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美国对中共不要谈判 只要制裁 核查中共难以执行

发表于 11-2-2019 01:55 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

以下是上文重点内容的英文翻译。欢迎转发,也欢迎将以下英文翻译转发给美国的政府,议会,或部分政客和议员,或美国国会及行政当局中国委员会"(Congressional-Executive Commission on China,简称CECC)。或转发给加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,欧洲部分国家的政府,议会,或部分政客和议员。如有用词不当的地方请作出修改。谢谢

Strongly recommended U.S. government not need negotiation with China government

(Welcome to read, share, or send the following article to U.S. government, parliament, or U.S. government officer, or U.S. senator. Or send the following article to Congressional-Executive Commission on China. Also welcome to send the following article to Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, some European countries' government, parliament, government officer or senator. If the following article have wrong or improper word, please modify. Thanks.)

For China government, strongly recommended U.S. government, USA will not need negotiation. Negotiation for China government, will not have any effect. China government initiate negotiation with USA repeatedly, whether this negotiation not have any effect, or China government pretend commitment to deceive U.S. trust, but China government will not fulfill commitment always. China government's purpose is delay! China government always pretend commitment, but actually, China government always refuse to fulfill any commitment. China government always not have any sincerity to fulfill commitment! China government's any commitment, all are deceive and lie!
If hope China government to implement protection intellectual property, hope China government to punish infringement of intellectual property rights, and hope China government to punish export drug to foreign etc., all are very unrealistic! China government not have any possibility, and not have any ability, to implement these!
If establish regular verification system for China, and will inspect China frequently, to force China government to reform unconditional. And the verification work for China, USA should dispatch reliable staff member to inspect China. But the problem are: China government can obstruct U.S. verification work, China government can prohibit U.S. inspector to enter China, China government can make fraud to deceive USA, China government have more and more legerdemain and trick to deceive U.S. verification. As the result, China government will not implement any reform! China government also can make excuse with China government's sovereignty and national security, can make excuse with not allow other country to interfere China's internal affairs, China government have many excuse to obstruct U.S. any verification work to China. So establish verification system for China, will be very very hard to implement, it's not feasible!
For example, if establish verification system, to examine China government whether implement to protect intellectual property or not, whether punish infringement of intellectual property rights or not, in fact, that are very very hard and impossible to examine. About no forced to transfer technology for foreign enterprises by administrative measures, even if China government claim not to force foreign enterprises to transfer technology, but in fact, China government can order foreign enterprises to transfer technology secretly, if foreign enterprises refuse to transfer technology, China government will look for trouble to foreign enterprises. China government still can steal foreign enterprises' technology.
China government's fundamental system, it decide China government not have any possibility to abandon state-owned enterprise's leading and monopoly. China government only want to grow state-owned enterprise.
China government always be good at deceive and lie. China government also be good at using procrastination. In Dec 2018 year, China president Jinping Xi said: "If should not reform project, refuse reform determined", this means: China government refuse any reform! China government refuse to abandon New Silk Road and "Made in China 2025". China government's fundamental system, it decide China government not have any possibility to reform!
Export drug and fentanyl to other countries, China spy, spy USA and many other countries' secret, steal other countries' technology and intellectual property, China hacker attack, force foreign enterprises to transfer technology, indulge infringement of intellectual property rights etc. All of these are instigated and indulged by China government! And all of these are caused by China government's evil and brutal system! China government export drug and fentanyl to USA and other countries, as Opium war, China government want many people in USA and in the world will be died or crippled by drug and fentanyl, so China government achieve one evil purpose is destroying USA, many other developed countries and civilization, and also China government achieve another evil purpose is weakening USA and other developed countries' comprehensive national strength!
China government also want to cheat and entice foreign enterprises or foreigner to invest in China. Soon, many foreign enterprises and entrepreneur will find they have been deceived by China government. At that time, China government will cause many trouble to foreign enterprises, will fine and punish foreign enterprises for no reason, foreign enterprise's technology will be stolen etc.. Because China government's strict foreign exchange control, many foreign enterprises' profit will be very very hard to transfer to their home country. After that, China government will make more trouble to foreign enterprises, will confiscate foreign enterprises' money and other property, will arrest foreign entrepreneur unlawful, some foreign entrepreneur will suffered cruel corporal punishment by China police.

So, USA not need negotiation with China government. Should sanction China government more severe! USA should not forgive China government resolute!
In Mar 2 2019 year, USA should increase China commodity's penalty tariff rates to 25% on schedule! USA and some other countries sanction China government, should be more severe than Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia! USA should cut any Economic exchanges to China, initiate cold war to China, until some areas in China will end Communist Party of China government's dictatorship!

Feb 11 2019 year


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  3.立即释放加拿大人谢伦伯格,并让他成立一个类似British East India Company,合法的把毒品运送到全世界,让全世界的瘾君子能享用到廉价的毒品。

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