5.43 x 2.72 x 0.34 inches (137.84 x 69.17 x 8.59 mm)
4.59 oz (130 g)
the average is 4.5 oz (129 g)
Physical size:
5.0 inches
1080 x 1920 pixels
Pixel density:
Pixel density - The pixel density of a display represents the number of pixels over an area of one inch. It’s measured in “pixels per inch”, or ppi. The higher the number, the more detailed and good-looking the display is.
445 ppi
Technology - There are two main screen technologies currently used in phones and tablets: LCD and AMOLED. The former usually features a light source and liquid crystals, while the latter is based on organic light-emitting diodes. Newer LCD variations like IPS-LCD and Super-LCD allow for very accurate color reproduction and very wide viewing angles, where no significant image quality loss is observed. Current AMOLED screens differ in such a way that they can exhibit much more saturated colors (sometimes too much) and incredibly high contrast levels, which is due to black color being completely black in AMOLED displays.
12.5 days (300 hours)
the average is 21 days (497 h)
2300 mAh
Wireless charging:
System chip:
System chip - Most modern handsets use an advanced chip that includes many of the device’s hardware modules like the processor, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and sometimes even the wireless radio. This field shows what particular system chip (or System-on-a-Chip) is used in the phone.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 MSM8974
Processor - The processor is the main computing component of a phone and is a major factor when it comes to the overall speed of the device. Some more powerful smartphones use dual-core and quad-core processors designed to deliver greater performance.
Quad core, 2300 MHz, Krait 330
Graphics processor:
Adreno 330
System memory:
System memory - System memory, or RAM memory is the type of memory that the device uses to temporarily store data from the OS or currently-running apps. The more RAM available to the device, the better the performance will be when multiple or heavier programs are running.
2048 MB RAM
Built-in storage:
16 GB
8 megapixels
Aperture size:
Aperture size - The aperture of a camera is the opening through which light travels before it reaches the camera sensor. The smaller the number is, the bigger this opening is, allowing for more light to pass.
Auto focus, Touch to focus, Optical image stabilization, Face detection, Burst mode, Digital zoom, Geo tagging, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR), Panorama
1920x1080 (1080p HD) (30 fps)
Optical image stabilization, Video light
Front-facing camera:
1.3 megapixels
Music player:
Filter by:
Album, Artist, Playlists
Album art cover, Background playback
Earpiece, Loudspeaker
YouTube player:
Internet browsing
Built-in online services support:
YouTube (upload), Picasa/Google+
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access. A technique of multiplexing, also called spread spectrum, in which analog signals are converted into digital form for transmission. For each communication channel, the signals are encoded in a sequence known to the transmitter and the receiver for that channel. The foremost application is digital cellular phone technology from QUALCOMM that operates in the 800MHz band and 1.9GHz PCS band. CDMA phones are noted for their excellent call quality and long battery life.
Positioning - This field shows the positioning systems supported by the device. There are three main types: GPS, A-GPS and GLONASS. GPS - This is one of the most widespread global positioning technologies, developed and maintained by the U.S. government. It uses satellites in order to detect your location. Works best in clear weather. A-GPS - A-GPS stands for Assisted GPS and is the industry standard for positioning and navigation. “Assisted” means that it can use local wireless networks, in addition to satellites, for quicker and more precise localization. GLONASS - GLONASS is a global positioning system, developed by the Russian Federation. It’s very similar to GPS, but isn’t so popular in cell phones.
即使事前已經走光的差不多了,我們依然在親眼見到它時感到興奮。背後的主相機依然維持 800 萬畫素,但現在換上光學防手震模組,利用微型陀螺儀和馬達驅動鏡組做出 X 和 Y 軸移動,以求達到最清晰的影像拍攝效果。這款手機也支援 Google 所謂 HDR+ 拍照模式,簡單來說就是真正透過合成不同曝光值照片來對付高反差場景,而不是用演算法達成的 HDR 功能,另外它不僅能修補照片的曝光問題,還會試圖拍下更穩定的影像。
「Okay Google.」這句如同芝麻開門的咒語現在已經不是 Moto X 用戶獨享,現在也是 Nexus 5 的重要特色之一。它配合 Android 4.4 KitKat 更新後的 Google Search 和 Google Now 功能,這意味 Nexus 5 能夠讓用戶自訂喚醒語音,且可以和用戶進行語音溝通互動來縮小搜尋標的。這在說英文人名時會特別有用,系統將會更聰明地提示你說出完整的姓名。
上述改進只是冰山一角罷了,整體來說語音辨識的正確性已經提升到 25% 以上,而在 Nexus 5 中手動進入 Google Now 的方式也從過去在首頁鍵向上滑動改為直接向左滑動。 新的文本式卡片也能更精確地透過地理資訊來預測你未來的活動,舉例來說當你在戲院時會提示電影票,或者記住你曾搜尋過的影集,在有最新預告的時候推送卡片給你。不僅如此,「深層連結」功能還提供串聯 APP 的能力,包括搜尋食譜時也能將 APP 內的食譜連同網路資料帶到你面前,甚至餐廳菜單也不例外。雖然目前只有 Nexus 5 擁有這些功能,但相信隨著其他廠商陸續推送更新,大家將能親身體驗一下。
Google 將會推出兩種型號來對應北美和歐洲 / 亞洲地區的電信系統。兩者的官方定價皆一致為 16GB 349 美元 / 32GB 399 美元,你也能在零售商通路發現這款手機的身影。目前看來我們最快能拿到手機的地方就是飛去香港了! 本帖最后由 .Hardy. 于 1-11-2013 10:06 AM 编辑
Just like many smartphones, the Nexus 5 actually has two models.There is one version for North America and another for the rest of the world. Both models look the same, and share many of the same specs. The buttons, colors, cameras are the same. The differences are in connectivity, something that you don't see. The radios in each phone are a little different.
The D820 version of the Nexus 5 is designed for North America and will connect to 2G, 3G or LTE on AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint. The D821 version of the Nexus 5 is set up to work with the rest of the world. European users should have no problem with a 2G, 3G or LTE connection. But some of the Asian carriers that use different networks could pose a problem. For example, China Mobile uses a proprietary 3G pipeline that has kept the Apple iPhone off the roster of the world's largest carrier.