Fact #1 : Breakthrough Infections Can Happen After Vaccination
Although we have no way of verifying this, it is likely Dr. Rajendra Kapila would have fully vaccinated himself against COVID-19, before flying to India.
It is certainly plausible for a fully-vaccinated person to still get infected by COVID-19.
That’s because vaccines do not directly protect you against infections. They are basically training boot camps for your immune system, teaching it how to fight against the disease.
Even the most efficacious vaccines, like the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, have 94-95% efficacy. That means a small number of people can still get infected even after they are fully vaccinated.
These infections are known as breakthrough infections, and they will keep happening until we achieve herd immunity.
To prevent them, we have to quickly vaccinate everyone against COVID-19. Even herd immunity at the workplace can greatly cut down on breakthrough infections!
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