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hi, my name is steven.....in the currently i facing a problem.....
i not so sure to do this program, can you help me ???
thank you
Create an application, which helps manage the in-course assessments of an intake in APIIT. The program is meant for lecturers to key-in and view the marks of any assessment of the students. Take the assessments planned for your intake and design a system whereby marks can be entered and viewed for all 10 students in your class.
The menus below would help you understand the requirements of the system.
Main menu
FF0472 In-course Assessments
1. Test 1
2. Assignment
3. Test 2
Test 1
1. Enter marks
2. View marks
3. Back to Main Menu
Similar screens must be provided for the Assignment and Test 2 options provided the menu structure above has been followed. If however the menu screens above were changed, then consistency between the screens should be maintained. The program should be made to exit only from the main menu.
For Enter marks option, the user must be given a prompt after entering a student’s mark to continue or to go back to the previous menu. Therefore, the user need not enter ALL marks in one go. However, the menu could be modified (options added) to allow the user to enter all the marks of all the students at a go.
The View marks option must display all the marks entered so far, for the particular assessment. The marks may be displayed based on a certain order i.e. by name or average/grade. There may be several options given to the user on how the user would like to view the marks. (The design of the program is up to the student. Any extra options included would be awarded marks accordingly.) To calculate the grade, use the given criteria:
Mark Grade
0 >= x < 40 Fail
40>= x < 55 Pass
55>= x < 70 Credit
70>= x < 85 Merit
85>= x <= 100 Distinction
This grading system is used to calculate the grade of the individual subject as well as the overall grade scored by the student for all subjects, after calculating the average.
Note: The program must not take in marks for more than the stated 10 students. Appropriate validations need to be included to ensure the accuracy of the system.
Your program must be modular, user-friendly using programming techniques that you have learnt. Global variables can be declared provided their usage in all the functions declared below it, is justified. There should be no need for graphics in your program, as what is being assessed, is your programming skill not the interface design. The marking scheme for the assignment has been provided so that you clearly know how the assessment for this assignment would be done.
You need to submit the following:
1. A simple user guide with screen shots of the program.
2. The source code which is self documenting.
3. The algorithm is in the form of pseudo code but the menus and the student grades algorithm segments are to be shown using flowchart.
[B][/B] |
发表于 11-3-2006 12:09 AM
任何于4/9/05发新帖的网友,或在楼主没放出答案前情形下帮忙的网友,违例者一律惩罚扣除 10 积分。
4/9/2005启 |
发表于 11-3-2006 07:16 AM
发表于 11-3-2006 08:54 AM
先尝试做做看,真的不明白了才问。拿你做出来的问题问人,而不是丢问题给人。这样比较有学到东西。 |
发表于 12-3-2006 01:09 AM
发表于 13-3-2006 06:53 PM
我也是过来人了,这系统其实不难,用点心机去尝试吧,别老想要免费的午餐。 |
发表于 13-3-2006 07:42 PM
我也是在做同样的功课 |
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