Film reader Tony F sent us some photos of what could be the inevitable gift sets and box art for The Dark Knight’s DVD / Blu-ray release. We’ve heard that Warner Bros wants to release the film on home video in December (we’ve heard December 8th), to take advantage of gift season.
These have NOT been confirmed by the studio, and very well could be fan creations.
But for now, lets just pretend they are real. The most impressive of the bunch is the 2-Disc BatPod Collector’s Edition, where the two discs are housed in the base of a BatPod display (which looks roughly 1:18 scale). Click the below image to enlarge.
There is also a 2-Disc BatMask edition, seen below
The movie will be available in three standard flavors (from left to right): A 2-disc special edition, A 2-disc special edition in a limited Steelbook case, and on Blu-Ray.
这是从中国网站moviesoon.com帖来的: CNN的新闻视频里的:布什这次来北京,下飞机第一句话就问我国外长:看《蝙蝠侠》了吗?外长明显不知布什说的是什么东西,点头哈腰了好一会儿都说不出个所以然来,于是布什解释了,他才连忙说:下次看,下次看。
dark knight还没过审,可怜中国看大片也要先看官爷脸色。