PREMIUM PAYMENTMediShield premiums increase with age. The premiums payable when a cover is issued or renewed is based on the insured member’s age on his next birthday. Premiums for the different age groups effective from 1 March 2013 are as follows:
Age Next Birthday
Yearly Premium(Inclusive of 7% GST)
1 - 20 $50
1 - 73 $560
21 - 30 $66
4 - 75 $646
31 - 40 $105
76 - 78 $775
41 - 50 $220
79 - 80 $865
51 - 60 $345
81 - 83 $1,123
61 - 65 $455
84 - 85 $1,150
66 - 70 $540
86 - 90 $1,190
我3月1号第一次,被扣了 PREMIUM = S$25,怎么算呢?
本帖最后由 魔鬼猫 于 4-3-2013 12:49 PM 编辑