米其林旅遊指南的三星級景點就在你身邊!! 國立海洋生物博物館自2000年開幕以來,就獲得無數多的獎項並吸引了成千上萬的遊客來拜訪。建築工程方面在2001年,榮獲美國傑出工程獎。2013年,在顧客服務與體驗上亦獲得天下雜誌金牌服務大賞「博物館類」首獎。此外更是米其林旅遊指南台灣三星級必遊景點!! National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA) Since its opening in 2000, it has earned a reputationwith number of visitors doubling every. The publics engineering constructionwon the first prize of the US national outstanding project award in 2001. The service quality was also affirmed ofwinning the first prize of the Commonwealth magazine gold medal service awardsin the museum category in 2013. Moreover it is rated as a three-star must-see attractionby the Michelin guide. 或許在得知海生館獲得這麼多獎項前,我們並不會特別注意他的建築設計、服務體驗等等,沒關係~讓我們再度拜訪屏東感受海生館的厲害吧!順便去墾丁玩也會是很好的選擇唷 Before you know that so many reward the NMMBA has get, I think youprobably not really focus on the building or service of it. But that’s not aproblem, why not visit there and try to focus on the thing I mentioned now? Also,it would be a great idea to drop in kenting. 新芽民宿是地理位置很好,很靠近海洋生物博物館的民宿,推薦給你們囉! Siya hostel is nextto National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, I recommended it for you.
【墾丁新芽民宿】 服務電話:+886-8-8899127、+886-9-26684801、+886-9-35490839 微信:ktsiya888或 ktsiya0935490839 地址:屏東縣恒春鎮大埔路48號 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ktsiya888 【KentingSiya Hostelry】 TEL:08-8899127 MOB:0926-684801、0935-490839 ADD:No.48, Dapu Rd, Hengchun Township, Kenting,Taiwan 94647 WEB:http://www.sineya.com.tw/multimedia1.html ---- 墾丁民宿,墾丁住宿,墾丁包棟住宿,墾丁民宿包棟,墾丁