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Android消息,新闻和资讯 (v5)- 谷歌7年精彩,拓创手机大时代!

发表于 7-1-2015 03:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
HTC公佈了截止至12月31日的2014財年第四季度的公司業績報告:本季度營收達到了新台幣478.7億元,淨利潤為新台幣4.7億元(約合1467萬美元),高於分析師預計的新台幣3.302億元,比上一財年同期的3.153億元增長了49%,實現了連續三個季度實現盈利的表現。外界分析認為HTC在第四季度開發推出了不少針對新興市場的廉價機型,以及聯合Google推出的Nexus 9平板電腦,這些因素都延緩了此前HTC銷售下滑的速度,但是2015年的表現如何依然不容樂觀。


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发表于 7-1-2015 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
法國廠商Archos在CES 2015展會前搶先發佈了多款4G手機和平板電腦新品,手機產品包括了Archos 50 Diamond、45B Helium 4G、50b Helium 4G、101 Helium 4G共4款,以及平板电脑70 Helium 4G和80b Helium 4G。

其中Archos 50 Diamond主要定位中高端消費市場,採用了5英吋的1080p顯示屏,搭載高通615處理器,2GB RAM+16GB ROM,配備800萬前置+1600萬像素後置攝像頭,支持LTE 4G網絡制式和雙卡雙待功能。50b Helium 4G和45B Helium 4G則主打中低端市場,規格稍低。目前Archos 並未對外公佈這幾款產品具體的上市時間。


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发表于 7-1-2015 03:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
老牌攝影器材廠商柯達正式在CES消費展上推出了旗下首款Android智能機,產品名稱定為Kodak Instamatic 5。這款特別的新機搭載了聯發科MT6592處理器,採用5英吋720P顯示屏,1GB RAM+8GB ROM的存儲組合,攝像頭部分為前置500萬+後置1300萬像素,售價為249美元。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
Nokia 於中國推出 N1 平板電腦,售 1,599 人民幣
正如預期一樣,Nokia 於北京的發佈會宣佈在中國推出 N1 平板電腦,售價為 1599 人民幣。Nokia N1 配備了 7.9吋 2048 x 1536 顯示屏,2.3 GHz Intel Atom Z3580 處理器、2GB Ram、32GB Rom、800 萬像素主鏡頭及 500 萬像素前置鏡頭,5300mAh 電池,預載 Android 5.0 Lollipop 系統,相信是 Nokia 最後一款的 Android 平板電腦。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
在CES 2015消費展上,聯想正式推出了公司旗下首款採用了64位處理器的手機P90,聯想P90搭載了1.8GHz主頻的Intel Atom Z3560處理器,採用5.5英吋屏幕,內置2GB RAM+32GB ROM,配備支持光學防抖的1300萬後置攝像頭,400mAh容量電池,用家可以選擇白三色、黑色或者紅色三種外殼顏色。聯想P90將於今年2月份開售,官方售價為499美元。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:10 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
內地廠商vivo發表了首款採用雙面玻璃設計的新機Y29L,從產品圖片來看,和SONY Z系列的手機有幾分相像。Vivo官方確定了Y29L只會在線下上架銷售,機身前後都採用了第三代康寧大猩猩鋼化玻璃,整體尺寸為143.6×71.1×6.67mm,重量約128g。新機在硬件配置方面,採用5英吋720p IPS顯示屏,搭載1.2GHz高通410 64位處理器,1GB RAM+16GB ROM,支持最大128GB TF卡擴展,配備500萬像素前置和1300萬像素後置攝像頭,2000mAh容量電池,運行Android 4.4系統,支持移動4G網絡制式和雙卡雙待功能。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
Alcatel發表可運行三個不同系統的智能新機Pixi 3
Alcatel近日為大眾帶來一款相當有創意的智能新機Pixi 3,它的獨特之處在於可運行三種操作系統版本:Android、Windows Phone或者Firefox OS,每個系統版本將會有4種屏幕尺寸,分別是3.5、4、4.5以及5英吋,最小屏幕的版本支持3G制式,其他的會支持4G LTE。關於Pixi 3的具體細節依然要等待Alcatel官方在CES上的詳細公佈。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
SONY宣佈推出配備金屬錶帶的SmartWatch 3
在去年的IFA大會上,SONY展示了一款智能手錶SmartWatch 3。近期在CES2015上,SONY為我們帶來了配備金屬錶帶版本的SmartWatch 3。这一金屬版本支持24mm標準錶帶更換,其它硬件部分和普通版SmartWatch 3沒有任何區別,都是配備了320×320的1.6英吋顯示屏,支持IP68的防水級別。這款產品將會在今年2月份發售,具體價格尚未公佈。


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发表于 8-1-2015 10:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
Android 平板電腦版 Office 開放下載
各位 Android 平板電腦的用戶要留意了,因為只要你的 7 吋至 10.1 吋平板電腦採用了 ARM 架構的處理器,擁有 1GB Ram 及運行 Android 4.4 KitKat 系統的話,就可以到 Google Play 上下載 Microsoft Office 程式,不需要再預先申請。不過值得一提的是,程式需要分開下載,每款程式檔案大小均超過 110MB,所以大家下載前要確保裝置的容量了。


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 楼主| 发表于 8-1-2015 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
.Hardy. 发表于 8-1-2015 10:10 AM
聯想推出旗下首款採用64位處理器手機P90在CES 2015消費展上,聯想正式推出了公司旗下首款採用了64位處理器 ...


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发表于 8-1-2015 02:20 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 8-1-2015 02:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
Razer推出Forge遊戲盒子:搭載高通805 CPU+Android TV平台
近日知名硬件外設廠商Razer推出Forge TV遊戲盒子,產品除了硬件強悍外,最大的買點在於支持PC多平台遊戲串流服務,包括了Steam、Origin、戰網、育碧Uplay等。具體的硬件規格,Razer Forge TV搭載了高通805 四核處理器,內置Adreno 420圖形單元,2GB RAM+16GB ROM,運行Android TV平台,單機售價為99.99美元,另外Razer還推出了包含Serval藍牙遊戲手柄套裝,售價為149.99美元。


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发表于 8-1-2015 02:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
WhatsApp 用戶突破七億,遠超 Wechat 及 Line

WhatsApp行政總裁Jan Koum昨天在Facebook上報喜,公布最新每月活躍用戶人數突破7億人次,4個月內增1億,在短短一年間大增3億。另外,每日用戶平均傳送達300億條訊息;換言之,以全球70億人口計,平均每人每日利用WhatsApp傳送最少4條訊息。Facebook創辦人朱克伯格曾表示,若WhatsApp累積到10億用戶,將可為Facebook帶來盈利貢獻。


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发表于 9-1-2015 10:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
全球最薄的平板DELL Venue 8 7840正式上市銷售,定價400美元
早在去年Dell發表了Venue 8 7000系列的Android 平板電腦,號稱是全球最薄的平板產品。近日Dell終於宣佈Venue 8 7840正式開售,定價為399.99美元。目前,這款平板僅面向美國和加拿大市場開售,用家可以在Best Buy上購買。

Dell Venue 8 7840機身厚度僅為6mm,採用一塊8.4英吋、分辨率為1600×2560的OLED屏幕,搭載Intel Atom Z3580處理器,2GB RAM+16GB ROM,運行Android 4.4系統。另外,Venue 8 7840配備3個攝像頭,支持使用Intel RealSense 3D技術。


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发表于 9-1-2015 10:58 AM | 显示全部楼层

SONY宣佈今年旗下智能電視將全部採用Android TV平台
SONY CEO平井一夫先生在CES 2015上宣佈,公司旗下的新款智能電視將全部搭載Android TV平台。據悉,SONY將會在CES上展示至少11款Bravia液晶電視,尺寸從43英吋到75英吋,其中包括厚度僅為4.9mm的機型。這些智能電視會採用SONY自主研發的處理器4K Processors X1。由於新款智能電視採用Android TV平台,因此這些產品支持Google Cast,用家可以將移動裝置的內容,投影到智能電視上。SONY表示在CES上展示的機型將於今年春天上市銷售。


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发表于 9-1-2015 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
新一輪系統分佈情況,KitKat 急升 5.2%!
每個月Google都會為我們帶來新一輪的 Android 系統分佈情況。而在十二月,雖然不同的版本的 Jelly Bean 系統仍以 46% 成為最多人使用的系統,不過 Android 4.4 KitKat 系統亦急升 5.2%,達到 39.1%。雖然 Android 5.0 Lollipop 系統推出已經一段時間,不過由於 Google 不會公佈低於 0.1% 佔有率的系統,所以未有列出,亦意味著現時運行 Lollipop 系統的裝置少之又少。


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发表于 9-1-2015 11:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
.Hardy. 发表于 9-1-2015 11:01 AM
新一輪系統分佈情況,KitKat 急升 5.2%!每個月Google都會為我們帶來新一輪的 Android 系統分佈情況。而在 ...


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发表于 9-1-2015 11:25 AM | 显示全部楼层
TitaniumZ 发表于 9-1-2015 11:23 AM

The Android 5.0 update release: which smartphones will get Lollipop and when

The launch of a major software update is an exciting event for any smartphone geek. Updates patch bugs and bring goodies of all sorts, including visual and functional improvements. But an update's release can be annoying in that it always takes time for the software to arrive. And sometimes, the wait is a lengthy one – it has been six months since Google previewed Android L, which subsequently became Android 5.0 Lollipop, and the update has yet to land on most popular smartphones out there.

Still, it should be easier to cope with the wait when you know how long you'll be waiting for. That's why we combed the web in search of official and trustworthy information on the matter. Here's when the popular Android smartphones are going to get their Lollipop updates. Keep in mind that we'll be updating the post if/when new information becomes available.


Samsung Galaxy S5 – Android 5.0 Lollipop for the smartphone is already available in a number of markets worldwide, including South Korea, Russia, Malaysia, as well as parts of central and Western Europe. Galaxy S5 owners in the U.S., however, still have Android 4.4.x KitKat running on their handsets. The AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile variants of the smartphone are probably going to get the new software in the coming weeks, although that's just an assumption.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – While official information on the Android 5.0 update for the Galaxy Note 4 is scarce, rumor has it that the new software should start rolling out before January is out. U.S. carriers are also expected to launch Lollipop on the Galaxy Note 4 within this time frame. Interestingly, Samsung is said to be skipping the 5.0 version of the OS and will update the Galaxy Note 4 straight to Android 5.0.1, which brings along a number of bug fixes.

Samsung Galaxy S4 – Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy S4 will get its Lollipop treat, and we've already had the chance to see what the new software should look like. However, we're not exactly sure when the update is going to land on the non-GPe versions of the handset.

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 – Unofficial Lollipop ROMs for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 have been floating around, but an official update is still nowhere to be found at this point. At least we know that an update to Android 5.0 is definitely in the works and will come sooner or later, most likely after the company's newer phones have been updated.

Furthermore, Samsung is planning on pushing out Android 5.0 Lollipop updates to the Galaxy Note Edge,Galaxy Alpha, Galaxy S5 Active, Galaxy S5 Mini, and the Galaxy Note II. We'll update this post once we learn more details as to when the updated software might launch.


LG G3 – LG was quick to bring the Android 5.0 Lollipop update to its flagship smartphone; the software has been out since November. Its availability, however, is still limited. So far, we have reports of the update launching in South Korea and select parts of Europe, including Poland and the Nordic countries. Vodafone subscribers in the U.K. have been reached by the update as well, reportedly.

LG G2 – The good news is that LG's former flagship, the LG G2, will surely be updated to Android 5.0. Unfortunately, we don't have any specifics as to when the software might launch. What we know is that the Lollipop update will reach the G2 soon after it rolls out to the G3 globally. The new software is expected to update the G2's UI by bringing the skin currently present on the G3, along with some or all of its perks.

Another smartphone we're expecting to get Android 5.0 is the LG G Pro 2, but its maker has not announced any update plans yet. Likewise, there's no word on whether any recent mid-range Android smartphone by LG will get the Lollipop treat.


HTC One (M8) – Android 5.0 Lollipop was expected to arrive on the One (M8) by January 3, but that didn't quite happen, obviously. Word on the street has it that the software is actually bound to roll out within 1 to 2 weeks, although we're assuming that U.S. carriers may take longer to push the update to their subscribers.

Lollipop will not bring a new version of HTC Sense, as thought at first. Or at least that's what the latest leaks indicate. Of course, this doesn't rule out the possibility of seeing a Sense 7.0 interface update launched in the future.

HTC One (M7) –  HTC's former flagship is also in line for an update, but your guess as to when the software might start rolling out is as good as ours. It seems safe to assume that the HTC One will be updated soon after the One (M8) gets the Lollipop update.

In addition, the Android 5.0 Lollipop update is likely to be released for smartphones covered by the HTC Advantage program. These include theHTC One (E8), One Mini 2 (also known as the HTC Remix on Verizon), One Max, and the One Mini. Older devices will take longer to update, we assume.


Motorola Moto G (2014) – The Moto G (2014) was one of the first non-Nexus devices to receive an update to Android 5.0 Lollipop. That happened back in mid-November, when the software launched for both the US and global versions of the device. However, there's still a number of markets where the update has not been given the green light yet. Motorola isn't giving any specific times and dates regarding the software's further release.

Motorola Moto G (2013) – Yup, last year's Moto G is getting updated to Lollipop as well. In fact, there have been reports of Android 5.0 already reaching some Moto G owners, although there appear to be many who are still waiting for their update to arrive.

Motorola Moto X (2014) – Android 5.0 launched for the handset back in November, when the Pure Edition of the device was served some Lollipop goodness. The Verizon model followed suit several days later.

In addition to these smartphones, Motorola will update the following handsets to Android 5.0 Lollipop: Motorola Droid Ultra, Droid Maxx, Droid Mini, Moto E, and the 2013-edition Motorola Moto X. UPDATE: We've been trying to obtain details regarding the Lollipop update for the Motorola Droid Turbo, but to no avail so far. It will be ready when it's ready, we suppose.


Sony Xperia Z3 – First, the good news: the Xperia Z3 will most likely be the first non-GPe Sony smartphone to get the Android 5.0 update. As for the not-so-good news, the new software is going to take about a month more to arrive; Sony is aiming for an early February roll-out.

Sony Xperia Z2 – The Xperia Z2 should get its Lollipop dose soon after the software hits the Xperia Z3. This means we're probably going to see the update launching in February.

Sony Xperia Z1 – There's definitely an Xperia Z1 Android 5.0 update in the works, but, to no surprise, the Z2 and Z3 are being prioritized over the former flagship. If you're an Xperia Z1 owner, you might want to brace yourself with patience.

As for the rest of the Xperia lineup, Sony has confirmed that all of its premium Z-series smartphones and tablets will be updated to Android 5.0 Lollipop. These include the Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia ZR, Xperia Tablet Z, Xperia Z1S, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z2 Tablet, Xperia Z3v, Xperia Z3 Compact, and Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact.

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发表于 9-1-2015 02:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Nokia 四分鐘內於中國出售了 2萬部 N1 平板電腦!
在中國買東西要搶也是常識吧!看看蘋果、小米等品牌的成功銷售模式,剛宣佈在中國推出 N1 平板電腦的 Nokia 自然也來參考這個做法。官方宣佈,於短短的四分鐘內,便成功出售了 2 萬部 N1 平板電腦。如果用戶今次買不到的話,就要等到 1月15日的第二輪發售了。


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