看 看 EON 的 股 票 持 有 人 。
现 在 他 们 应 该 怎 样 做 ?

大 多 数 的 分 析 员 都 叫 我 们 “HOLD”。 怎 么 办 ?

股 神 BUFFETT 曾 经 讲 过 一 个 故 事 :

如 果 你 是 经 营 农 场 的 生 意 。 最 近 你 隔 壁 的 一 个 农 场 想 出 卖 , 你 知 道 它 的 价 值 是10 万 , 他 的 主 人 竟 然 只 想 用 5 万 的 价 钱 出 让 。
如 果 你 有 钱 你 就 会 把 它 买 下 来 。
如 果 你 没 有 钱 你 就 只 好 眼 瞪 瞪 的 看 别 人 买 去 。
你 不 会 去 买 十 份 分 析 报 告 , 看 看 专 家 们 怎 样 讲 。

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发表于 22-10-2007 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-10-2007 11:35 AM | 显示全部楼层
顶级手套在2007财政年 (31/08/2007结束)的revenue是RM1,228million;Net Profit是RM103million;  EPS是35.55sen。

顶级手套的市价是RM6.40, 所以PE是18。

速伯玛在2006财政年 (31/12/2006结束)的revenue是RM389million;Net Profit是RM41million;  EPS是18sen。

速伯玛的市价是RM2.15, 所以PE是11.9。

截止30/06/2007, 速伯玛的revenue是RM245million;Net Profit是RM28.32million;  EPS是12.48sen, PE是8.6 [215/(12.48x2)]。

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发表于 22-10-2007 11:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #43 Mr.Business 的帖子

蛋糕已经被 topglove 吃去一半了,剩下一半留给 supermax 和 kossan 吃。。。如
果以红海来形容手套业,topglove 就像是"王"。。。


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发表于 22-10-2007 11:40 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #47 chengyk 的帖子



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发表于 22-10-2007 12:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #48 Mr.Business 的帖子

supermax 和 topglove 都能保持一定的增长率。。。其实,两个管理层都很好。在控制成本方面做得很出色,就连橡胶的价格偏高,也影

我觉得林博士野心比较大,他有称霸世界的 野心,而且他做到。相比,陈先生就比较逊色,从他的年报里,我看
不出他有爬过topglove 得野心。。。

[ 本帖最后由 chengyk 于 22-10-2007 12:13 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 22-10-2007 12:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 22-10-2007 11:40 AM 发表





[ 本帖最后由 pya_ch 于 22-10-2007 02:36 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 22-10-2007 12:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chengyk 于 22-10-2007 12:08 PM 发表
supermax 和 topglove 都能保持一定的增长率。。。其实,两个管理层都很好。在控制成本方面做得很出色,就连橡胶的价格偏高,也影

我觉得林博士野心比较大,他有称霸世界的 野心,而且他做 ...


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发表于 22-10-2007 03:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

頂級手套減產,高產尼品擴充 膠手套業者前景各異

Updated : 15-09-2007
Media : 東方日報


基于中國的醫療手套(Vinyl gloves)市場出現供應過剩情況,加上原油價格飆升,導致原料成本高漲,頂級手套宣布縮小其廠房容積擴充計劃,從原本的500億只手套,減少至440億只手套。








分析員預期,在增添新生產線的情況下,該公司在08財政年的淨利,有望上揚33%,達到6890萬令吉的水平。此外,該公司也成功在無粉手套市場站穩腳步,成為全球最大的生產商,也為該公司的業務前景加分。基于更強穩的盈利成長動力與可見度,分析員保持「買入」該股建議,並將目標價位從6.03令吉,上調至 7.25令吉。

http://www.biznewsdb.com/chinese ... n=09&kw=topglov

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发表于 22-10-2007 04:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
Top Glove和Supermax的恩怨。

Top Glove and Supermax jostle for dominance

Updated : 19-02-2005
Media : The Star
Story By : ERROL OH

FOR those brimming with the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, the idea of two local companies vying for the No.1 position in a global industry must be thrilling. That was why Supermax Corp Bhd made the business headlines when it recently gained control of another Malaysian glovemaker, APL Industries Bhd (APLI).

Supermax claims that the acquisition has made it the largest manufacturer of latex examination gloves in Malaysia and the world (Malaysia being the leading rubber glove exporter). If that was true, Supermax had knocked off Top Glove Corp Bhd from the top spot.

However, Top Glove has something to say about that. It insists that it is still ahead of Supermax and APLI put together, in terms of revenue and production capacity.

For the casual observer here, it may not matter much which company is indeed the industry leader. After all, both the No.1 and the No.2 are Malaysian companies. However, there is another facet to this development. It is the latest chapter in the story of one of corporate Malaysia's fiercest business rivalries.

Jostling for market dominance is common everywhere, but the competition between these two companies is particularly intriguing because they are similar in many ways and yet have striking differences. Both are headed by men with strong personalities and abilities.

In addition, the companies make no attempt to hide the fact that they are locked in a fast-paced, head-to-head contest. Neither is about to blink. At times, the moves of one company appear to be in response to those of the other.

For example, when Supermax announced its acquisition of a 12.9% stake in APLI on Feb 3, Top Glove sent out a statement four days later, complete with figures compiled from the latest quarterly results, to argue that Top Glove ¡§still maintains its position as Malaysia's and the world's largest glove manufacturer¡¨.

(Supermax says it and APLI will have a total capacity of 17.78 billion pieces of gloves when all their new production lines are fully commissioned next year. This is the basis of its assertion that it is the No.1 manufacturer. Top Glove points out that based on current figures, its capacity of 11.7 billion pieces remains the highest by far, and the company has plans for additional operating lines.)

Top Glove executive chairman and chief executive officer Datuk Dr Lim Wee-Chai tells BizWeek that his company was merely setting the record straight.

When asked why it is important to lay claim to the top manufacturer spot, he says, ¡§It's not just about making a claim. For us, performance is the No.1 priority, and that means showing that you have continuous growth. You must have the facts and figures, and the track record to back it up.¡¨

That may be so, but others feel that ownership of the top position in the industry translates into a bigger bottom line.

Says an analyst, ¡§It's a volume game. In this industry, sales figures are crucial because the margins are not that good. Being No.1 translates into having a larger market share and thus, a higher turnover.¡¨

Supermax shifts gear
¡§The race to the market leader position has intensified!¡¨ declares TA Securities in a research report earlier this month. Few industry observers would dispute that.

Some analysts feel that the Top Glove-Supermax rivalry had been overhyped in the past. The argument back then was that they had distinct business models and were going after different market segments. If at all they were in direct competition, it was chiefly a fight for the attention of the investors.

Prior to the APLI acquisition, Supermax was largely an OBM (original brand manufacturing) player. About 70% of its business revolved around producing gloves under its own brands such as Aurelia and Maxter. It was up against multinationals such as Ansell and Kimberly Clark.

On the other hand, Top Glove is very much in the OEM (original equipment manufacturing) segment. In fact, companies like Kimberly Clark outsource their manufacturing function to Top Glove.

With Supermax now able to lean on APLI's capacity and predominantly OEM business (90% of its output), the line separating Supermax and Top Glove is fading.

¡§Now, thing are really starting to heat up. By taking control of APLI, Supermax is signalling that it is ready to invade Top Glove's territory,¡¨ says an analyst who covers all three companies.

Supermax group managing director Stanley Thai took over as APLI CEO last Tuesday. He is expected to drive APLI's expansion programme even faster that as planned by APLI's previous management.

Most analysts who track Supermax are positive about the APLI buy because it will lead to a huge jump in capacity without significantly stretching Supermax's balance sheet. At the end of 2004, Supermax was producing about 7.1 billion pieces of gloves.

Right now, capacity building is a cornerstone of the Malaysian glove manufacturing industry. After going through a consolidation phase several years ago that saw the exit of many weaker players, the industry has been experiencing steady growth.

Global demand for disposable gloves is expected to swell by 8% to 10% over the next three years ¡V some people say it has already exceeded this rate ¡V and manufacturers are scrambling to meet orders.

With APLI in its stable, Supermax instantly gets a larger presence in the OEM market. At the same time, it can continue to focus on pushing its brands forward. APLI has three plants in Malaysia and another in Vietnam. Supermax has six plants, all in Malaysia.

Top Glove's Lim does not view the Supermax-APLI tie-up as a great threat. He explains, ¡§We are more familiar with the OEM business. When you're in the OBM segment, you're competing with the other brands, some of whom are also your OEM customers. And they may not like that.¡¨

Clash of personalities?
Interestingly, Lim says Top Glove was offered a stake in APLI just before the Chinese New Year. ¡§We studied the proposal for two weeks before deciding that it's better for us to invest in new factories and machinery in Malaysia, where we can have better control,¡¨ he adds.

However, Thai of Supermax was quoted as saying the APLI shares had been offered for sale in December and the parties had negotiated discreetly. BizWeek could not reach Thai for comments.

There may well be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this apparent contradiction, but it does underscore the fact that Top Glove and Supermax will again and again come up against each other because of their heft in the Malaysian glove making industry.

And because both companies are very much entrepreneur-driven, some observers believe that there is a personal dimension to the rivalry between Supermax and Top Glove.

Says an analyst, ¡§Both men have done a great job with their companies. They are aggressive and visionary, and have strong marketing skills. Thai is perhaps outspoken, while Lim tends to be more quiet, but both are equally driven. And both started in the industry around the same time.¡¨

Supermax was the first to be listed on the second board. It made its stock exchange debut in August 2000 and Top Glove followed seven months later. However, Top Glove made an earlier move to the main board in May 2002. Supermax's transfer was in October 2003.

The Top Glove-Supermax rivalry extends to the courtroom. The companies' quarterly reports contain several paragraphs detailing litigation between them.

This stems from an action by a Supermax subsidiary against a Top Glove subsidiary in relation to an allegation that the latter passed off gloves manufactured by the former, under a different brand.

People who know both Lim and Thai say they are definitely not bosom buddies. Lim, however, says the competition between the companies is all about business. ¡§It's based on healthy competition. We do our best, and in the long run, that's all that matters. It's not our style to get personal.¡¨

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 22-10-2007 04:16 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 22-10-2007 04:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #51 pya_ch 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 23-10-2007 10:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chengyk 于 22-10-2007 04:18 PM 发表


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发表于 23-10-2007 03:45 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #55 pya_ch 的帖子


大概是,supermax 和 topglove 争做手套业的龙头。supermax 一心靠收购 APLI
来提高生产,不过 topglove 更本不把她放在眼里。Topglove 看死 supermax 没办
法抢走他的 OEM 生意。supermax 主攻 OBM。


Top Glove's Lim does not view the Supermax-APLI tie-up as a great threat.
He explains, ü0ā3§We are more familiar with the OEM business. When you're
in the OBM segment, you're competing with the other brands, some of whom
are also your OEM customers. And they may not like that.ü0ā3¨

Google 翻译

他解释道, u0_3 §我们较为熟悉的oem业务。当你

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发表于 23-10-2007 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

Integration pains

Updated : 05-08-2006
Media : The Star
Story By : ERROL OH

SUPERMAX Corp Bhd is in danger of becoming a case study for the pitfalls of mergers and acquisitions. Its management takeover of fellow listed rubber glove manufacturers APL Industries Bhd (APLI) and Seal Polymer Industries Bhd was among last year's biggest business stories, but people are beginning to wonder if the pains of integration will outweigh the benefits.

APLI is bleeding and its Vietnam plant ¨the key reason for Supermax's entry¨ has yet to go into full swing because of operational difficulties.

In comparison, it was widely thought that Seal Polymer would settle in smoothly at the Supermax stable. Yet, last Monday, the former announced that its net profit for the financial year ended February 2006 (FY06) had been slashed by almost half after its accounts had been audited.

Instead of the RM21.8mil as per the unaudited fourth-quarter results released last April, Seal Polymer's FY06 net profit has been restated to RM11.7mil, which is a 40% drop from the previous year's figure. The bulk of the variance was traced to raw materials, utilities and depreciation that had not been taken up previously.

In its announcement through Bursa Malaysia, the company says the deviation between the audited and the unaudited figures was mainly due to disruptive changes in the accounts personnel and the accounting system. It adds that its finance department was relocated to the corporate office in Sungai Buloh, Selangor, in June.

Even before last Monday's announcement, there had been signs that Seal Polymer's FY06 accounts would not be a glowing report card. The company missed the June 30 deadline for the submission of its audited accounts. Its application to the stock exchange for an extension of time was turned down, as was the subsequent appeal.

The accounts were finally filed with Bursa Malaysia last Monday. And as provided under the exchange's listing requirements, Seal Polymer had to explain the significant difference between the audited and unaudited net profit.

The last shocker?

In a research note issued last Wednesday, TA Securities says, "We are rather disappointed with the latest development as we believe that this incident was within the purview of management. It is our hope that this will prove to be a one-off event, as any other disappointing news could severely affect sentiment towards the share price of the stock."

Indeed, Seal Polymer board of directors have a lot of explaining to do when they meet shareholders at the annual general meeting on Aug 28.

For starters, there will be questions as to why it took so long for the new management team to uncover the accounting discrepancies at Seal Polymer when it had come on board in May, immediately after Supermax had bought a 17% stake.

Seal Polymer managing director Datuk Seri Stanley Thai, who also heads Supermax and APLI, says the issues over accounting treatment and practices surfaced after the external auditors, Deloitte KassimChan, had been called in subsequent to the financial year-end.

Thai explains that the priority when Supermax assumed management control of Seal Polymer was to grow Seal Polymer's business by increasing capacity and strengthening the customer base.

That meant spending a lot of time on accelerating the expansion of Seal Polymer's factory in Taiping. At the same time, the management had been looking at operational areas such as integrating the work culture and the people.

"By the time we were ready to look into the bookkeeping and accounting matters, it was already the last leg of the streamlining exercise at Seal Polymer. It was also time for the year-end audit and we decided to do these together. It was the first audit under the new management," he adds.

Thai says the deviation is a one-off thing and maintains that the integration of Seal Polymer is on track. For example, he points out, Seal Polymer no longer undertakes trading activities which offered low margins.

The company now focuses on manufacturing, whose revenue in FY06 had grown by 28%, mainly driven by the commissioning of new production lines since the management takeover.

He adds that the lower profit was largely due to higher raw material costs, an increase in the Taiping plant's pre-operating expenses and higher depreciation.

Still the right thing to do

The fretting over whether the acquisitions of the two associates will work out has been blamed for the pummelling that Supermax shares have taken in past six months. After hitting this year's high of RM3.88 on Feb 15, the stock has slid by 28%. In the same period, the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index inched up 0.9%.

Last Thursday, the counter closed at RM2.78, the lowest it has gone this year. Most of the analysts covering Supermax reckon that there is little downside to its share price right now (unless, of course, the shocks keep coming).

It is also fortunate that Seal Polymer and APLI do not yet have much of an impact on Supermax's bottom line. According to a CIMB Securities report last week, the two associates account for only 8% to 12% of their parent company's earnings per share. In addition, Supermax itself has no major problems to report.

Given these factors, at least three investment outfits have maintained buy calls on Supermax following the Seal Polymer announcement. But that does not mean they are untroubled by the bad news from Seal Polymer and APLI. Furthermore, there is the perception that Supermax had been hasty in investing in the two companies.

Says CIMB: ¡°We are disappointed with these latest developments at APLI and Seal Polymer. In hindsight, some of these problems could have been anticipated or even avoided if Supermax had performed a full due diligence before acquiring stakes in both companies.

¡°We have in the past expressed our reservations on this issue. Unfortunately, Supermax¡¯s oversight in conducting a full diligence on both acquisitions has come back to haunt it.¡±

Thai denies that Supermax had not done its homework before doing the APLI and Seal Polymer deals. He says: ¡°We have invested in the two public companies just like any other investor. We have conducted due diligence exercises through whatever public information the companies had released. We have done it.

¡°With APLI , we knew it had problems, but we didn't anticipate the magnitude of those problems.¡±

He maintains that the acquisitions are good moves that are meant to establish a group with the size, capacity and product range that can make it the strongest player in the industry.

He says: ¡°I know people perceive that we have made the wrong investments, but business-wise, we have grown the companies. Supermax alone does not have the capacity to do a lot more business than that of our own brands. By combining the capacities of the three companies, we can accept orders from large, quality clients.

¡°We have been able to move to the forefront of the industry by entering market segments that we had not been strong in.¡±

That may be so, but observers are also concerned that Supermax may pay too much to increase its holdings in APLI and Seal Polymer. Supermax has a 12.9% stake in APLI (acquired in February last year) and 23.9% in Seal Polymer. Previously, Supermax had options to buy another 7.2% in APLI. However, the price was way above the current market price and the options have since lapsed.

At one time, Supermax was ready to announce its plan, codenamed Project Panther, to merge with Seal Polymer. However, this was called off, and on June 8, Seal Polymer announced that an ad-hoc merger committee has been formed to ¡°explore all available options and the viability of the proposals to maximise shareholders' value¡±.

Thai explains: ¡°We want to look at other options that we might have overlooked. There is no timeframe for us to come up with a decision. Much of it is subject to market conditions. Supermax and Seal Polymer are still operating as separate companies.¡±

Whether these three companies operate independently or not, the market already views them as interlinked. Any more jolts from either one will be felt throughout the group, and that is the last thing Thai and his team need while they continue to reshape the enlarged group.


使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2007 05:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
油價膠價飆新高,成本壓力大 市場唱淡膠手套股

Updated : 20-09-2007
Media : 東方日報
Story By : 何開玄



分析員預料, 業者將會把成本轉嫁給客戶, 增加使用生物量鍋爐(biomassboiler),以降低所受的衝擊。









[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 23-10-2007 05:58 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 23-10-2007 06:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

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