mahalwin 发表于 26-1-2013 11:57 PM
佛陀曾说业和果是unthinkable 的,(请看acintita sutta)也不认为一切都依业。
从佛教的观点来看,各种 ...
增支部的acintitasutta提到业果的不可思议(其余是诸佛、定、世界),不过相对应的增一阿含却没有提到业果,而是众生、世界、龙国、佛国境界不可思议。 业果的不可思议,在《金刚经》有类似的文字:所得功德,我若具说者,或有人闻,心则狂乱,狐疑不信。
不是一切都因业而有。我看到s.dhammika法师引用觉音论师的注疏,提到五种niyama,kamma nimaya 只是其中一种。 (Buddhism recognized at least fourother broad causes of why things happen, including because of the operation ofnatural laws (dhamma niyama), biological laws (baja niyama), physical laws (utu niyama) and psychological laws(citta niyama,Atthasalani.854; A.III,62).)我不确定汉译有没有类似的或相关说明,你知道吗? 另外,这是法师写‘业与天灾’的一段,把自然的因果和道德的因果分开讨论: Buddhism teaches causation, that the whole universe is a webof interrelated causes and effects. There are two types of causation - naturalcausation and moral causation. Natural causation has nothing to do with peoplebeing good or bad, it is simply a matter of the various forces in the universeacting on each other. A rainstorm or crops ripening would be examples ofnatural causation. Natural causes can of course have an effect on us - beingcaught in a rainstorm can give us a bad cold. But suffering from a cold hasnothing to do with moral or immoral past actions - it would be a natural effectof a natural cause. Moral causation is about how people think, speak and actand how they feel as a result. The Buddha’s teaching of kamma is only concernedwith moral causation.汉传(乃至其他传承的因果业报说)的关键问题,主要是把两者扯上关系吧