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发表于 27-8-2016 07:03 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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马哈摩嘎喇那(Mahamoggallana)以天眼观察业报法则的运作。他一次次看见人们如何造恶业伤害自己的同胞,转生饿鬼道,并在那里承受更多痛苦,而修善与正直的人则转生到天界。他经常揭发这些事,以阐明业报法则。这些报告都收集在巴利藏经中的两部经中,一部是《饿鬼事经》(Petavattbu,共五十一则),另一本则是《天宫事经》(Vimanavattbu,共八十五则)。————何慕斯.海克(Hellmuth Heeker)撰,《神通大师——马哈摩嘎喇那》


第一椅子品,象天宫(The Elephant Mansion),第2楼
第一椅子品,灯火天宫(Lamp Mansion),第3楼
第一椅子品,贞淑女天宫(Caste Wife Mansion),第4楼
第一椅子品,师利摩女天宫(Sarima's mansion),第5楼
第一椅子品,结发女天宫(Kesakari's Mansion),第6楼
第二兹他拉他园品,苏娜汀那女天宫(Sonadinna's Mansion)第8楼
第二兹他拉他园品,乌婆萨他女天宫(Uposatha's Mansion),第9楼
第二兹他拉他园品,食施女天宫(Almsgiver's Mansion),第10楼
第三昼度树品,优天宫(The Splendid Mansion),第11楼
第四深红品,礼拜天宫(Hounoring Mansion),第12楼
第五大车品,蛙天宫(Frog Deva's Mansion), 第13楼
第五大车品,针天宫(Needle Mansion), 第14楼

愿以分享此文功德,回向一切众生,回向一切人天二道众生,愿他们福慧增上,回向无上菩提,回向四众和合,回向正法久住。Sadhu x 3


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
(-_-) + 5 随喜功德~



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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 08:27 PM | 显示全部楼层



五 象天宫

一 「汝之象,大象装饰种种宝石,美雅力强,迅速行虚空。
二 莲华色并具莲叶眼,红莲华、青莲华之华鬘辉,莲叶花瓣着全身,挂金色莲华之华鬘。
三 莲华撒满道路,象为莲华叶所装饰、壮力发快音、不动摇,稳健之步伐行进于道路。
四 象之行步,金铃声快响,其声如闻五支乐器之音。
五 象体挂美雅之布饰,容色光辉胜于天女群。
六 汝之布施果、戒果、合掌业之果耶?问汝请语我。」
七 女神今受目连问,充满欢喜悦,解说其所问,如何得业果。
八 「具足静虑德、乐于静虑、见寂静人,以衣装饰,布佩坐椅而布施。
九 我喜自随手遍饰莲华座、以莲叶覆被。
一○ 我恭敬、尊重、供养诸天,我今得如是善业果。
一一 谁正解脱、寂静、修梵行者,欢喜以座布施彼者,恰如我欢喜。
一二 是故希望己利益,愿求得大果报者,应布施彼座于最后身之〔应供者〕。」

The Elephant Mansion

The blessed on was dwelling at Rajagaha at the squirrels feeding place in Bamboo Grove. Now one day a festival was pro-claimed in the city of Rajagaha. Everyone, dressed in the best he had, took part in the festivities.

Now the great King Bimbisara, to preserve the goodwill of the people, went out from the palace and make ceremonial circuit of the town with great pomp and splendour.

At that time a woman of good birth, a resident of Rajagaha, saw the pomp of the king and, filled with wonder, she asked those who were known to be learn, "By what sort of deed of merit is this display of wealth of divine splendour acquired?"

They said to her, "My dear, a deed of merit is like the jewel that grants desires, like the wish-conferring tree."

When she heard than she said to herself, "I see that divine efficiency is greater than that (recompensense for making various gifts)," and she became very earnest in the performance of deed of merit.

Now her mother and father sent a new suit of clothes, a new seat, a bunch of lotuses, and ghee, honey, sugar, rice and milk for her to enjoy. When she saw them se said, "I went to give alms, and now this which is a gift worth giving has become mine," and with a happy heart she prepared her alms, her house, herself on the next day.

At that time the Venerable Sariputta, walking for alms in Rajagaha, entered a street with the bearing of one who was laying down a purse of thousand pieces. Now the woman's maid saw the elder and said, "Reverend sir, give me your bowl," and added, "As a favour to a laywoman follower, come this way." The elder gave her his bowl. She conducted him to the house. Then the woman welcomed and served the elder. And as she was serving she made an aspiration, "Throught the power of this meritorious deed of mine may there be deva-like splendours, resplendent with deva-like elephants, pinnacled houses and divans, and may it on no ocassion be without lotuses." Then when the elder has finished his meal, she washed the bowl and filling it with ghee, honey, sugar and so on, made bundle of the cloth which has been spread over the seat, and put it in the hand of the elder. After the elder had taken leave, she gave orders to two men, "Take this couch and the bowl to the monastery, give them to the elder, and return." They did so. Afterwards she died and ws reborn in the realm of the thirty three in a golden mansion a hundred yojanas in height and had a retinue of a thousand nymphs. And becuase of her aspiration a noble elephant five yojanas in height arose for her, festooned with lotus garlands and decked with golden trappings.

Now on a festival day when devas were going, each by means of teh form of deva like power which was his own, to Nandana Grove for amusement in the pleasaunce...

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 08:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 27-8-2016 10:40 PM 编辑




九 灯火天宫
一 「女神!汝殊胜容光照十方,恰如晓天明星。
二 依何汝有是容色?缘何汝得此天宫享善果?又可意财宝为汝生耶?
三 女神!汝依何有无垢胜他光辉?缘何汝以全身辉耀十方?
四 女神!大威神者!我问汝,于人间时造何福业耶?」
五 女神今受目连问,充满欢喜悦,解说所问,如何得业果。

七 暗夜需灯火时,与灯火者,不论是谁于彼当有多宝珠、多华、多莲华而生天宫。
八 我依此有是容色,由此我得此天宫享善果,又可意财宝为我生。
九 我依此得无垢光耀胜他人,因此我以全身光辉照十方。
一○ 比丘!大威神者!我告汝,我于人间时,因造此福业有如是之辉光,我之容光耀十方。」

Lamp Mansion

When the blessed on was dwelling at Savathhi, upon an observance day many lay followers, both men and women, in observance of the day performed their almsgiving in the forenoon, each in accordance with his means, had their meal in time and, dressed in clean garments with clean mantles and with perfumes and flowers in their hands, went in the afternoon to the monastery, attended on the monks who inspire the mind, and in the evening listend to dharma. While they were still listening and wanted to stay (overnight) in the monastery, it became dark. Then a certain woman though, "They ought to light a lamp here," and she had a lamp and thing to light it with brought from her own house, lit the lamp, placed it in front of dhamma seat and listen to dharma. Pleased by her gift of the lamp she became filed with joy and happiness and after paying homage went to her home. Afterward she died and was reborn in the realm of the thirty three in the a mansion of brilliant jewels. But the luminance of her body was very great, she outshone to other devas and diffused radiance in the ten directions.


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2016 10:53 PM | 显示全部楼层



一一 贞淑女天宫

一 「天上苍鹭、天上孔雀、水鸟悦声鸣,郭公起飞舞,天宫花饰诚美丽,诸种庄严人亲近。
二 女神!大威神者!坐其处,现神通、现种种身,此等汝之诸天女,均得载歌载舞诚愉快。
三 大威神者!汝得神通,于人间时,造何福业?缘何汝有如是之辉光?汝之容色耀十方?
四 女神今受目连问,充满欢喜悦,解说所问,如何得业果。
五 「我于世间人中时,为妻贞淑无异心。保护母与子,怒时亦无粗恶语。
六 安住真理而舍妄语,欢欣布施具愍情,心存欢喜、恭敬,并以食物、饮料行大布施。
七 依此我有是容色,缘此我得此天宫享善果,又可意财宝为我生。
八 比丘!大威神者!我告汝,我于世间人中时,因造此福业而有如是之辉光,我之容色耀十方。」

Caste Wife Mansion

The blessed one was dwelling at Savatthi. In that city there was a chaste wife. She lieved in harmony with her husband, was patient and intelligent; she did not scold, even when angry; she was of gentle speech, truthful, filled with belief, and she gave alms according to her means. Afflicted by some sort of disease she died and was reborn among the Thirty Three. The rest is just as has been told.


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 楼主| 发表于 28-8-2016 12:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 29-8-2016 11:32 PM 编辑




一六 师利摩女天宫

一 「最上装饰汝之马,拉车力壮直往空中去。五百之车汝所作,驭者鞭马以运行。
二 汝立装饰胜车前,辉煌如火之遍照。纤美者!无上丽容者!我今问汝:汝何故由诸天来亲近无上正等觉。」

三 「最上欲乐具足而无上,由化乐诸天化作天神之快乐,愿以天女之容姿,为归命无上正等觉者而来此处。」
四 「前生于世间生何善业?依何汝有无量名声而乐增长耶?又汝以最上神通力行空中?汝之容色耀十方?
五 汝为诸天尊敬围绕,女神!汝由何处死,而来此善趣?汝遵谁之教法?汝若佛弟子者,请告我。」
六 「山间所建最胜城(王舍城)而具祥者最胜王(频毗婆罗)之侍女以舞蹈、师利摩最善巧之音乐,素为王舍城所周知。
七 诸仙中之牛王,调伏者佛陀,为我说无常集谛与苦谛,无为常住苦灭谛以及端直无邪曲,此是安隐之道谛。
八 我闻无为不死道,如来无上之教法,守戒为最胜,我安住人中最胜佛所说之法。
九 依无上如来之所说,以知无为无垢道,直入奢摩多定,我得最上决定性。
一○ 我得殊胜不死道,对〔三宝〕有一向〔信〕,依圣谛现观得胜进、无疑惑,受众人之供养享大欢喜。
一一 我飨(味)如是1不死味之女神,为最胜者如来之弟子,见法、住立于初果,为预流而不再往恶趣。
一二 我为礼拜无上正等觉而来,清净豫乐诸比丘,归命安静沙门之集会,彼等尊敬具祥法王。
一三 我见牟尼深处喜、满足、最胜调御师、断渴爱、豫悦调伏者,以最胜之利益饶益有情,故我礼拜彼如来。」

Sarima's mansion

The blessed one was dwelling at Rajagaha...and at that time Sirima, the courteza mentioned above in the preceeding story, had abadoned her pure profession because of her attainment of the fruit of stream entry and had begun to give alms daily to eight member of the order chosen by ticket. From the beginning, eight monks came daily to her house...Now when one of the monks had heard the account of her charms, although he had not seen her, by merely hearing about her he fell in love, and thinkging to himself, "I wan to go and see her,"...But at the very moment when the monk who had dined the day before had gone away a disease arose in Sirima's body... Unable to take the bowls with her own hand or invite the monks to be seated, she gave order to her serving women...."Put your arms around me and lead me in. I will greet the reverend gentlemen,"... when the monk saw her he thought, "Even though ill this woman has radiant beauty, so when she is in health, ...what must her beuaty be like?" ... In the evening of that very day Sirima died. The king sent a message to the Teacher...When the teacher heard it he sent a message to the king, "Sirima's body is not to be cremated. Have her set down in the place of the unburned bodies and keep guard so that crows and so forth may not devour her." The king did so. Three days passed in succesion, and the fourth day the body swelled up. From the nine apertures maggots oozed forth. The entire body was like a pot of broken rice... The teacher annouce d to the monks, "We will go to look at Sirima." ..."Well then, have a proclamation drummed through the town that anyone may have Sirima for a thousand kahapanas." The king had this done. There was not even one who so much as said "Yes" or "No" to this offer..."Well then, great king, lower the price."..."TAke her for nothing." Even then there was no one who said so much as "yes" or "no" to the offer... The teacher said, "See, O monks, a woman greated loved by the world . In this very city formerly they gave a thousand kahapanas for one day with her, now there is no one who will have her even for nothing. Such is beauty, full of corruption and decay, mada attractive only by adornments placed upon it, a mass of sores by reasons of the nice festering orifices, held together by three hundreds bones, forever ailling, the topc of many a thought because the foolish world contemplates on it, a non-lasting body."...At the end of the teaching, the monk who had been in love with Sirima became devoid of his passion of infatuation; he developed insight and achieved arahatship. Eighty four thousand human being realized dharma. At that time Sirima, the deva-maiden, had contemplated her success and prosperity, and as she was contemplating the place from which shed had come she saw the blessed on surrounded by the order of monks and the crowd of people all assembled beside her own body. And surrounded by her five hundreds deva-maidens with five hundreds chariots, she arrived in visible form, desceneded from her chariot, paid homage to the blessed one with her retinue and stood in an atitutude of devotion. At the time the venerable VAngisa was standing near the blessed one. He said to the blessed one, "O Blessed one, I should like to ask a question."....


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 楼主| 发表于 28-8-2016 11:20 AM | 显示全部楼层



一七 结发女天宫

一 此一天宫其辉丽,有琉璃之柱所精造,金色树木遍被此处,为我业果所生。
二 其处此等百千前生天女生,汝依自业而生此处各有名声,汝前生之女神辉耀。
三 恰如明月光辉胜群星,星王(月)之光胜星群。如是汝此光辉,胜于天女群。
四 「无上丽容者!汝由何处来此处?汝生于我此之世界?梵天帝释共三十三天皆不欢喜汝之出现。」
五 「帝释!汝今问我,由何处死而生来此世,我于迦尸国有名之波罗奈都,我前生于此为结发女。

七  「我等如是随喜汝,随喜汝善来此,汝依法及名声而光辉。心喜佛法与僧伽,一向归依、心无疑、不破学处、得胜果,等觉之法决定无退转。」

Kesakari's Mansion

The blessed one was dwelling at Baranasi, in the deer park at Isipatana. In the morning the monk dressed, took bowl and robe and entered Baranasi. They went near the door of a certain brahman's house. In that house the brahman's daughter, Kesakari by name.... the brahman's daughter asked him (A monk who has atteined the fruit), "It is possible for us too to partake in the advantage and benefit you have told about, through dependence upon the refuges and the precepts?"

"Why not?" he said, "To be shared by all a these thing which the bless one has spoken," and he gave her the refuges and the precepts. When she had accepted the refuges and has undertaken to observe the precepts, then she said, "What is there further to be done beside this?".

Observing his intelligence he thought to himself, "She must be one of those who has the qualifications," and, explaining the nature of the body, he spoke of the objects of meditation which are its 32 constituents; he aroused disgust in her for the body, and in addition, having moved her with a talk on dharma connected with impermanence and so forth, he pointed out the way to insight and left her.

She took to heart all he has said, and with her thoughts composed by the realization of the impurity of the body, she developed insight an before long won the fruit of stream entry on account of her attainment of the qualification.

Then later, she died and was reborn as a maiden attendant upon Sakka, king of devas. Her retinue was a hundred thousand nymphs. When Sakka saw her, he, astonished and admiring, asked her what deed of merit she has done.


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发表于 28-8-2016 08:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
谷成 发表于 27-8-2016 08:42 PM

九 灯火天宫
一 「女神!汝殊胜容光照十方,恰如晓天明星。
二 依何汝有是容色?缘何汝得此天宫享善果?又可意财宝为汝生耶?
三 女神!汝依何有无垢胜他 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 28-8-2016 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 28-8-2016 09:29 PM 编辑




二三 苏娜汀那女天宫

一 「女神!依汝优胜之容色照十方,恰如晓天之明星。

二 依何汝有如是之容色?汝缘何于此天宫享善果?又可意财宝为汝生耶?

三 女神!有大威神者!我问汝,汝于人间时,造何等福业?依何汝得有如是之辉光?汝之容光耀十方。」

四 女神受目连问,充满欢喜悦,解说其所问,如何得业果耶。

五 「我住那烂陀城中,名苏娜汀那优婆夷,有信仰、具足戒、常喜布施





一○~一一 依此我有如是之容色……乃至……我之容色耀十方。」

Sonadinna's Mansion

The blessed one was dwelling in Savathhi, in Jetavana. At that time in Nalanda a laywoman follower named Sonadinna, a believer and having faith, hospitably and with constant moral habit and great purity waited on the monkes with four requisites, and observed the observance consisting of eightfold (precepts). She had the benefit of hearing dharma and becaused she was possessed of the qualitifcation, developing the four truths as her topic of meditation, she became a stream entrant. Then, afflicted by a certain disease, she died and arose among the thirty three.


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 楼主| 发表于 28-8-2016 09:28 PM | 显示全部楼层



这位乌婆萨他女也是入流者。目犍连尊者在天上时问他说,会在她的天宫住多久,她说将在天宫住上3千6万年(3 crore 是印度的计算单位,我查了是等于3千万年,以下中文翻译成3亿年,或许可能有误)后,回到人间与人类为伴。尊者告诉她,请别担忧,佛陀已经宣布你证初果了,不会再降生到恶道之中。


一 「女神!汝之优美容色照十方,恰如晓天之明星。

二~四 依何汝有如是容色……乃至……」

五 「我住沙枳多,名乌婆沙他优婆夷,有信仰、具足戒、常喜布施。

六 对心正直之人,常喜施与衣服、饮食、床座、灯具等。

七 于月半之十四、十五及初八日,又于神变月具足八支住于布萨。

八 常守戒行,远离杀生,克制妄语。

九 远离偷盗、邪行及饮酒,喜五学处,通达圣谛,是有名声瞿昙之优婆夷。

一○~一一 缘此我得有如是之容色……乃至……我之容色耀十方。」

一二 「欢喜园事常得闻,我愿生彼处,心向往生彼欢喜园中。

一三 我不遵日种佛之言,心向卑俗生后悔。」

一四 「乌婆萨他!汝由几何时,住此处之天宫耶?女神!此问汝语我,若要得知年寿。」

一五 三亿六万年,住立此处后,大牟尼!将由此处去,当为人间之伙伴。

一六 乌婆萨他!汝勿得恐惧,由等觉者当为汝授记,汝精进成就预流,汝将舍离〔一切之〕恶趣。」

Uposatha's Mansion

This is similar to the forgoing mansion, with the differences that here Uposatha was a laywoman follower at Saketa, and that, after she had explained to the venerable Maha-Moggallana how it had come about that her beauty now illumines all the quarters, she then told of a blemish of hers:

"Often I heard fo Nandana and yearning arose in me; my mind on it with longing set, I arose in Nandana.

I did not do the bidding of the teaching, the awekened one, kinsman of the sun; my mind was set on what was low for which I am a repenter later."

The elder said:

"How long a time, Uposatha, here in the Mansion will you dwell? Devata, whe asked, tell me if you know, how long will the life span be?"

She said:

"Sixty thousand years and three crores of years, abiding here, great sage; on deceasing from here I will go to companionship with human beings."

The elder said:

"Do not fear, Uposatha; you are declared by the self awakened one to be an eminent stream entrant; for you bad bourn is got rid of."


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 楼主| 发表于 29-8-2016 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层




一 「女神!汝之优美容色照十方,恰如晓天之明星。
二~四 依何汝有如是之容色……乃至……
五 「我前生于人界,于世间人中时,得见清净、无垢、无浊佛陀。
六 我喜欢亲手施与彼佛。

七~八 依此我有如是之容色……乃至……我之容色耀十方。」

Almsgiver's Mansion

The bless one was dwelling at Savatthi. And at that time in Uttaramadhura was a certain woman whose span of life had come to an end and who was due for rebirth in a state of woe. As the blessed one, towards dawn, was emerging from an attainment of great compassion, and was surveying the world he saw that woman. Desiring to establish her in a good bourn, he went alone to Madhura and entered the outskirts of the town in search of alms.

And at that time the woman had prepared food in her home, had set it aside, gone to the watering place with a pitcher, and bathed. She was returning home with pitcher full when she saw blessed one, and said, "Perhaps the reverend sir has already received alms?“ and when the blessed one said, "We shall receive," she knew that he had not yet received alms. So he set down her pitcher, went up to the blessed one, paid homage to him and said, "Reverend sir, I will make an almsgiving. Permit me,” The blessed one gave consent by keeping silent, She, knowing his consent, went on ahead, prepared a set in a place sprinkled and swept and stood watching for his arrival. He went in and sat down.

She gave him to eat, and sat down. When his meal was finished and his hand withdraw from bowl, the blessed one gave thanks to her and went on his way. She heard his benediction and, experiencing great joy and happiness, not losing the joy caused by the Buddha, stood doing homage until he has passed out of view. After the passage of only a few days, she died and was reborn in the realm of the thirty three.

Now the venerable Maha-Moggallana, as he was touring among devas and with the great majesty of devas was enjoying a deva-like spendour, limit of which cannot be set even with a Buddha's knowledge. He inquired in these vers about the deed done by her.

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 楼主| 发表于 29-8-2016 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层




一 「汝之名声优胜,汝之容色照十方,美饰天女天子等,载歌载舞。
二 女神!彼等喜乐尊敬汝,丽容者!汝此天宫是华美。
三 汝此等一切欲具足者主,于天群之中乐享善生而愉悦。女神!今问汝语我,此是何业果:」
四 「我于世间人中时,为无戒之家做媳妇。
五 我于无信仰悭贪中,有信仰、具足戒、对受食游行者,欢喜施以果饼。
六 尔时,我未告我姑,有沙门来此处,我欢喜亲手施供菜饼。
七 为此受姑诃责:『嫁妇!汝不从顺、不问我,我不愿施沙门。』
一○~一一 依此我有是容色……乃至……我之容色耀十方。

The Splendid Mansion

The blessed on ws dwelling at Rajagaha, in Bammboo Grove. At that time in Rajagaha ina household that ministered to the venerable Maha-Moggallana was a young girl who was intent on giving alms and loved giving. In that house the hard and soft food and so on was prepared before the (main) meal. Then the food would give away half her own portion (that came to be in the house).

Unless she had given alms she did not eat. Even when she saw no one worthy to receive a gift, she put (some food) aside till she saw such a one. She gave to beggars as well. Now her mother was joyful and happy as she said to herself, "My daughter is intent on giving and love to give," and she gave her a double portion. When the single portion she was shared, (the mother) giave her (yet) another. She even proceeded to share from that.

As time thus went by, her mother and father gave her, when of age, to the son of another family in the same city. But the family was of false view, unbelieving. Now the venerale Maha-Moggallana, while walking for alms from house to house, stopped at the door of the house of the young girl's father in law. When she saw him, the young girl, having faith, said, "Elder, reverend sir," ushered set aside by her mother in law; and took a cake which had been set aside by her mother in law; not being able to see her, she said to herself, "I will tell her about it (later) and make her rejoice (in my good deed)," and she gave it to the elder.

The elder thanked her and went on his way. The young girl told her mother in law, "I gave the cake you had put aside to the elder Maha-Moggallana." When she heard that, the motehr in law cried, "What impertinence s this! Yove gave a monk something of mine without even asking!" and spluttering with rage, overcome with anger, without thinking fo right and wrong, she took up a broken piece of pestle and struck the girl on the shoulder.

The girl, because she had been delicately reared and her life span had come to an end, was overcome with severe pain and in only a few days died and was reborn among the thirty three. Although she had karma of other good dees, that particular almsgiving to the elder was the pre-eminent one.  


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 楼主| 发表于 30-8-2016 10:28 PM | 显示全部楼层




一 「女神!汝殊胜之容色照十方,恰如晓天之明星。

二~三 缘何汝有如是之容色……乃至……汝之容色耀十方。」
四 女神受目连所问充满喜悦……乃至……云何有此业果耶?
五 「我于世间人中时,我见具足戒沙门,礼拜其足心欢喜,喜欢而合掌。」
六 缘此我有如是之容色……乃至……我之容色耀十方。

Hounoring Mansion

The blessed one ws staying at Savatthi. At that time several monks having spent the rains at a certain village residence and having "invited" at the close, passed through a certain village on their way to Savatthi to greet the blessed one. There a certain woman met and soluted them with mind of faith and full of reversence and goodwill. She was reborn after deceased among the Thirty three.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-8-2016 10:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 谷成 于 23-9-2016 11:54 PM 编辑




一 「顶礼我足,依神通、名声而光辉,依殊胜之容色,照十方者是谁耶?」
二 「我前生于水中,栖水为家之青蛙,我正闻汝说法之时,牧牛之士杀我生。
三 看!一瞬间心喜悦,名声我之神通,看我有威神,看我容色光辉。
四 长时我闻汝法者,瞿昙!已至不动处(涅槃),行往其处无忧悲。」

Frog Deva's Mansion

The blessed one was stying at Campa, on the bank of the Gaggara lotus pond. Rising towards dawn and emerging from the attainment of great compassion, he saw "Today when in the evening, I am teaching Dharma. A frog, hearing my voice and being attracted by it, suffering violence at someone hands, will be killed; he will be reborn in a deva-world and will come while the great populace is looking on; thereyby will be a great penetration of Dharama." His day's word done, by the pond afterwards he began to teach a fourfold assembly. Then a frog, thinking, "This is waht is called Dharma," came out of the pond and crouched at the back of the listeners. And a cowherd, seeing the Teacher speaking and thus conregation quietly listening, stood leaning on his crook and crushed the frog. The frog was reborn in the realm of the thirty treee with a twelve yojana golden mansion and attended by nymphs. Reflecting as to what deed he had done to be born there he saw nothing but (his) attraction to the blessed one's voice. Forthwith he came with his Mansion, descended from it, and seeing the blessed one went up to him and honoured him....

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 楼主| 发表于 24-9-2016 12:02 AM | 显示全部楼层




Needle Mansion

The Blessed on ewas staying at Rajagaha, in Bamboo Grove. At that time there was robe-making to be done for the venerable Sariputta, and there was need of a needle. Coming to a smith's house for alms and asked what he needed, he told of the need. The smith with a mind of faith offered two needles and bade him say if there were further need. After the smith died he was reborn among the thirty three and the venerable Maha Moggallana questioned this deva youth.

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