- GREAT EASTERN Life Plan 人寿保单
- GREAT EASTERN Income Plan 收入保障计划
- GREAT EASTERN Health Medical Plan 健康医药保单
- GREAT EASTERN Child Education Plan 教育基金计划
- GREAT EASTERN Retirement Plan 退休计划
- GREAT EASTERN Debts Cancellation Plan 债务清偿计划
- GREAT EASTERN Accident Insurance 意外保险
- GREAT EASTERN Car Insurance + Road Tax Renewal 汽车保险与路税更新
- GREAT EASTERN Burglary & Fire Insurance for House Factory & Shop 房屋,厂房和商业盗窃,火灾保险
- GREAT EASTERN Travel Insurance 旅游保险
@[email protected]
03-6259 3625
012-280 3776 (Micherl Chen)
LM Biz Strategy 致力于为客户提供卓越的服务与支持。所有的客户群都以保密,并量身定制产品,以满足每一个人。该公司提供的保险计划,从汽车,家电,商业人寿保险,都当然以诚信,正直和负担能力为根本原则。并没有惊喜对于所提供的产品。
LM Biz Strategy is committed to providing excellent service and support. All clients are treated with confidentiality and products are tailored to suit each individual. The company offers insurance plans ranging from auto, home, business to life insurance and is rooted in the principles of honesty, decency, integrity and of course, affordability. There are no surprises to the products offered.