1 招聘职位(Vacancy) :快递员(Delivery staff) 学历要求(Education) :不限 (No limit) 要求(Requirements) :吃苦耐劳,自备交通工具摩托车, 会英文、华语 的优先聘用 (Hard-working, own bike, English & Mandarin priority of employment) 薪资待遇(Salary) :底薪+提成+奖金+保险 (Basic salary + Deduction wage + Bonus + Insurance) 年龄 (Age) :不限 (No limit) 工作时间(Work time) :9:00-6:30 面试方式 (Interview) :公司面试 (Company interview) 招聘人数 (Hiring) :5--15人 (5-15 person) 2 招聘职位(Vacancy) :市场推广专员(Marketing specialist) 学历要求(Education) :大专或本科以上(College degree or above) 要求(Requirements) :有过市场销售方面工作经验的优先 中国留学生优先,有私人用车的优先 (Working experience in marketing, Chinese students preferred, private car priority) 薪资待遇(Salary) :底薪+提成+奖金+保险 (Basic salary + Deduction wage + Bonus + Insurance) 年龄 (Age) :不限 (No limit) 工作时间(Work time) :9:00-6:30 面试方式 (Interview) :公司面试 (Company interview) 招聘人数 (Hiring) :5--10人 (5-10 person) 3 招聘职位(Vacancy) :用户推广专员(兼职) (User development specialist/part time) 学历要求(Education) :不限(No limit) 要求(Requirements) :在校大学生优先,中国留学生学生会优先 (College students preferred. Chinese students will be a priority in the student union) 薪资待遇(Salary) :面议 (Negotiable) 年龄 (Age) :不限 (No limit) 工作时间(Work time) :不限 (No limit) 面试方式 (Interview) :公司面试 (Company interview) 招聘人数 (Hiring) :20-50人 (20-50 person) 4 招聘职位(Vacancy) :市场经理助理(Assistant to Marketing Manager) 学历要求(Education) :大专或本科以上(College degree or above) 要求(Requirements) :有市场工作经验者优先,马来西亚华人优先 (Market working experience is preferred. Malaysia Chinese is preferred) 薪资待遇(Salary) :底薪+提成+奖金+保险 (Basic salary + Deduction wage + Bonus + Insurance) 年龄 (Age) :38岁一下 (38 or less) 工作时间(Work time) :9:00-6:30 面试方式 (Interview) :公司面试 (Company interview) 招聘人数 (Hiring) :1-3人 (1-3 person) 5 招聘职位(Vacancy) :互联网维护专员(Internet maintenance specialist) 学历要求(Education) : 本科以上(Bachelor degree above) 要求(Requirements) :维护互联网正常运行,设置防火墙,编写编程等, 有过网络管理方面工作经验者优先,中国留学生 相关专业优先 (To maintain the normal operation of the Internet, set up a firewall, write programming, etc., have had the experience of network management is preferred, Chinese students related professional priority) 薪资待遇(Salary) :面议 (Negotiable) 年龄 (Age) :不限 (No limit) 工作时间(Work time) :9:00-6:30 面试方式 (Interview) :公司面试 (Company interview) 招聘人数 (Hiring) :1-2人 (1-2 person) 请把个人简历发送到公司邮箱。 公司会尽快和您取得联系! 联系人:MR.WANG 办公电话:(+6)03-793-22266 松鼠快运 Squirrel Delivery