两届 07/08 新加坡马拉松赛分享区 [圆满结束]
发表于 6-12-2007 11:35 AM
原帖由 来自亚庇的成 于 6-12-2007 09:47 AM 发表
Marathon boy, 4, runs into controversy
Dean Nelson, Delhi
AN Indian boy aged four who is believed to be the world’s youngestmarathon runner is at the centre of a row over whether he is a childphenomenon with an Olympic future or a victim of abuse manipulated by aself-serving coach. Sinceshortly before his second birthday Budhia Singh, who comes from avillage in the state of Orissa, has been running up to 25 miles a day,five days a week.
The boy’s talents were discovered just overtwo years ago by Biranchi Das, a local judo coach. Singh was swearingat other children at a club where he was taking his first steps in thesport and Das ordered him as punishment to keep running until he toldhim to stop. He then forgot about the boy and was amazed, several hourslater, to find him still happily running laps.
When Das learntthe boy had been sold to a local slum dweller by his destitute motherfor £10 he reimbursed the money and adopted Budhia, with his mother’sconsent. The boy has since lived with 20 other children at the judoschool Das runs with his wife, in the process becoming a localcelebrity.
Das has been locked in a feud, however, with PramilaMalik, the state’s women and child development minister, who hasaccused him of using the boy “like a monkey and minting money”.
Dashas rejected allegations of abuse. “The chief minister told a publicmeeting I was making so many rupees from Budhia,” he said last week.“It’s not true.”
Child psychologists and paediatricians say thereal fear is the physical and emotional toll taken by Budhia’s dauntingtraining, which inolves waking at 4.30am and running every day from5.15 until midday. He also swims for an hour every afternoon. He hastwo days off at the weekend when he can play with other children.
AnupamSibal, a doctor at Delhi’s Apollo hospital, said: “There wouldn’t beany impact on his growth, but he will have cartilage problems in a fewyears, and that will have an impact on his movement.”
Budhia,meanwhile, has told friends he is dreaming of glory and is upsetofficials are trying to stand in his way. “I want to run,” he said. “Iwant to be a great athlete and win name and fame for my country.” |
发表于 6-12-2007 01:57 PM
发表于 6-12-2007 02:40 PM
发表于 6-12-2007 05:36 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 11:39 AM
回复 #137 chaucky 的帖子
你会觉得有‘冷’的感觉吗??? 什么牌子的? 常比赛前用来搽? |
发表于 7-12-2007 12:27 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 12:44 PM
我可能下个月就register3月的ambank了。。谁要一起?early bird rm20哦。。 |
发表于 7-12-2007 01:05 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 01:48 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 01:56 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 02:06 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 02:10 PM
原帖由 squareeight 于 7-12-2007 13:48 发表
除了吗?KLIM?? 到现在我都还没看到有关的网站。。
其实去年酱的时间已经有资料了。。我觉得他们不敢公布可能怕撞到大选的时间。。因为如果撞期, 到时麻烦大了。。
有了KLIM 的消息第一时间放上来好了。 ...
不知道哦。。可能没有那么快把。。下个月咯 |
发表于 7-12-2007 03:42 PM
原帖由 squareeight 于 7-12-2007 01:48 PM 发表
除了吗?KLIM?? 到现在我都还没看到有关的网站。。
其实去年酱的时间已经有资料了。。我觉得他们不敢公布可能怕撞到大选的时间。。因为如果撞期, 到时麻烦大了。。
有了KLIM 的消息第一时间放上来好了。 ...
我不敢买机票..如果到时候的日期不方便我的话,我有可能不跑...... |
发表于 7-12-2007 04:16 PM
又卡贴!!! |
发表于 7-12-2007 04:19 PM
原帖由 squareeight 于 7-12-2007 01:48 PM 发表
除了吗?KLIM?? 到现在我都还没看到有关的网站。。
其实去年酱的时间已经有资料了。。我觉得他们不敢公布可能怕撞到大选的时间。。因为如果撞期, 到时麻烦大了。。
有了KLIM 的消息第一时间放上来好了。 ...
去哪儿找这些活动的?? |
发表于 7-12-2007 04:24 PM
又卡了..... |
发表于 7-12-2007 04:50 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 06:40 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 06:41 PM
发表于 7-12-2007 07:09 PM
原帖由 chaucky 于 7-12-2007 04:50 PM 发表
懒惰爬帖 有劳pm 啦 |
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