1. 亚航机师是 basic 低,allowance高;马航的是 basic 高,allowance低。我不清楚亚航机师的实际收入的数目。不过我所知道的是亚航的副机师与马航 B737的副机师的 net take home pay 是差不多一样的等级。马航的 widebody 副机师则是比亚航副机师高。亚航的机长和马航的 widebdy 机长的 net take home pay 也是差不多同样一个等级。(注:Widebody = A330、A380、B777、B747)。我不清楚 Airasia 一组2人机师飞行的 duty period 一天可以飞多久。马航 B737 一组2人机师一天飞4趟航班来说的话,一天的 duty period 最长可以 11小时45分 (0800-1259报到工作),最短是9小时(2200-0559报到工作)。
2. 印象最深的是在飞 B737的时候的一趟航班。当天是飞KUL (Kuala Lumpur)- LBU (Labuan)- BKI(Kota Kinabalu)。飞机的 maintenance review 记录了 autopilot system A inoperative,只有 autopilot system B 可以正常操作。起飞后回收了 gear 和 flaps时,我已经留意到了 hydarulic system B 的 quantity 不断的下降。如果是 indicator 的问题,hydraulic quantity 应该是一会儿 90~100%然后一会儿 --%,然后又恢复正常的90%~100%。当天的情况我是观察到那个 hydraulic quantiy 是很 consistent 从 90%、80%、70%、60%一直往下跌。由于 B737 的 autopilot system B 是用 hydraulic system B 来操作的,所以当 hydraulic system B quantity 快要接近 0% 时,autopilot system B 也 trip 掉了。这证明了hydraulic system B 确实是已经漏完了。Autopilot trip 掉后必须得靠人手操作,因为从出发前一开始飞机的 autopilot system A 都已经坏了。在没有 hydraulic system redundancy 的情况下,飞机是必须要折返回去。加上飞去 Labuan 经过南中国海是 RVSM airspace,民航法律上规定必需要有 autopilot 才可以飞那领空。我们唯有折返回 KUL 。由于从 KUL-LBU 的油量很多,直接在 KUL 降落会造成 overweight landing 。Boeing 飞机的 overweight landing maintenance action 手尾是很麻烦的,只有 Boeing factory 那里的 engineer 才合格来做维修。所以,飞机在马六甲海峡 DUMAS waypoint 那里盘旋了一小时多。除了在飞行学院做 navigation 靠人手操作之外,从来没有想过我飞 commercial jet 时会需要靠人手操作飞 B737那么久。飞机的重量在低过 max landing weight 过后平安降落。
3. 我还没经历过 onboard medical emergency 的紧急事故。顺便提一下只有在 uncontrollable fire,medical emergency 和 aircraft unsafe to continue prolonged flying 的情况下才可以做 overweight landing。
4. Situation awareness 范围很广一下。从飞机里到飞机外的事情都是包含在 situation awareness。比方说同一个路线上,有哪一个航班在前面、有多远、在什么高度?前方的飞机突然要求偏离航线左或右多少海里以便避开雷云,那么我们自己过后也很有可能也需要跟他们一样偏离航线。或者 ATC controller 给了前方的航班下一个 controller frequency,我们也可以先记录下来,因为过后我们也会转换去那个 frequency。飞机里的话,就是乘客和空服员的动态。一般半夜航班起飞后乘客多数都在睡觉,你总不会在那时候做广播吧。而半夜航班的飞机会在降落前的2个小时开始 meal service,要避开在厕所前排长龙就在 meal service 前或 meal service 中的时候先去上厕所。
以下是马航、亚航、新航历年来所刊登的 cadet pilot requirements。
注:这不是最新的 cadet pilot requirements。在有开放申请 cadet pilot 时,请参考该航空公司官方网站。
Minimum Requirement for Application:
Job Description
-Malaysian citizen, age between 18 to 26 years old (as at date of application)
-Pass SPM or its equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian Government with six (6) credits including Bahasa Malaysia and a minimum of B4 in Mathematics, Physics and English taken in one sitting.
-Possess Diploma / Degree in Engineering or Science related disciplines with minimum CGPA 3.0 or above and six (6) credits with pass in Bahasa Malaysia in SPM taken in one sitting.
-Good command of Bahasa Malaysia and English both written and spoken
-Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6) and not colour blind.
-Minimum height 163 cm (5ft 4in).
-Successful candidates will be required to sign a bond with MAS.
The minimum requirements for the selection of a Cadet Pilot are as follows:
- Malaysian Citizenship or Permanent Residency;
- Aged over 17 years at the time of application. The maximum age is 28 years;
- Obtain a DCAM Class 1 medical.
And, possess one of the following academic qualifications:
a) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/Malaysian Certificate of Education or equivalent (recognized by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia) pre-requisites:
- A grade of any "A" in English;
- A grade of any "A" in Mathematics;
- A grade of any "B" in Physics or "A" in General Science;
- A grade of any "B" in any other two subjects; and
- Minimum of 5 SPM subjects.
b) Diploma or Degree pre-requisites:
- Engineering/Science related discipline;
- GPA 3.0 and above; and
- SPM with a grade of any "C" in any 5 subjects, of which must include English, Mathematics and Science.
- Good command of English and Bahasa Malaysia both written and spoken.
c) Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6 and not colour blind).
d) Minimum height of 163 cm (5ft 3in) and
e) Be prepared to sign a training bond with a surety.
-Singapore Citizen , Singapore Permanent Resident or Malaysian Citizen
-GCE ‘A’ level, Polytechnic Diploma or Degree. In addition you must obtained a minimum of 5 credits in the GCE ‘O' Level or its equivalent, at one sitting. These must include English, Mathematics and a Science subject, preferably Physics
-At least 1.65m in height
-Myopia of not more than 500 degrees and astigmatism of not more than 125 degrees, fully correctable with optical aids. Visual acuity of at least 6/60, correctable to 6/6. For candidates who have undergone corrective eye surgery (e.g. Lasik ), the pre-surgical visual acuityshould also meet the above recruitment.
-Medically fit
-Completed , exempted from or not liable for National Service