本帖最后由 plouffle0789 于 8-3-2021 09:43 PM 编辑
所以,他们有拿到off in lieu????
https://www.mom.gov.sg/-/media/m ... t-laws-mandarin.pdf
您每年应享有11天有薪公共假期 。 如果您须在公共 假期工作, 您的雇主应该给您多一天的工资, 或让您 在另一天补假。
Public holidays falling on a rest day or non-working dayIn accordance with the Employment Act, if a public holiday falls on a non-working day, you are entitled to another day off
If you are on a 5-day work week, Saturday would be considered your non-working day.
For a public holiday that falls on a Saturday, you should get either a day off or salary in lieu.
If a public holiday falls on your rest day, the following working day will be a paid public holiday.
If you are not covered by the Employment Act, it will be according to the terms of your employment contract.
请问去年的屠妖节-14 November 2020 (Saturday),星期一我需要去公司工作,我11月的薪水一样,没有增加。 但是,公司有给我一天年假。 公司不是还要给我一天的底薪(公假在我的休假日)吗???