【台北旅遊攻略】烏來瀑布,走吊橋、搭台車、踩老街、看瀑布、泡溫泉,深入泰雅族文化的知性旅遊│Wulai Waterfall and Atayal Aboriginal Village.
「親子長青這樣玩」來到了烏來瀑布, 如果你有來到台北, 這是必來的景點之一, 可以感受和十分瀑布不一樣的大自然奇景, 來到烏來也可以了解到台灣原住民泰雅族的文化。
影片提供廁所、電梯、座椅、路線資訊, 使用雙北敬老卡坐捷運從台北車站搭到新店站扣12點, 再轉搭公車849到烏來站下車扣4點, 有任何問題可以在下面留言, 芭樂媽會和你一起交流。
【烏來瀑布】 地址:233新北市烏來區瀑布路16號 電話:02-2661 6942 開放時間:全年開放
【烏來瀑布遊客中心】 地址:新北市烏來區瀑布路34號 電話:02-2661 2942 開放時間:08:00-17:00
【烏來觀光台車】 乘車處:新北市烏來區烏來街(烏來攬勝大橋與溫泉路口交會處)、烏來林業生活館旁 洽詢電話:02-26617826 開放時間:平日 08:00-17:00;(7~8月) 09:00-18:00
【烏來立體停車場】 地址:新北市烏來區烏來街47號 電話:02-2661 7410 開放時間:全年開放
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit. We are going to Wulai Waterfall. The Wulai Waterfall with a height difference of up to 80m at the intersection of the Wulai River and Nanshi River is the most famous attraction in Wulai. Visitors are recommended to visit there in the afternoon to enjoy the glittering sunshine flickering above the water. The sound and power of the fall are also great for visitors to relieve stress in daily life.
The “Wulai Waterfall” with a height difference of up to 80m is known as “the waterfall with the largest height difference in Taiwan”. Water falls from the height down to the river valley like a rainbow. In the Japanese colonial period, it was called the “waterfall from the cloud”.
Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Xindian Station will deduct 12 points. And then take bus 849 to Wulai Station deduct 4 points.
Have any questions, please leave a message below. I will reply you.
Turn on CC subtitles, If you have any questions about the practice, Welcome to leave a message below!