看到之前有网友提起PIDM, 想离题问一个问题,希望知道的大大可以帮忙解答。
COVERAGE FOR DIS (DEPOSIT INSURANCE SYSTEM)All types of depositors, whether businesses or individuals, are protected. The maximum limit of coverage is RM250,000 per depositor per member bank. This includes both the principal amount of a deposit and the interest/return. With the RM250,000 limit, 99% of depositors are protected in full. The Malaysian Deposit Insurance System provides separate coverage for conventional and Islamic deposits.
source: http://www.pidm.gov.my/en/for-public/deposit-insurance-system-(dis)/coverage-for-dis/
Q1:如以上PIDM网络资料所述,每个Acct Holder 存款获得赔偿的极限是250K? 那么如果Acct Holder 在maybank 的存款只有100K, 那银行会赔偿多少?
Q2: 如果Acct Holder 在maybank 拥有3 个FD Acct, 每个FD ACCT 各有200K,总存款为600K, 那么银行只赔偿max limit 250K?