【台北旅遊攻略】硫磺谷泡腳池園區,北投天然白磺泉足湯,白煙繚繞熱氣逼人的龍鳳谷與硫磺谷,捷運公車路線│Liuhuanggu Sulfur Valley Geothermal Scenic Area in Yangmingshan National Park.
我們推出了一系列「長青族這樣玩」的單元, 我們帶大家到北投硫磺谷泡腳池園區, 走進天然的白磺泉裡面泡足湯, 真的是一大享受啊! 泡完腳還可以去看看龍鳳谷和硫磺谷喔! 影片告訴你詳細的廁所、座椅、電梯、路線資訊, 使用雙北敬老卡坐捷運從台北車站搭到北投站扣12點, 再轉搭小9或小7公車到彌陀寺站扣4點, 有任何問題可以在下面留言, 芭樂媽會和你一起交流~
小9公車路線時刻表/Small No.9 Bus Routes and Schedules:
小7公車路線時刻表/Small No.7 Bus Routes and Schedules:
【硫磺谷泡腳池園區】 地址:臺北市北投區泉源路77號斜對面(陽明山國家公園硫磺谷遊憩區內) 電話:02-2891-2105 (臺北市政府產業發展局) 泡腳池服務電話:0979-185878 開放時間: 週二~週日 08:00~18:00
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit. We are going to Liuhuanggu Sulfur Valley Geothermal Scenic Area in Yangmingshan National Park. You soaking foot is free of charge. Liuhuanggu and Longfenggu thermal valleys located further uphill in Yangmingshan National Park. Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Beitou Station will deduct 12 points. And then take bus to Mituo Temple Station deduct 4 points. Have any questions, please leave a message below. I will reply you.
Turn on CC subtitles, If you have any questions about the practice, Welcome to leave a message below!