He was a lifesaver, a kayaking trainer and a lover of water sports. But that only made the circumstances of Mr Koh Kah Wei's death a bigger blow for Mr Moe Aripe, his mentor of 15 years.On Saturday, Mr Koh, 30, died doing what he loved.
He drowned while kayaking in white water with six friends in the Sungai Tesong in Perak. His body was found yesterday after a day's search. Mr Moe, 56, told The New Paper: "He was well-equipped to deal with all kinds of water situations. To die due to drowning is very shocking. I'm still in a state of disbelief." Adding that they had met up about two weeks ago, Mr Moe, who runs Angel Lifesaver School, said: "He must have been unconscious."
水上探险活动的狮城教练,在马国霹雳州划皮艇时撞漂流木翻覆后坠河溺毙,父亲今早悲痛表示曾劝儿子不要到马国,因马国最近是雨季,但儿子开玩笑答说:“不用担心,真的有事情警察会来找你的”,岂料一语成谶。 晚报昨日报道,30岁的顾佳伟(前译郭嘉伟),前天下午4时多在马来西亚霹雳州宋溪一带的河流划皮艇(kayaking)时发生意外。 据了解,事发时顾佳伟与六个朋友在划着皮艇,不过中途他的皮艇疑撞上漂流木导致翻覆,他就跌入水中,同伴试图拯救不果。