发表于 3-9-2016 02:27 AM
Date of change | 01 Sep 2016 | Name | ENCIK ANUAR BIN ISMAIL | Age | 65 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Type of change | Redesignation | Previous Position | Executive Director | New Position | Non Executive Director | Directorate | Non Independent and Non Executive | Qualifications | (a) 1976 - Bachelor of Science (Hons)Chemical & Polymer Engineering, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, England(b) 1998 - Executive Development, Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania, USA(c) 2002 - JOCE The Job of the Chief Executive, Executive Development, International Institute for Management Development (IMD),Lausanne, Switzerland | Working experience and occupation | (a)1976 -1980 Development Engineer, Wilkinson Process Rubber Co. Ltd(b) 1980-1981 - Refinery Technologist, Shell Refining Co. (FOM) Bhd, Port Dickson.(c) 1981-1984 - Head of Economics & Scheduling, Shell Refining Co. (FOM) Bhd., Port Dickson.(d) 1985-1986 - Manufacturing Planner, Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd., Shell House, Kuala Lumpur.(e) 1986-1988- Refinery Economist, Shell Eastern Petroleum Ltd, Pulau Bukum, Singapore.(f) 1988-1993 - Oil Movements Manager, Shell Refining Co. (FOM) Bhd., Port Dickson.(g) 1993-1994 - Marketing Manager (Natural Gas), Shell Malaysia Ltd., Shell House, Kuala Lumpur(h) 1995-1996 - Deputy General Manager (Commercial), Malaysia LNG, Menara Tun Hussein Onn, Kuala Lumpur(On secondment from Shell Malaysia Ltd)(i) 1996-1998 - General Manager, Malaysia LNG Dua, Bintulu, Sarawak(j) 1998-2001 - MD/CEO, PETRONAS Trading Corporation, PETT, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur(k) 2001-2004 - MD/CEO, PETRONAS Ammonia Sdn Bhd & Vinyl Chloride Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Kertih, Terengganu(l) 2005-2006 - MD/CEO,Aromatics Malaysia Sdn Bhd, PETT, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur(m) 2006-2010 - Executive Chairman/Director, Pfc Engineering Sdn Bhd. (n) 2009-2010 - Executive Chairman/Director, Maces Sdn Bhd. (2009-2010)(o) 2006-2015 - MD/CEO, Timur Ventures Sdn Bhd(p) 2006-Current - Various consultancy assignments in the Oil & Gas industry(q) 2012-2015 - Director, MYE Technologies Sdn Bhd(r) 2014-Current Director, PDZ Holdings Bhd(s) 2016-Current Director, Vertrolysis Pte Ltd |
发表于 1-11-2016 04:28 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 2-11-2016 05:25 AM 编辑
NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | Description | PDZ HOLDINGS BHD ("PDZH" OR "THE COMPANY")- PROPOSED DISPOSAL OF VESSEL KNOWN AS PDZ MEGAH FOR A TOTAL CONSIDERATION OF RM6,360,000.00 | The Board of Directors of PDZH wishes to announce that Fokus Marine Sdn Bhd, a 99.9% owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 28 October 2016 entered into a Memorandum of Agreement and a Supplemental Agreement with Harbour-Link Shipping Sdn Bhd for the proposed disposal of one unit of Steel Full Container Carrier known as “PDZ Megah” for a total consideration of Ringgit Malaysia Six Million Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Only (RM6,360,000.00), which is inclusive of 6% Goods & Services Tax (“GST”) (“the Proposed Disposal”). The consideration exclusive of GST is Ringgit Malaysia Six Million (RM6,000,000.00).
Further details of the Proposed Disposal is attached herewith.
This announcement is dated 28 October 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5246021
发表于 15-11-2016 05:05 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 16-11-2016 05:59 AM 编辑
Mara投资有限公司和柯凯伦,也提议2项提案,分别是立即罢黜非独立非执行董事阿米努丁,以及委任Cheng & Co会计师事务所成为2016财年的新审计师,任期至下一届股东大会为止。
同时,他也在吴万发(GBH,3611,主板工业产品股)、马可控股(MARCO,3514,主板贸服股)及Scomi Oiltools International Limited (Bermuda))担任董事。
他也曾在1990年至1994年期间,担任玲珑有限公司以及Faber集团有限公司董事经理。随后,他也曾任职Metacorp有限公司及UEM Builders有限公司董事经理。
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ HOLDINGS BHD ("PDZ" OR "THE COMPANY")I. NOTICE OF REQUISITION FOR AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING PURSUANT TO SECTION 145 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965II. SPECIAL NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 128 (2) AND 153 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 III. NOTICE OF NOMINATION OF AUDITORS | The Board of Directors (“”Board”) of PDZ Holdings Bhd. (“PDZ” or “the Company”) wishes to inform that the Company had on 14 November 2016, received a notice of requisition for an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) pursuant to Section 145 of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Notice of Requisition”) from Pelaburan Mara Berhad and Kua Khai Loon, with the intention to propose the following resolutions:
i. Ordinary Resolution 1 - “THAT Aminuddin Yusof Lana (I.C No: 481120-71-5597) be and is hereby removed as Director of the Company with immediate effect.”
ii. Ordinary Resolution 2 - "THAT Messrs. Cheng & Co be and is hereby appointed as new Auditors of the Company in place of the existing Auditors, Messrs. PKF for the financial period ending 31 December 2016 and to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company at a remuneration to be agreed between the Directors and the Auditors.”
A copy each of the following documents as received by the Company is hereby enclosed herewith:
a. Notice of Requisition dated 14 November 2016
b. Appendix I - Special Notice for the above proposed Ordinary Resolution 1 which requires special notice pursuant to Sections 128(2) and 153 of the Companies Act, 1965
c. Appendix II - Notice of Nomination of Auditors pursuant to Section 172(11) of the Companies Act, 1965
The Board wishes to further announce that the Company had on 11 November 2016 received a Notice of Resignation from Messrs PKF informing the Company of their intention to resign as Auditors of the Company for the financial period ending 31 December 2016.
This announcement is dated 14 November 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5258517
发表于 16-11-2016 04:49 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ HOLDINGS BHD ("PDZ" OR THE "COMPANY')(I) PROPOSED LPG PRODUCTION;(II) PROPOSED DIVERSIFICATION;(III) PROPOSED SPECIAL ISSUE;(IV) PROPOSED RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS;(V) PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF RCPS;(VI) PROPOSED IASC; AND (VII) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS(COLLECTIVELY, THE "PROPOSALS") | Reference is made to the previous announcements in relation to the Proposals. For consistency, the abbreviations used throughout this announcement are the same as those in the previous announcements.
We refer to the announcement dated 7 October 2016 wherein M&A Securities Sdn Bhd had on behalf of the Company submitted an application for a further extension of time of six (6) months up to 22 April 2017 to complete the implementation of the Proposed Special Issue, Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants and Proposed Issuance of RCPS (“EOT Application”).
M&A Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to inform that the Company has decided to withdraw the EOT Application.
This announcement is dated 15 November 2016. |
发表于 20-11-2016 06:33 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-17112016-00001 | Subject | (I) PROPOSED LPG PRODUCTION;(II) PROPOSED DIVERSIFICATION;(III) PROPOSED SPECIAL ISSUE;(IV) PROPOSED RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS;(V) PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF RCPS;(VI) PROPOSED IASC; AND (VII) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS("Proposals") | Description | PDZ HOLDINGS BHD (PDZ OR THE COMPANY)(I) PROPOSED LPG PRODUCTION;(II) PROPOSED SPECIAL ISSUE;(III) PROPOSED RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS;(IV) PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF REDEEMABLE CONVERTIBLE PREFERENCE SHARES;(V) PROPOSED DIVERSIFICATION;(VI) PROPOSED INCREASE IN AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL; AND (VII) PROPOSED AMENDMENTS(COLLECTIVELY, THE PROPOSALS)REPLY TO THE QUERIES RAISED BY BURSA MALAYSIA SECURITIES BERHAD IN RELATION TO THE PROPOSALS | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 15 November 2016 in respect of the aforesaid matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- 1) the current status of the Proposals. 2) the impact of the withdrawal of the application for a further extension of time of six (6) months up to 22 April 2017 to complete the implementation of the Proposed Special Issue, Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants and Proposed Issuance of RCPS, on the Proposals. 3) the steps taken and proposed to be taken by the company in respect of the Proposals. | (Unless otherwise stated, all definitions and abbreviations in this announcement shall have the same meaning as announced in the previous announcements in relation to the Proposals)
Reference is made to the queries raised by Bursa Securities dated 17 November 2016 in relation to the withdrawal of EOT Application ("Queries").
On behalf of PDZ, M&A Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to furnish the Company's reply to the Queries for immediate public release.
This announcement is dated 18 November 2016.
| http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5263621
发表于 22-11-2016 02:10 AM
交易所数据显示,要求罢黜阿米努丁的是该公司最大股东--玛拉投资公司(Pelaburan Mara Berhad),持股达2亿零247万5819股或23.291%,另一股东柯开伦(译音)的持股则不到1%。
发表于 25-11-2016 11:49 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 28-11-2016 01:45 AM 编辑
30 Sep 2016 |
PERIOD | Three Months | Three Months | Fifteen Months | Fifteen Months | 01 Jul 2016
To | 01 Jul 2015
To | 01 Jul 2015
To | 01 Jul 2014
To | 30 Sep 2016 | 30 Sep 2015 | 30 Sep 2016 | 30 Sep 2015 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 20,897 | 40,906 | 156,434 | 202,217 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 2,766 | -424 | -1,818 | -58,189 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 2,681 | -739 | -2,869 | -59,549 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 2,622 | -1,060 | -3,893 | -61,078 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.30 | -0.12 | -0.45 | -7.03 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.0300 | 0.0400
发表于 16-12-2016 05:53 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 19-12-2016 01:38 AM 编辑
随着阿米努丁辞职后,早上则撤销了特大中有关即时罢免他董事职务的第一项议案,而委任Messrs Cheng & Co为新审计师的第二项议案,则在以票表决下获得通过。
根据财经日报《The Edge》引述消息人士报道,阿米努丁辞职主要是因为他与其他董事部成员对哈萨克斯坦(Kazakhstan)10亿令吉液化石油气(LPG)的计划出现意见分歧。
据悉,阿米努丁支持该项计划,但剩余董事部成员,包括单一最大股东玛拉投资(Pelaburan Mara)委任的董事代表却不太支持。因此,玛拉投资要求在特大中罢免阿米努丁的董事职务,最终逼他辞职。
Date of change | 15 Dec 2016 | Name | ENCIK AMINUDDIN YUSOF LANA | Age | 68 | Gender | Male | Nationality | New Zealand | Designation | Non Executive Director | Directorate | Non Independent and Non Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | personal reason |
发表于 17-12-2016 05:09 AM
Date of change | 15 Dec 2016 | Name | DATO' SOHAIMI BIN SHAHADAN | Age | 47 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Type of change | Redesignation | Previous Position | Chairman | New Position | Chairman | Directorate | Independent and Non Executive |
发表于 31-12-2016 05:46 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 14-5-2017 06:53 AM 编辑
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ HOLDINGS BHD ("PDZH" OR "THE COMPANY")- DISPOSAL OF A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY, PERKAPALAN DAI ZHUN SDN BHD FOR A TOTAL CONSIDERATION OF RM1,000.00 | The Board of Directors of PDZH wishes to announce that the Company had on 30 December 2016 entered into a Share Sale Agreement (“Agreement”) with Salvage Point Ltd (“Purchaser”) for the disposal of 1,500,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and 50,000,000 redeemable non-convertible non-cumulative preference shares of RM0.01 each in Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn. Bhd. (“PDZSB”) (“Sale Shares”) representing the entire share capital of PDZSB (“the Disposal”), at a consideration of RM1,000.00 only (“Disposal Consideration”).
Further details of the Disposal are as attached.
This amended announcement is dated 12 May 2017. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5425801
发表于 26-1-2017 04:36 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 4-2-2017 03:25 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡25日讯)大众控股(PDZ,6254,主板贸服股)宣布,旗下船只“PDZ Mewah”,昨天被燃料供应商Dan-Bunkering(新加坡)有限公司(简称DB公司)扣押。
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Mewah | The Board of Directors (“Board”) of PDZ Holdings Bhd (the “Company”) wishes to announce that on 24 January 2017, the Company has been served with a Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest on its vessel “PDZ Mewah” (“Vessel”) by Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte Ltd for supplying of Marine Fuel Oil and/or Marine Gas Oil to the Vessel (“Arrest of Vessel”).
The Board is currently seeking legal advice and intends to take steps to defend the Arrest of Vessel and any claims that may subsequently be filed and set it aside.
The Company wishes to advise that the Arrest of Vessel is not expected to have material impact on the financial position of the Company and its subsidiaries for the current financial year ending 31 December 2017.
Further announcements will be made as and when there are material developments on the above matter.
This announcement is dated 25 January 2017. |
发表于 3-2-2017 02:55 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 3-2-2017 04:10 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡2日讯)大众控股(PDZ,6254,主板贸服股)预计,PDZ Mewah船只被扣押事件,料为公司每月带来9万至10万令吉的损失。
大众控股解释,遭到海事对物诉讼(Admiralty Actions in Rem)以及PDZ Mewah船只被扣押,是因为前子公司没有支付船只燃油和天然气费用。
大众控股向马交所报备,今天遭Shin Yang Shipping和Harbour-Link Lines私人有限公司展开的海事对物诉讼。
此前,公司的PDZ Mewah船只被燃料供应商Dan-Bunkering(新加坡)有限公司(简称DB公司)扣押。
大众控股解释,PDZ Mewah船只是属于Perkapalan Dai Zhun私人有限公司,是其之前所持有的子公司。
在去年12月30日,已经将Perkapalan Dai Zhun脱售给Salvage Point有限公司,因此,所有关于该船只的利益,亦已经转移给后者。
大众控股预计,此事对公司的营运影响微,因为公司已经做出必要的安排,向第三者的船只取得舱位,作为临时措施,以继续为客户提供由PDZ Mewah船只所提供的服务。【e南洋】
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-31012017-00001 | Subject | Arrest of vessel - PDZ Mewah | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Mewah | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 25 January 2017, in respect of the aforesaid matter.
In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- 1) The details of the circumstances leading to the Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest of PDZ Mewah. 2) The operational impact of the arrest of PDZ Mewah on the group. 3) The expected losses, if any arising from the arrest of PDZ Mewah. | (For consistency purposes, the abbreviations and definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as those previously defined in the announcement dated 25 January 2017).
We refer to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) query letter dated 31 January 2017 on the above matter and hereby furnish the additional information as requested:- 1. The details of the circumstances leading to the Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest of PDZ Mewah The Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest of PDZ Mewah (“Vessel”) is in relation to the non-payment of supply of marine fuel oil and/or marine gas oil supplied to the Vessel, which was previously owned by Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd (“PDZSB”),a former wholly-owned subsidiary of PDZ Holdings Bhd (“Company”). On 30 December 2016, the Company had completed the disposal of 51,500,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in PDZSB, representing the entire share capital of PDZSB, to Salvage Point Ltd (“Disposal”). Prior to the Disposal, the beneficial interest of the Vessel was transferred from PDZSB to the Company vide a settlement letter dated 25 November 2016. Pursuant thereto, the change of ownership of the Vessel was reflected in the Registrar of Malaysian Ships, Port Klang on 6 December 2016 and the Vessel is now owned by the Company.
2. The operational impact of the arrest of PDZ Mewah on the Group. The operational impact to the Company is expected to be minimal as the Company has made the necessary arrangements to secure slots from third party vessels as an interim measure to continue to provide customers with the same services as currently provided by the Vessel.
3. The expected losses, if any arising from the arrest of vessel PDZMewah. The expected losses will be in the range of RM90,000 to RM100,000 per month, as a result of the additional costs arising from purchasing slots from third party vessels. Mohd Latip & Associates, being the solicitors of the Company, have via its letter dated 26 January 2017 stated that they are of the view that the Company has a strong arguable case to challenge the arrest and setting aside of the claims.
This announcement is dated 2 February 2017. |
发表于 3-2-2017 03:01 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") a.Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhdb.Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd | The Board of Directors of PDZ (“Board”) wishes to announce that on 2 February 2017, the Company was informed by its Solicitors that the Company had been served with the following Writs in Admiralty Action in Rem: - Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd
- Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd
The Writs are for delivery up of containers which was shipped on board PDZ Mewah (“the Vessel”) by Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd. Subsequent to the service of the Writs, the Company has made the necessary arrangement for the discharge of the aforementioned containers, which is in progress.
The Board is currently seeking legal advice and intends to take steps to defend the Writs and any claims that may subsequently be filed and set it aside.
The Company wishes to advise that the Writs are not expected to have material business, financial and operation impact on the Company and its subsidiaries for the current financial year ending 31 December 2017.
Further announcements will be made as and when there are material developments on the above matter.
The announcement is dated 2 February 2017 |
发表于 8-2-2017 03:53 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 8-2-2017 04:34 AM 编辑
大众控股委任Ho Jien Shiung为执董
By Ahmad Naqib Idris / theedgemarkets.com | February 7, 2017 : 7:27 PM MYT
(吉隆坡7日讯)大众控股(PDZ Holdings Bhd)委任Ho Jien Shiung为公司执行董事。
今年33岁的Ho,也自2014年担任印刷电路板制造商PNE PCB Bhd的执董。根据向大马交易所的报备,他直接持有公司2.47%股权。
上个月,大众控股宣布,PDZ Mewah船只遭供应燃料的Dan-Bunkering(新加坡)私人有限公司扣押,并收到海事诉讼和扣押令。
随后,大众控股遭Shin Yang Shipping私人有限公司和Harbour-Link Lines私人有限公司提出诉讼,要求递送由Perkapalan Dai Zhun私人有限公司负责运输在PDZ Mewah的货柜。Perkapalan Dai Zhun是大众控股的前子公司。
大众控股去年12月将持有Perkapalan Dai Zhun的所有股权售予Salvage Point Ltd。在出售之前,PDZ Mewah的所有权转让给大众控股。
Date of change | 07 Feb 2017 | Name | MR HO JIEN SHIUNG | Age | 33 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Appointment | Qualifications | Bachelor Degree of Commerce & Administration from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand | Working experience and occupation | Mr. Ho Jien Shiung obtained his Bachelor Degree of Commerce & Administration from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.He started his career as Foreign Administration Executive with the Inland Revenue Department of New Zealand after graduation in 2008. In 2009, he returned to Malaysia and joined a construction piping company as South East Asia Region Marketing Manager. In 2010, he left and joined an advance technology printing manufacturer as Business Development Manager principally in charge of the business development of Malaysia central region.Mr. Ho is also an Executive Director of PNE PCB Berhad and a Director of several private companies. | Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any) | PNE PCB Berhad |
发表于 8-2-2017 05:04 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-06022017-00002 | Subject | 1) Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd2) Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") a.Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhdb.Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 2 February 2017 in respect of the aforesaid matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- 1) The details of the circumstances leading to the Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd and Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd respectively. 2) The expected losses, if any arising from the writs. | (For consistency purposes, the abbreviations and definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as those previously defined in the announcement dated 2 February 2017.)
We refer to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) query letter dated 6 February 2017 on the above matter and hereby furnish the additional information as requested:-
1) The details of the circumstances leading to the Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem by Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd and Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd respectively.
On 25 January 2017, the Company announced that it has been served with a Writ in Admiralty Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest on its vessel, PDZ Mewah by Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“Arrest of Vessel”). Please refer to the Company’s announcements dated 25 January 2017 and 2 February 2017 in relation to the Arrest of Vessel.
In connection to the above, during the Arrest of Vessel, containers under Bill of Lading of Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd and Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd, were shipped on board. Following thereto, Shin Yang Shipping Sdn Bhd and Harbour-Link Lines Sdn Bhd, have served the Writs in Admiralty Action in Rem in relation to the containers to enable the containers to be discharged from the Arrest of Vessel.
On 27 January 2017, the Company was informed that the Sheriff of the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur have authorised the Containers’ Owners to discharge the containers and the containers were subsequently unloaded from the Vessel on 6 February 2017.
2) The expected losses, if any arising from the writs.
As stated above, the containers have been discharged from the Vessel. In view thereof, the Writs are not expected to result in any losses. Mohd Latip & Associates, being the solicitors of the Company, have via its letter dated 7 February 2017 advised that the Company has a good arguable case regarding said writs.
This announcement is dated 7 February 2017. |
发表于 8-2-2017 05:05 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 9-2-2017 04:43 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡8日讯)大众控股(PDZ,6254,主板贸服股)再次因为被扣押的PDZ Mewah船只,而遭到三家公司发出的海事对物诉讼(Writs in Admiralty in Rem)。
大众控股解释,PDZ Mewah船只原本是由前独资子公司Perkapalan Dai Zhun私人有限公司所持有。
不过,在去年12月30日,大众控股已经将Perkapalan Dai Zhun全数股权,脱售给Salvage Point有限公司。
在脱售该公司股权之前,PDZ Mewah的受益权已经转移给大众控股。
大众控股预计,此事对公司的营运影响甚微,因为公司已经做出必要的安排,例如向第三者的船只取得舱位,作为临时措施,以继续为客户提供由PDZ Mewah船只所提供的服务。
公司的事务律师Mohd Latip & Associates认为,公司拥有很强稳的立场,针对这些诉讼提出抗辩,所以预计即使面对亏损也是极微程度。
今年1月,PDZ Mewah被燃料供应商Dan-Bunkering(新加坡)有限公司(简称DB公司)扣押。
之后,大众控股在上周四宣布,遭Shin Yang Shipping和Harbour-Link Lines私人有限公司展开的海事对物诉讼,以便他们的货柜能够从扣押的船只卸货。
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Mewah | The Board of Directors (“Board”) of PDZ Holdings Bhd (“the Company”) wishes to announce that on 6 February 2017, the Company had been served with the following Writs in Admiralty in Rem on its vessel “PDZ Mewah” (“Vessel”):
- Writ in Admiralty in Rem by CCK Petroleum Sdn Bhd
- Writ in Admiralty in Rem by CCK Capital Ltd
- Writ in Admiralty in Rem by CCK Petroleum (Labuan) Limited
(Collectively referred to as “the Writs”)
The Writs are in relation to the non-payment of supply of marine fuel oil and/or marine gas oil supplied to the Vessel, which was previously owned by Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd (“PDZSB”), a former wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
On 30 December 2016, the Company had completed the disposal of 51,500,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in PDZSB, representing the entire share capital of PDZSB, to Salvage Point Ltd(“Disposal”).
Prior to the Disposal, the beneficial interest of the Vessel was transferred from PDZSB to the Company. Pursuant thereto, the change of ownership of the Vessel was reflected in the Registrar of Malaysian Ships, Port Klang on 6 December 2016 and the Vessel is now owned by the Company.
The operational impact to the Company is expected to be minimal as the Company has made the necessary arrangements to secure slots from third party vessels as an interim measure to continue to provide customers with the same services as currently provided by the Vessel.
Based on the Company’s solicitor, Mohd Latip & Associates letter dated 7 February 2017, which stated that they are of the view that the Company has a strong case to defend the Writs, the expected losses, if any, will be minimal.
Further announcements will be made as and when there are material developments on the above matter.
This announcement is dated 7 February 2017. |
发表于 14-2-2017 02:16 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-10022017-00001 | Subject | Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Mewah | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Mewah | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcements dated 25 January 2017, 2 February 2017 and 7 February 2017 in respect of the aforesaid matter. In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- 1) the particulars of the claim under the Writs served by Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte Ltd, CCK Petroleum Sdn Bhd, CCK Capital Ltd and CCK Petroleum (Labuan) Limited respectively, including the amount claimed for and the interest rate. 2) the financial impact of the arrest of PDZ Mewah on the Group. 3) the net book value of PDZ Mewah based on the latest audited financial statement. | (For consistency purposes, the abbreviations and definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as those previously defined in the announcements dated 25 January 2017, 2 February 2017 and 7 February 2017.)
We refer to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) query letter dated 10 February 2017 on the above matter and hereby furnish the additional information as requested:-
1) The particulars of the claim under the Writs served by Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte Ltd, CCK Petroleum Sdn Bhd, CCK Capital Ltd and CCK Petroleum (Labuan) Limited (“Claims”) respectively, including the amount claimed for and the interest rate.
The Claims are in relation to the non-payment for the supply of marine fuel oil and/or marine gas oil to the Vessel, which was previously owned by Perkapalan Dai Zhun Sdn Bhd (“PDZSB”), a former wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
On 30 December 2016, the Company had completed the disposal of 51,500,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in PDZSB, representing the entire share capital of PDZSB, to Salvage Point Ltd (“Disposal”).
Prior to the Disposal, the beneficial interest of the Vessel was transferred from PDZSB to the Company. Pursuant thereto, the change of ownership of the Vessel was reflected in the Registrar of Malaysian Ships, Port Klang on 6 December 2016 and the Vessel is now owned by the Company.
The amounts claimed for/under the Writs are as follows:-
Company Name | Amounts Claimed | Interest Rate, If Any | Dan-Bunkering (Singapore) Pte Ltd | USD484,119.00 (approximately RM2,152,151.01) |
USD108,689.74 (approximately RM483,180.24)
| CCK Petroleum Sdn Bhd |
| - | CCK Capital Ltd |
USD83,661.23 inclusive of interest USD5,715.42 (approximately RM371,916.00)
USD5,715.42 (approximately RM25,407.90)
| CCK Capital Ltd |
RM156,761.65 inclusive of interest RM7,250.52
| RM7,250.52 | CCK Petroleum (Labuan) Limited |
USD128,571.49 (approximately RM571,564.56)
| - |
(The USD figures above were translated based on Bank Negara Malaysia’s exchange rate of USD1:RM4.4455 as at 10 February 2017.)
2) The financial impact of the arrest of PDZ Mewah on the Group.
The financial and operational impact to the Group is expected to be minimal as the Group has made the necessary arrangements to secure slots from third party vessels as an interim measure to continue providing customers with the same services as currently provided by the Vessel.
The expected losses will be in the range of RM90,000 to RM100,000 per month, as a result of the additional costs arising from purchasing slots from third party vessels. Mohd Latip & Associates, being the solicitors of the Company, have via its letters dated 26 January 2017 and 7 February 2017 stated that they are of the view that the Company has a strong arguable case to challenge the arrest and setting aside of the claims.
3) The net book value of PDZ Mewah based on the latest audited financial statement.
The net book value of PDZ Mewah based on the latest audited financial statements of PDZ for the financial year ended 30 June 2015 is RM4.682 million.
This announcement is dated 13 February 2017. |
发表于 7-3-2017 05:49 AM
31 Dec 2016 |
PERIOD | Three Months | Three Months | Eighteen Months | Eighteen Months | 01 Oct 2016
To | 01 Oct 2015
To | 01 Jul 2015
To | 01 Jul 2014
To | 31 Dec 2016 | 31 Dec 2015 | 31 Dec 2016 | 31 Dec 2015 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 16,050 | 39,697 | 172,484 | 241,913 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 853 | 1,396 | -965 | -56,794 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 1,231 | 1,109 | -1,638 | -58,438 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 1,690 | 778 | -2,203 | -60,298 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.19 | 0.09 | -0.25 | -6.94 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.0300 | 0.0400
发表于 9-3-2017 04:42 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 13-3-2017 12:58 AM 编辑
财经 2017年03月06日
Type | Announcement | Subject | MULTIPLE PROPOSALS | Description | (I) PROPOSED SHARE CAPITAL REDUCTION;(II) PROPOSED SHARE CONSOLIDATION; (III) PROPOSED RIGHTS ISSUE WITH WARRANTS; AND(IV) PROPOSED ESOS(COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS THE "PROPOSALS") | On behalf of the Board of Directors of PDZ, Mercury Securities Sdn Bhd (“Mercury Securities”) wishes to announce that the Company proposes to undertake the following:-
(i) proposed reduction of the Company’s share capital pursuant to Section 116 of the Companies Act, 2016 (“Proposed Share Capital Reduction”);
(ii) proposed consolidation of every four (4) ordinary shares in PDZ (“PDZ Shares” or “Shares”) into one (1) PDZ Share (“Proposed Share Consolidation”);
(iii) proposed renounceable rights issue of up to 434,660,640 new Shares (“Rights Shares”) together with up to 325,995,480 free detachable warrants in PDZ (“Warrants”) on the basis of four (4) Rights Shares together with three (3) free Warrants for every two (2) existing Shares held by the entitled shareholders on an entitlement date to be determined (“Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants”); and
(iv) proposed establishment of an employees’ share option scheme (“ESOS”) of up to 15% of the total number of issued shares of the Company (“Proposed ESOS”)
(collectively referred to as the “Proposals”).
Please refer to the attachment for further details on the Proposals.
This announcement is dated 6 March 2017. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5357753
发表于 14-4-2017 04:06 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-4-2017 05:34 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡14日讯)大众控股(PDZ,6254,主板贸服股)将采取行动,以捍卫遭Continental Platform(马)私人有限公司扣押的PDZ Maju 船只。
大众控股日前向交易所报备,PDZ Maju 船只早前接获来自Continental Platform(马)的扣押令。
Continental Platform(马)称,大众控股没有支付该公司去年12月供应煤箱给PDZ Mewah的成本及其他相关费用,共56万3311.78令吉的欠款。
大众控股指出,自PDZ Maju 船只遭到扣押后,该公司一直与Continental Platform(马)洽谈,期望能达成庭外和解。
“不过,公司董事部认为与Continental Platform(马)的谈判失败。所以,在获得法律咨询后,公司决定采取行动以捍卫遭Continental Platform(马)扣押的PDZ Maju 船只。”
该公司指出,已作出适当的安排,向第三方船只租借舱位,作为临时措施,以继续为PDZ Mewah船只的顾客服务。
大众控股还称,公司的代表律师Mohd Latip & Associate 于今年2月23日,通过书信指出,该公司具有较强的论证能获胜,并驳回扣押令。
截至去年12月杪,PDZ Maju净账面价值为550万令吉。
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | PDZ Holdings Bhd ("PDZ" or "the Company") - Arrest of Vessel - PDZ Maju | The Board of Directors of PDZ (“Board”) wishes to announce that it has, upon obtaining legal advice, resolved to take steps to defend the arrest of its vessel, PDZ Maju (“Vessel”), which had earlier been served a Writ in Action in Rem and Warrant of Arrest on 21 February 2017 by Continental Platform (M) Sdn Bhd (“CPSB”) (“Arrest of Vessel”).
The Arrest of Vessel was made pursuant to the claim by CPSB for, amongst others, an amount of RM563,311.78 for the non-payment of supply of bunkers to PDZ Mewah in December 2016, costs and any further or other relief that the High Court may deem fit and just.
Initially, the Company has been in negotiation with CPSB since the Arrest of Vessel with a view to reach an out-of-court settlement. However, the Board is of the opinion that negotiations with CPSB has since fell through and, upon obtaining legal advice, has resolved to take steps to defend the Arrest of Vessel and any claims that may subsequently be filed and set it aside.
The financial and operational impact to the Group is expected to be minimal as the Group has made the necessary arrangements to secure slots from third party vessels as an interim measure to continue providing customers with the same services as currently provided by the Vessel.
The expected losses will be in the range of RM45,000 to RM50,000 per month, as a result of the additional costs arising from purchasing slots from third party vessels. Mohd Latip & Associates, being the solicitors of the Company, have via its letter dated 23 February 2017 stated that they are of the view that the Company has a strong arguable case to challenge the arrest and setting aside of the claims.
The net book value of PDZ Maju based on the latest audited financial statements of PDZ for the financial year ended 31 December 2016 is RM5.554 million.
Further announcements will be made as and when there are material developments on the above matter.
Following the Arrest of Vessel, the Board is in the midst of revisiting the utilisation of proceeds to be raised from the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants which was announced on 6 March 2017. An announcement will be made in due course on any changes to the utilisation of proceeds, if any.
This announcement is dated 12 April 2017. |
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