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发表于 4-6-2015 02:55 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请谁有参加 2015 年第六届世界算命师大赛??
单选投票, 共有 40 人参与投票

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发表于 5-6-2015 11:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 8-6-2015 03:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
在哪里比? 我要看热闹

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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2015 03:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
cck06 发表于 5-6-2015 11:29 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2015 04:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
快乐四叶草 发表于 8-6-2015 03:07 PM
在哪里比? 我要看热闹

在香港的,我有收到邀请,但这么远啊~!他们也是论坛的 。。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-6-2015 08:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
(应该力邀佳礼论坛命理研究区某位”高人“ 做代表

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发表于 9-6-2015 08:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
hermanchb 发表于 8-6-2015 03:00 PM
在香港的,我有收到邀请,但这么远啊~!他们也是论坛的 。。。。


使用道具 举报

发表于 9-6-2015 09:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

八字命例一 (Bazi 1)
命例問題提供者          以八字作提問      台灣---張評老師
Bazi question provided by Master     Ping  Cheung  from  Taiwan

女命: 西曆1957年11月7日,  酉時         出生地:台灣台北
Female: 7 November 1957, 18:00PM        Birth Place: Taiwan-Taipei

Q1:  命主父親於何年過世? (Which year did her father pass away?)
A. 1973 年
B. 1978年
C. 1980年
D. 1993年

Q2:  命主出社會的唯一職業如何? (What is her one and only career since she started working?)
A. 政府機構任職人員。 (Working in the government department)
B. 私人企業打工上班。 (Working in a private enterprise)
C. 自營開店做小生意。 (Business owner of a shop)
D. 宗教五術相關事業。 (Religious or fortune telling related career)

Q3: 命主的婚姻成在何時? (Which year did she get married?)
A. 1976年
B. 1978年
C. 1988年
D. 1990年

Q4: 命主患有那種的慢性疾病? (What kind of Chronic Diseases does she have?)
A. 心臟病。 (Heart Disease)
B. 精神病。 (Psychosis)
C. 血友病。 (Hemophilia)
D. 婦科腫瘤。 (Gynecologic tumor)

Q5: 命主的壽元終止在何年? (Which year did she pass away?)
A. 1992年
B. 1993年
C. 1997年
D. 1999年

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发表于 9-6-2015 09:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
紫微斗數命例二 (Ziwei 2)
命例問題提供者        以紫微斗數作提問     香港    黃卯老師
Ziwei question provided by Master    Mao Wong   from HongKong

女命: 西曆1957年1 月4 日午時   出生地: 香港
Female: 4 January 1957, 12:00PM     Birth Place: Hong Kong

1. 事主先天心臟血管有病。2.鈣質不足,牙齒多問題。3.由小學到中學讀成績好的名女校。

1. She was born with heart disease. 2. Lack of Calcium, has lots of problem with her teeth. 3. She has been studying at Top Girl’s School from Primary to Secondary.
Q6: 1992 和一男性合作做生意。公司狀況: (Started doing business with a male business partner in 1992. How was the business?)
A. 規模大、生意好。 (Large-scale, business was good)
B. 規模小、生意好。(Small-scale, business was good)
C. 規模大、生意差。(Large-scale, business was bad)
D. 規模小、生意差。(Small-scale, business was bad)

Q7: 1993 合作男性的情況: (What happened to the male business partner in 1993?)
A.男方帶來大額生意、公司大幅擴展。 (He brought a lot of business to the company, the company has greatly expanded.)
B.男方失蹤、公司成膠著狀態。 (He went missing, the company has been held up.)
C.男方病死、公司倒閉。 (He died from sickness, company has been closed down.)
D.和男方有感情糾紛,分手因此結業。 (She had relationship conflicts with this man, the company has been closed down as they broke up with each other.)

Q8:  1994 父母狀況: (How were her parents in 1994?)
A. 自己因異性事故,和父親不和。 (Due to her bad experience with male, her relationship with her father was not good.)
B. 自己男友醫療失誤,醫死父親。 (Her father died due to her boyfriend’s medical error.)
C. 父親重症,自己卻因此得一筆錢。 (Her father had serious illness, she received some money from that.)
D. 父親重症,自己賣樓付醫藥費。 (Her father had serious illness, she had to sell her property to pay for the medical expenses.)

Q9:   1999 自己財運: (How was her wealth in 1999?)
A. 因異性引起大筆錢財損失。(She lost a big amount of money due to a male.)
B. 有大財可得的機遇,但因父母長輩導至錯失、損失。(She had an opportunity to make a lot of money, but she missed out on this opportunity and made a lost due to her parents and senior relatives.)
C. 公司因週轉不靈而倒閉。 (The company closed down due to cash flow problem.)
D. 因在外地置業而有大損失。 (She made a big lost from property investment in overseas.)

Q10:   2001 自己心境: (How was her feeling in 2001?)
A. 自己在氣憤之下,毅然結緍。 (She suddenly got married when she was angry.)
B. 自己在氣憤之下,炒期指輸大錢。 (She made a big lost from Stock Index Future when she was very angry.)
C. 自己在氣憤之下,心臟病發死亡。 (She died from heart disease when she was very angry.)
D. 自己在氣憤之下,搬離家園。(She moved out from home when she was very angry.)

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发表于 9-6-2015 09:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
紫微斗數命例三 (Ziwei 3)
命例問題提供者        以紫微斗數作提問     香港   樂只君老師
Ziwei question provided by Master     Zi Gwan Lok  from HongKong

男命: 西曆:1964年3月16日午時             出生地: 香港
Male: 16 March 1964, 12:00PM                  Birth Place: Hong Kong

Known fact:  No major health problem so far, mainly got some problem due to strain.
Q11: 命主性格 (His character)
A. 膽怯怕事 (Cowardly and overcautious)
B. 懶散拖延 (Lazy and slow)
C. 好勇好強 (Aggressive)
D. 意志力弱 (Lack of willpower)

Q12: 命主於財帛方面的特色 (Describe his characteristic in terms of wealth)
A. 用錢保守,積蓄主要源自薪酬。 (Spend money conservatively, savings are mainly from his salary.)
B. 薪金豐厚,但投資不利。故儲蓄不多。 (High income, but his investment did not perform well, therefore, he does not have much savings.)
C. 橫來橫去,但於低潮時,總會有朋友雪中送炭。 (Money comes and goes, however, at the time of low tide, there were always friends who provided him with timely help.)
D.曾因金錢而犯法。 (He broke the law because of money.)

Q13: 命主於哪個紫微斗數的十年運限喪父 (In between which Ziwei’s 10 years did his father die?)
A. 1967-1976
B. 1977-1986
C. 1987-1996
D. 1997-2006

Q14: 命主於男女感情上曾發的事 (What happened to him about his relationship?)
A. 於1987-1996期間結婚,至今感情未變。(Got married between 1987-1996, their relationship has not changed so far.)
B. 於1987-1996期間結婚,至虛齡34-43期間離婚。並同期再娶。(Got married between 1987-1996, divorced and married again between 1997-2006.)
C. 於1987-1996期間結婚,並於同期離婚。至今未有再娶。(Got married and divorced between 1987-1996, he did not get married again up until now.)
D. 於1987-1996期間結婚,同期配偶去世。至今未有再娶。(Got married between 1987-1996, but his wife passed away during that period of time, he did not get married again up until now.)

Q15: 命主於1995發生了下列哪件事情 (What happened to him in 1995?)
A. 沒有轉工,但更換了上司。其後與新上司交惡。 (Did not change his job, but he had a new supervisor, he did not get along well with his new supervisor.)
B. 沒有轉工,但更換了上司。而且得新上司寵愛。(Did not change his job, but he had a new supervisor, his new supervisor liked him.)
C. 因為轉工,而更換了上司。大家感情一般。 (He had a new supervisor because he changed his job, their relationship was okay.)
D. 跟隨當時的上司轉工,故更換了公司,但沒有轉換上司。(He followed his supervisor to change his job, that’s why he changed to another company but his supervisor was still the same.)

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发表于 9-6-2015 09:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
八字命例四 (Bazi 4 )
命例問題提供者          以八字作提問         鼎大圖書 培哥
Bazi question provided by Ting Tai Company's  Master   Pui

男命: 西曆1974年8月13日戌時   出生地:香港出生   
Male: 13 August 1974, 19:00-21:00PM  Birth Place: Hong Kong

Q16:  請分析此命的出身家庭環境與及其學歷? (Please analyse his family background and his education.)
A 出身富裕之家庭, 大學畢業 (Born in a wealthy family, graduated from University)
B 出身富裕之家庭, 中學畢業 (Born in a wealthy family, graduated from Secondary School)
C 出身貧窮之家庭, 大學畢業 (Born in a poor family, graduated from University)
D 出身貧窮之家庭, 中學畢業 (Born in a poor family, graduated from Secondary School)

Q17: 請分析此命的性格與及其健康情況? (Please analyse his character and health situation.)
A. 性格急燥爭強, 有皮膚濕疹問題 (Impatient, aggressive, has skin problem like Eczema)
B. 性格急燥爭強, 有哮喘問題 (Impatient, aggressive, has Asthma)
C. 性格保守穩重, 有皮膚濕疹問題 (Conservative, reliable, has skin problem like Eczema)
D. 性格保守穩重, 有哮喘問題 (Conservative, reliable, has Asthma)

Q18: 命主與太太於何年結婚, 何年小產? (Which year did he get married and which year did his wife have miscarriage?)
A. 2001辛巳年結婚, 2010庚寅年尾小產 (Got married in 2001 Year of Snake, miscarriage at the end of 2010 year of Tiger)
B. 2001辛巳年結婚, 2013癸巳年尾小產 (Got married in 2001 Year of Snake, miscarriage at the end of 2013 Year of Snake)
C. 2006丙戌年結婚, 2010庚寅年尾小產 (Got married in 2006 Year of Dog, miscarriage at the end of 2010 Year of Tiger)
D. 2006丙戌年結婚, 2013癸巳年尾小產 (Got married in 2006 Year of Dog, miscarriage at the end of 2013 Year of Snake)

Q19: 此命現在的工作是在甲戌運 (1993年 - 2002年) 那一年開始直到現在? (From 1993 – 2002, he has been doing the same job up until now, which year did he start working?)
A. 1994甲戌年 (Year of Dog)
B. 1996丙子年 (Year of Rat)
C. 1998戊寅年 (Year of Tiger)
D. 2000庚辰年 (Year of Dragon)

Q20:  承接上一個問題, 他現在工作事業, 是何一種類? (Following the previous question, what type of work is he doing now?)
A. 創業做生意 (He has his own business)
B. 地產樓房買賣經紀 (Real Estate Sales consultant)
C. 金融投資人員 (Financial investment personnel)
D. 交通公司的一個小管理人員 (A management personnel at a transport company)


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发表于 9-6-2015 09:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
八字命例五 (Bazi 5 )
命例問題提供者          以八字作提問       香港     李青揚師傅
Bazi question provided by Master     Vincent Lee   from HongKong

男命: 西曆1963 年 8月 13日 戌時  出生地: 香港
Male: 13 August 1963, 20:00PM    Birth Place: Hong Kong

Q21: 命主 1982年 及 1983 年的學業情況如何? (Which of the followings best describes his studies in 1982 and 1983?)
A. 1982年能考入大學,1983年學業更上一層 (Admitted to the University in 1982, academic performance has improved in 1983)
B. 1982年能考入大學,,但在1983年,校內成績一落千丈 (Admitted to the University in 1982, however, his academic performance was very poor in 1983)
C. 1982年不能考入大學,1983年才能考入大學 (Could not get in the University in 1982, got admitted to the University in 1983)
D. 1982年及1983年皆不能考入大學 (Could not get in the University in both 1982 & 1983)

Q22: 命主在丁巳大運 (1985 -1994年),離職創業,結果是 ; (During 1985 – 1994, he quit his job and started his own business, the result is: )
A. 初期差得瀕臨結業,但最後賣盤賺大錢告終,榮回職場 (Business performance was very poor at the beginning, almost had to close down, however, he made a lot of money after selling the business at the end, then returned to his job with glory.)
B. 初期成功,但失敗至負債告終,敗回職場 (Business performance was quite successful at the beginning, however, the business failed and he ended up in debt, then returned to his job with failure.)
C. 初期成功,最後賣盤賺大錢告終,榮回職場 (Business performance was quite successful at the beginning, he made a lot of money after selling the business at the end, then returned to his job with glory.)
D. 但由頭蝕到最後,負債告終,敗回職場 (Business performance was very poor from the beginning to the end, he ended up in debt, then returned to his job with failure.)

Q23: 命主在壬午及癸未年,雖正受僱,但私下創業,結果是 ;  (In 2002 and 2003, although he is employed, but he tried to set up his own business, the result is: )
A. 創業的公司,能賺大錢 (His Company made a lot of money)
B. 創業的公司,只有微利 (His Company only made a little bit of profit)
C. 創業的公司,損了大財 (His Company made a big lost)
D. 創業的公司,輕微虧損 (His Company made a small lost)

Q24: 命主在丙辰大運正式結婚,之後他的男女運,直至乙卯大運完結是 ;  (He got married during the period 1995-2004, what was his relationship like up until 2014? )
A. 妻外有穩定的紅顏知己,左擁右抱 (He had an affair with another woman)
B. 夫妻穩定,互相忠貞 (His relationship with his wife is stable, loyal to each other)
C. 雖偶有逢場作興,但非常短期,無損婚姻 (Had a dalliance with another women sometimes, only for a short period of time, did not affect his marriage)
D. 離婚告終,但身伴女人又離離合合 (Divorced at the end, had relationship with other women on and off)

Q25: 命主在乙卯大運正式離開職場,在那一年發生?  (During 2005 – 2014, which year did he quit his job?)
A. 2010庚寅年
B. 2011辛卯年
C. 2012壬辰年
D. 2013癸巳年


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发表于 9-6-2015 09:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
八字命例六 (Bazi 6)
命例問題提供者  以八字作提問    青術會代表  玲瓏堂常歡師傅  
Bazi question provided by LingLungTong's Master Sheung Foon from Hong Kong Junior Fengshui Master Association

女命: 西曆1996年3月10日8am                出生地: 香港
Female: 10 March 1996, 8:00AM           Birth Place: Hong Kong

Q26: 命主樣貌特徵: (Her appearance special features: )
A. 身材肥胖耳朵較大 (Fat, ears are relatively large)
B. 身材肥胖眼晴較大 (Fat, eyes are relatively big)
C. 身材瘦削耳朵較大 (Skinny, ears are relatively large)
D. 身材瘦削眼睛較細 (Skinny, eyes are relatively small)

Q27: 從二歲開始上學後至今,交友方面,有什麼特別之處: (What was her relationship with friends since 2 years old?)
A. 外向,人緣極好 (Outgoing, very popular)
B. 外向,但好友寥寥 (Outgoing, but only got a few friends)
C. 內向,好友寥寥 (Introverted, only got a few friends)
D. 內向,不喜交朋結友 (Introverted, does not like to make friends with others)

Q28:  哪一年發生初戀及其對象特徵: (Which year did she start dating? Describe her first love’s characteristic.)
A. 2011年,比自己年輕 (2011, younger than her)
B. 2011年,比自己年長 (2011, older than her)
C. 2012年,年紀相若 (2012, similar age)
D. 2012年,比自己年長 (2012, older than her)

Q29: 命主的學歷如何: (What is her educational background?)
A. 考上大學,在香港工作 (Admitted to the University, working in Hong Kong)
B. 考上大學,北上工作 (Admitted to the University, working in China)
C. 考不上大學,北上工作 (Could not get into the University, working in China)
D. 考不上大學,在香港工作 (Could not get into the University, working in Hong Kong)

Q30: 命主出身環境如何,以及哪一年父親離世? (What was her family background, which year did her father pass away?)
A. 富裕,2012年 (Wealthy, 2012)
B. 富裕,2014年 (Wealthy, 2014)
C. 貧窮,2014年 (Poor, 2014)
D. 貧窮,2012年 (Poor, 2012)


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发表于 9-6-2015 09:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
八字命例七 (Bazi 7)
命例問題提供者       以八字作提問     馬來西亞   李袁鳴師傅
Bazi question provided by Master    James Lai  from Malaysia

女命: 西曆1959年 9月 6日,亥时(9-11pm) 出生地: 馬來西亞

Female:  6 September 1959, 21:00 – 23:00pm  Birth Place: Malaysia
Q31:   命主父亲死于肺癌,应在那一年? (Which year did her father died from Lung Cancer?)
A. 1990庚午年

B. 1994甲戌年
C. 1997丁丑年
D. 1999己卯年

Q32:  命主是在那年结婚,那年离婚? (Which year did she get married and which year did she divorce?)
A. 1970年结婚,1985年离婚。 (1970 Married, 1985 Divorced.)
B. 1977年结婚,1986年离婚。 (1977 Married, 1986 Divorced.)
C. 1978年结婚,1982年离婚。 (1978 Married, 1982 Divorced.)
D. 1979年结婚,1984年离婚。 (1979 Married, 1984 Divorced.)

Q33:  命主何年出来工作赚钱? (Which year did she start working?)
A. 1973年
B. 1975年
C. 1977年
D. 1979年

Q34:  命主有一分工作从事到现在,是什么工作? (She has a career up until now, what is her position?)
A. 家庭管家 (Family housekeeper)
B. 学校老师 (School teacher)
C. 手提袋师傅 (Handbag master/maker)
D. 建筑公司主管 (Construction company executive officer)

Q35: 命主 2013癸巳年发生何事? (What happened to her in 2013?)
A. 出去外国赚钱 (Went overseas to make money)
B. 母亲生病,中风 (Her mother was sick, got a stroke)
C. 花钱买第二间房子 (Purchased her second property)
D. 动手术,心脏血管阻塞 (Had a surgery, cardiovascular obstruction)


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 楼主| 发表于 9-6-2015 10:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
旭阳 发表于 8-6-2015 08:57 PM
(应该力邀佳礼论坛命理研究区某位”高人“ 做代表)


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 楼主| 发表于 9-6-2015 10:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
cck06 发表于 9-6-2015 08:55 AM

我电邮了,最近工作忙,而且第一次参加,随便屁一次,再查看一次就交上去了 。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 9-6-2015 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
请大家不要放答案出来,我们等公布答案后才来 “马后炮”。

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发表于 9-6-2015 10:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
hermanchb 发表于 9-6-2015 09:34 AM
我电邮了,最近工作忙,而且第一次参加,随便屁一次,再查看一次就交上去了 。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 9-6-2015 12:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
cck06 发表于 9-6-2015 10:41 AM

要找一天没有打扰的时间不容易,我的时间都给了孩子 。。。

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发表于 9-6-2015 01:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

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