藥師琉璃佛十二願變相圖 之一
第一大願: 願我來世得阿耨多羅三藐三菩堤時,自身光明,熾然照耀無量無數無邊世界,以三十二大丈夫相、八十隨好,莊嚴其身; 令一切有情, 如我無異。
The first vow :
I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained un-excelled complete Enlightenment, my body should be shining like a brilliant light, throwing beams on infinite, and boundless, worlds, adorned with a retinue of thirty-two forms of the Great Men and with eighty physical characteristics of the Buddha, I shall make all beings wholly equal to me.
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本帖最后由 fahuaciyun 于 21-10-2014 10:54 AM 编辑
藥師琉璃光佛十二願變相圖 之一