因为对以下问题准确回答,马国人在国际调查扬眉吐气,马国人个个眉飞色舞喜气洋洋,恭喜恭喜。 https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/2016-12/Perils-of-perception-2016.pdf
Out of every 100 people, abouthow many do you think are Muslim?
Now thinking about 2020, out ofevery 100 people, about how many do you think will be Muslim?
When asked in a survey, whatpercentage of people do you thinksaid that, taking all thingstogether, they are very happy or rather happy?
When asked in a survey, whatpercentage of people do you thinksaid they personally believe thathomosexuality ismorally unacceptable?
When asked in a survey, whatpercentage of people do you thinksaid they personally believe thatsex between unmarried adults ismorally unacceptable?
When asked in a survey, whatpercentage of people do you thinksaid they personally believe thathaving an abortion is morallyunacceptable?
Out of every 100 households, howmany are owned by someone wholives there?
And what do you think thepopulation in your country isprojected to be in 2050 by theUnited Nations?
Thinking about the upcoming USPresidential election, do you thinkthat Donald Trump or HillaryClinton will be electedas president?*