上个月妹妹跟我说 「我们好久没一出去玩啰」 想想也是耶 所以就立马订了这礼拜的火车票 前往嘉义来个小旅行 My sister told me that we didn’t hang out for along time on the phone last week. Indeed, we were both busy these days. It was timeto take a rest. We booked the ticket to Chiayi immediately.
我和妹妹一直都很喜欢往山里跑 因为view很好 空气也很好 所以第一站我们找了圆潭自然生态园区 我们最喜欢这种 可以在清澈的海水中看到许多保育类鱼 沿着河流还可以看到很多瀑布的地方 We both like travel in the mountains, because theview is great and the air quality is much better. First station, we were in Yuan Tan naturalecological park. There were several protected species of fish can beseen swimming in the clear water, you can also see a number of waterfalls whenyou walking along the river.
来到奋起湖怎能不逛老街 这里有好多好吃好玩的东西 How could you miss taking a walk to the old streetof Fenchihu? You can found many interesting things and delicioussnack.
我和妹妹觉得最好吃的就是「爱玉伯ㄟ厝」 因为边吃爱玉搭边享受美景真是超级享受 各大媒体也都有介绍过 每一口都是纯天然手工 另外烤甜甜圈也是这里必吃的点心 Such as aiyu jelly and donuts. These snack are hitin Fenchihu. It was really joyful with good scenery and goodsnack here.
傍晚时候觉得走得有点累了 我和妹妹决定先去checkin 先回饭店休息 晚上再看状况决定夜游与否 We both felt a little bit tired in the afternoon,and then we decided to check in first. Whether we were going to have a night tour dependson the weather at that night.
这次我们住的是奋起湖大饭店 很平价cp值很高的一间饭店 而且下面就有一间7-11 真的是很方便哈哈 因为我们晚上就在7-11买了消夜 We stayed at the hotel named “Fenchihu Hotel” It is not expensive, and it does pretty convincehere. There’s a convince store downstairs, we boughtmidnight snack there, haha.
拿了钥匙后我们就很期待地去看我们的房间啦 因为听说是榻榻米日式床垫 跟我们一起来看看吧 We were sooo excited once we got the key of ourroom. Let me show you.
整间房间好干净 设备也很齐全 非常日式的风格 房间还放了一台除湿机 所以不会有潮湿的霉味可以放心~ The room is clean, well-equipped and Japanesestyle. There’s a dehumidifier in the room as well, so youdon’t need to worry about wet and musty.
我们的晚餐就是奋起湖最有名的铁路便当 从图片就可以看得整个餐盒非常丰盛 有一块排骨、一只鸡腿、半颗蛋还有一些蔬菜 我觉得排骨和鸡腿都很好吃都很入味! We also had famous lunchbox here. The most famous meal that almost everyone gets inFenqihu is the traditional railway lunch box. It was really sumptuous, with 2 big fat pieces ofmeat, half a braised egg and lots of vegetables. I thought the chicken drumstick and the pork chop weretaste nice.
第二天我们玩「达娜伊谷自然生态公园」 达娜伊谷在邹族语言中有「忘忧谷」的意思 是一座具有生态教育意义的地方 同时这里也是以保育鲷鱼为主的生态园区。 另外,这里每天有特定时间有邹族的表演活动 是一个邹族文化与生态保育倡导的多功能园区 这里真的是个很棒的地方 值得你亲自来一趟,你绝对不会失望的 On the second day , we were at” Tanayiku”. Tanayiku, meaning “worry-free valley” inTsou’slanguage and it is an ecological park, featuring ecological education andreserve of beams. They have already scheduled Tsou’s dancingperformances every day. It is indeed a multi-functional park for both ecologicaleducationand reserve of beams. You should visit here yourself; I think you won’tbe disappointed. 饭店信息 【奋起湖大饭店】 电话:05-2561888 【FenchihuHotel】 TEL:05-2561888 LINE ID:fenchihu_hotel ADD:No.178-1, Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County604, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 阿里山住宿,阿里山饭店,阿里山,奋起湖住宿,奋起湖