上个月才在有关网站申请了 certificate of good conduct, 怎知今天想要检查准备好了没, 竟然告诉我 :
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia (MOFA) is currently in the process of improving the letter of good conduct application
system for the future convenience of our users.
We regret the temporary suspension of this service and are committed to re-enable it as soon as possible. However, the application for the Certificate of Good Conduct can be submitted manually to the Consular Division, MOFA or at any Malaysian Missions abroad. Please Click Here to download the application form. Thank you.”
不知道除了远赴 putrajaya 去collect之外还没有其他方法(比如说邮寄)?
请各位大大帮帮忙~~ 感激不尽