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STUSSY - 流行亦是经典 !!!(更新)

发表于 31-1-2007 03:34 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

STUSSY  流行亦是经典
25年前的1980年,SHAWN STUSSY在加州的LAGUNA海滩边开始销售冲浪服装、用品的时候,他也许不会料到,自己的名字会在日后被无数人追捧,甚至顶礼膜拜。
当时SHAWN STUSSY创立了“STUSSY”品牌,而品牌的由来也有着一段有趣的故事:STUSSY自己也很喜欢玩冲浪,他觉得自己设计的涂鸦签名很酷,于是就把它写在了自己的滑板上。而其他人看到STUSSY的签名后,也觉得非常漂亮。有些人会要求SHAWN STUSSY帮她们在自己的滑板或者衣服上涂鸦。就这样,STUSSY的涂鸦名字随着他的作品流传开来,被越来越多人所熟知。

渐渐,SHAWN STUSSY有了把涂鸦签名印在T-SHIRT上,批量出售的念头,结果反响很好。生意做大了以后,SHAWN STUSSY开了一个销售冲浪服装、用品的公司,并推出了“STUSSY”这个品牌,而那个涂鸦的名字就理所当然地成了品牌商标。

这种带有浓厚休闲风格的服饰很快就流行起来,SHAWN STUSSY开始考虑将STUSSY的经营范围扩大。1985年,他开始进军时装市场,并很快取得成功,从冲浪到时装,STUSSY完成了一个难度相当大的转型。
当然,SHAWN STUSSY不会放过街头服装这个市场。他将滑板服、工作服、旧校服的设计加入到STUSSY的服装设计中,形成了另外一种有别于原有风格的街头服装。
如今,STUSSY的风格更加多样,从冲浪到滑板、从时装到街牌,甚至从REGGAE(雷鬼音乐)到HIP HOP,任何一种风格形式,STUSSY都独树一帜。任凭潮流的风向如何变化,都无法动摇的STUSSY的地位。


Stussy簡介此品牌由Shawn Stussy創於1980年,在這之前,他總喜歡替人在美國加州Laguna沙灘滑浪,並且在自已的滑浪版上簽上Stussy的簽名字樣。後來找他簽名的人愈來愈多... 某日,製衣人Frank找他合作,把簽名印在 Tee恤上面發售,一個品牌就如此創立了。


起初Stussy的的設計元素只是環繞於滑浪,後來逐潮走向X-Game等多元化的設計,而Stussy的設計元素多半是骷髏頭、皇冠、牙買加、黑人文化、Old Skool和其他抄抄貼貼等的元素。

Stussy在美國本土其實並不很受歡迎,反之由於在日本人的推波助瀾之下,在亞洲Street Wear市場獨佔鱉頭,亦因為這個緣故,現在的設計風格上和許多日本品牌很類似!
Stussy T-Shirt Tags History不少朋友喜歡古著,然而某些Tag看上去似假還真,因為Stussy成立以來,一直轉用過不少的Tag,就等我地一齊睇下唔同時期的Tag有些什麼不同?如若有任何錯誤的地方,還請不吝賜正!

1982 ~1985 雖然Stussy在1980年成立,然而成立初期他們還沒有專用的Tag,而據考究,此款應該是是最早期應用的Tag。當時的Stussy字樣是印製上去的。

1984 ~ 1989圖中顯示的這款已開始使用繡章,但同時期也有使用的印製Tag的;而當時的衛衣也用上了此款Tag。

1987 ~ 1992當時美國已設立了為數不少的Stussy滑浪用品店,後來都正名為Stussy Shop,而Tag的製作亦步向嚴謹。

1990 ~ 1994品牌開始受到廣氾的注目,因此Stussy簽名字樣也成為了註冊商標,圖中以看到Tag路右上角已加上了"R" Trade mark。

1993 ~ 1996第一次用上了白色Tag,同時簽名的樣式也經過了修改;而繡字的位置使用了多層式,那麼Tag上便能夠出現不同的顏色。

1996 ~ 1998這時期的Stussy設計已簡單為主,品牌並未受到很大的注目,Tag的設計倒也特別!

1996 ~ 1997這款Tag有別於以往,採用了黑色的Tag,使用的日子不久,因而這款Tag甚少在雜誌上曝光。

1998 ~ 2000這款Tag可以看到Stussy簽名又再作一次修改,整体的感覺上較圓。另外亦以抽樣形式加入了水印印記於當中。

2000 ~2002  Tag的背面正式加入了「洗衣標籤」。 而這時期的Tag兩種一齊用,主要原因據聞是為了打擊翻版商人,令他們難以捉摸生產時採用那款Tag。

2002 ~ 2003  是一個轉變期,此時Stussy Tee的生產線由美國不斷轉移到墨西哥,而生線線移交期時,兩款Tag都有被使用到的。 在此時間後期大部份的Tag都已轉為墨西哥製造。注意兩款Tag背面的標籤的擺放位置有所不同。

2003 ~ 由於Customade成為獨立的生產線,因而而出現了專用的Tag,全部都是美國製造。N2為中碼,N3為大碼,N4為加大碼。

2004 ~ 品牌首次出現了斜置的簽名字樣,而Trademark?也沒有應用於這次的設計。正面則清楚指明產品為「美國原料,墨西哥合成」品。


[ 本帖最后由 玉勋 于 2-4-2009 08:58 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 03:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
Stussy Tees


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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 03:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
介绍一下去年的 STUSSY World Tour 2006!!!!


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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 04:00 AM | 显示全部楼层

-Scien and Klor-
have been big on the graffiti scene since 1989. When they discovered Neville Brody’work on typography, graphic art became a logical extension of their graffiti writing.
They produced their first digital graffiti pieces, and 123klan were the first to blend graffiti writing and graphic art on the web, making it not just anexhibition tool but a new creative medium.
The screen, like a blank wall became a space to be laid out. In parallel, the influence of graphic art could be seen on their walls; everything revolved around lettering. For these trailblazers, graffiti writing and graphic art are closely linked and, as they say
themselves, “ Style is the message.”

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:47 AM | 显示全部楼层

New york city 2006
1955: Introduction: new york city
• 1955- 1969 Experience: limited
• 1970: Invention: graffiti artist: dawn of a decade
• 1971: Nom de plume: futura 2000 • 1972-1973: Education: minimal
• 1974-1978: Military: honorable
• 1979: Insertion: street art community
• 1980: Exposure: subways & galleries: dawn of a decade • 1981: Influence: recognition
• 1982: External: cultural exploration / exploitation • 1983: Conclusion: chemical imbalance • 1984: Soviet: moscow metro
• 1985: Aftermath: death of a movement
• 1986-1989: Employment: messenger
• 1990: Computing: extensive: dawn of a decade • 1991: Acceleration: graphic design: painting • 1992: Professional: companies. Kinkos
• 1993: Incorporation: tokyo
• 1994: Medium: clothing
• 1995: Transition: internet
• 1996: Crossover: Bathing Ape: Mo Wax
• 1997: Retail: reconnaissance
• 1998: Extension: Futura Labratories. UNDER COVER
• 1999: Production: three dimensional characters
• 2000: Millennium: book release: dawn of a century
• 2001: Commercial: Levis x Futura
• 2002: Experience: advanced aerosol abilities
• 2003: Placement: Nike. Medicom. North Face
• 2004: Cache memory: toshiba
• 2005: Hawaii: Steve Mc Garrett
• 2006: Event Horizon: Silly Thing
Occupation: battery charger • Conclusion: the futura is written
05.12.2006 Thank you..

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:50 AM | 显示全部楼层

Born in New York City in 1961, as a member of the influential “Soul Artist” group ,
Haze was an essential part of the collective of artists who brought graffiti as an art form into the arena of art galleries and media consideration. Working and showing alongside artists such as Keith Haring and Jean- Michel Basquiat, Haze played an integral part in the New York underground and Hip Hop culture that emerged as a definitive theme of popular culture entering the early 80’s.
Upon founding his NY based design studio in 1984, HAZE went on to design and produce a wide range of landmark works in the Hip Hop and entertainment communities, many of which proved to be both ground-breaking and definitive icons of the times, as well as setting the standard for the commercial viability of the aesthetic and emerging markets that signified “urban culture”.
In 1991 HAZE moved his base of operations to Los Angeles where, alongside his design studio, he founded his current eponymous clothing company HAZE. As one of the pioneers of the “street wear” movement, Haze and his company continue to define the cutting edge urban graphic and product design. With a growing international base, distribution and retail network, the impact of HAZE products now extends through-out the US, Asia and Europe. In addition to the line of graphics based prints, embroidery, and sportswear oriented garments, the company HAZE has also consistently pushed the boundaries of the marriage between art, design and product, producing limited editions of jewelry, furniture, posters, skateboards and accessories.
Having relocated his studio and company headquarters back to New York City in 2005, Haze continues to direct his international clothing brand and product line, while also maintaining his individual involvement in various art and design projects worldwide. Recent collaborations and products include sneaker designs for Nike and New Balance, a G-Shock watch for Casio, a Bearbrick design for Medicom Toys, and a custom show car for Toyota / Scion.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

-Andy Jenkins-

To hear him say it, the crux of Andy Jenkins’s current work lies in his guilt. The guilt of one human’s consumption in a culture of excess. How does he channel this guilt? The man is a creative pack rat of amazing proportions. He saves every scrap of paper he comes in contact with. In 1995 he began using these notes, receipts, business cards, paper bags, envelopes in a series of works loosely entitled the “Post Consumption Guilt” series. You could call it a sort of recycling as the found objects background fodder for his neurotic, intricate, line art. Some pieces stand individually and others are actually sewn together into large paper “quilts”. He continues to nurture and refine this idea of regeneration today in his current series of paintings entitled “Ugly Beauty” after the composition by Thelonious Monk. Jenkins is also considering venturing into 3 dimension, as his home studio is being over-run with found objects as well.
“ A few years ago I did a couple of... I guess you could call them sculptures, but they were really, toys. Dangerous toys made out of metal scraps, nails and various junk. I think I need to go there again before my wife kicks me out of the house with all my collections.”
Most nights, you can find him hunched over his work on the floor of his kitchen studio or behind the keyboard of his laptop. If you’re curious what he does during the day, he’s been the creative director for the Girl Skateboard Company since it’s inception in 1993. To find out more or see some of his current work and projects, visit his personal web site at bendpress.com, or the Art Dump Collective site, theartdump.com, or the Girl umbrella site, crailtap.com. Busy man, the Jenkins character.
— Carl Sanger

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

-Ghariokwu Lemi-

is surely one of Africa’s best-kept secrets, a self taught illustrator, graphic designer and songwriter, what more could we ask for.
He has gone on to be a pioneer in his field of art and taught many students his ideology of art.
Lemi has created over 2000 album covers in his 30 year career and has received many awards, including: Nigeria Music Award, Fame Music Award and Sleeve Designer of the Year Award.
Some of his most well known covers were for Nigerian musical legend and creator of Afrobeat, Fela Anikulapo Kuti.
In July 2003, he participated in “Black President: The Art and Legacy of Fela Anikulapo Kuti” in NYC, contributing 13 pieces of all original art.
On this trip the president of MTV, commissioned Lemi to paint his first painting on American soil. “Everybody’s Gotta Be Somebody” which then inspired film of the same name, which was screened at the Spitz Gallery (NYC) in October 2004.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:52 AM | 显示全部楼层

-Mister Cartoon-

Born & Raised in Los Angeles, Mister Cartoon was Introduced to design through his rudimentary career as a graffiti artist in the 80’s.
He has since found his calling in hip-hop culture through the creation of tattoo art, magazines, album covers, backdrops for music videos and TV shows, and the trunks of lowriders. His style of art and fine line tattooing was invented in the prison system but was popularized on the street in the 70’s. His artwork revered, Cartoon is a member of the Soul Assassins family of artists.
U.S. magazines that have featured Cartoon’s work include Rolling Stone, Details, Detour, Vibe, XXL, Hustler Source, V America, Lowrider, Fine, Burst, H Magazine, Tokion; and the UK magazines Loaded and FHM.
Cartoon has done album covers, logos and or advertising material for Snoop Dogg, D12, Eazy E, Clipse, Cypress Hill, Shady Records, Stussy, Supreme, Tribal Streetwear, Black Flys, X- Large, and Joker Brand Clothing.
His intricate art has been inscribed on the bodies of Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, Lloyd Banks, Mobb Deep, Cypress Hill, Method Man, Beyoncé, Fat Joe, and Kanye West.
He has exhibited in LA, NY, Tokyo, and London. Most recently at Nike’s Blue house in Venice, CA. Where he broke the style barriers with the first ever, limited lowrider Nike Cortez’s and AF1’s. To be release at the end of 2004 throughout 2005.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-1-2007 05:53 AM | 显示全部楼层

-Tetsu Nishiyama a.k.a. TET-

Born 1974, Tokyo Japan.

W)TAPS designer
• Chief Editor for “PHILOSOPHY ZINE”
• Creative Director of BLACKFLAG, which opened in the Aoyama district of Tokyo in 2005. His clothing career started in 1993, working side by side with SK8THING on the 40% AGAINST RIGHT label. In 1996, he started W) TAPS which is reknown for military based styling and unparalleled garment quality. He also developed the CARGO line of and highly functional concept bags and accessories with YOSHIDA KABAN.
TET has covered alot of ground outside of W) TAPS as well. His work was featured in the UNDERCOVER 2000 S/S collection in 1999, and in the same year he curated the experimental exhibition of Harajuku-based artists, photographers and label directors entitled MOUT. TET followed up with a “MOUT- exclusive” in 2000, directing the legendary COMMAND Z exhibition featuring FUTURA, STASH and other international and Japanese artists and labels. TET’s own artwork reflecting his experiences and relationships was exhibited at JFA in 2004. Whether directing ad campaigns or taking on outside design projects TET is always expanding his sphere of creativity.

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发表于 31-1-2007 03:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 31-1-2007 06:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 pp: 于 31-1-2007 06:52 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 3-2-2007 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
有了啦。。不过不算专卖店。。timesquare 6th楼的showroom就有出售
sg wang 6th楼也有一间showroom不过那间只有衣服。。

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 楼主| 发表于 5-2-2007 03:22 AM | 显示全部楼层

大家可以在Queenbay Mall买到这些Stussy的衣哦!!

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发表于 5-2-2007 08:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 5-2-2007 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 天堂之门 于 5-2-2007 08:43 PM 发表

world tour是RM299

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发表于 6-2-2007 12:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 玉勋 于 5-2-2007 11:29 PM 发表

world tour是RM299


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 楼主| 发表于 7-2-2007 12:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pp: 于 6-2-2007 12:12 AM 发表


啊??说错了哦!!is RM199
虽然不是专门店,但是在SHOWROOM是可以找到最多的STUSSY TEE & WORLD TOUR了!!

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发表于 7-2-2007 07:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 玉勋 于 7-2-2007 12:41 AM 发表

啊??说错了哦!!is RM199
虽然不是专门店,但是在SHOWROOM是可以找到最多的STUSSY TEE & WORLD TOUR了!!


[ 本帖最后由 pp: 于 7-2-2007 07:28 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 7-2-2007 08:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pp: 于 7-2-2007 07:23 PM 发表



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