[7月17日] 蝙蝠侠之暗黑武士 THE DARK KNIGHT
发表于 23-7-2008 01:14 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 01:15 AM
Batman actor Christian Bale released after assault allegation arrest
Batman actor Christian Bale has been released on police bail after being questioned for four hours over allegations of assaulting his mother and his sister at a London hotel.
By Chris Irvine and Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent
Last Updated: 6:07PM BST 22 Jul 2008
Sources said that Bale was accused of lashing out at his family members - pushing one of them - in an argument over a long-running family dispute.
Bale was arrested when he attended Belgravia police station in London today after his mother and sister had reported him to police.
He left the back of the station in a blacked out silver Mercedes people carrier and sped past the awaiting paparazzi and heavy security.
Bale gave a statement to detectives of his version of events in what was described by police sources as an allegation of a “minor” common assault.
The 34-year-old was bailed until September and will be allowed to fly back to his home in America.
Jenny Bale, 61, and daughter Sharon, 41, today said an "incident" had taken place but refused to give any details.
Sharon originally denied knowing anything about it but they said: "OK, there was an incident but the police are dealing with it.
"It is an extremely sensitive situation. There is nothing more I can say."
The alleged assault was believed to have taken place on Sunday night at Park Lane's Dorchester Hotel, where Bale was staying ahead of the screening of the new Batman blockbuster The Dark Knight in London's West End on Monday night.
Mrs Bale said: "Yes I was there and yes there was a family situation but the police are handling it and I cannot say anymore at the moment.
"We didn't call the police to the scene. I can't say anymore but we didn't call the police."
Mrs Bale and her daughter are said to have gone to a police station in Hampshire to make the allegation, which was subsequently referred to the Metropolitan Police.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "A 34-year-old man attended a London Police Station on Tuesday by appointment and was arrested in connection with an allegation of assault."
Sources said the argument was over a long-running family dispute.
Bale was born in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, South Wales, in 1974. His mother was a circus clown and dancer and the actor grew up in a hippy environment.
In an interview three years ago Jenny said: "I was a dancer in the circus for a while. Christian didn't perform but he often watched me.
"I think he loved all the excitement and acting just happened after that. We were always surrounded by animals too. We'd take in every stray cat and dog, so it was quite mad."
His father, David, grew up in South Africa and ran away to sea, ending up in Britain where he became a pilot stationed in RAF Brawdy near Haverfordwest.
The family moved around via Portugal and Oxfordshire before settling in Bournemouth, where Christian spent his childhood with sisters Louise and Sharon.
Mr Bale was a devoted animal rights and environmental activist. He split from his wife in 1991, when Christian was 13, and four years later the actor moved with him to Los Angeles.
David died, at 62, from a brain tumour in December 2003 and Christian was at his bedside. Since moving to LA he has only been back to Wales once.
Mrs Bale lives in a modest, detached house in Southbourne in nearby Bournemouth.
In a previous interview, Mrs Bale said her famous son had never shunned or snubbed her.
Sharon lives in a semi-detached house near Wimborne, Dorset, which today had the blinds pulled down.
Despite the alleged incident and report, Bale attended the first European screening of The Dark Knight on Monday night.
He was joined on the red carpet by Maggie Gyllenhaal, who plays love interest Rachel Dawes, and Sir Michael Caine who plays Bruce Wayne's faithful butler and father figure Alfred. The film took a record $158.3 million in its opening weekend at the US box office overtaking Spiderman 3, which took $151.1 million.
Interest in the movie has increased because of the death of Heath Ledger. His performance as Batman's arch nemesis The Joker, has been widely tipped by critics, as well as Caine, to receive a posthumous Oscar.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ ... egation-arrest.html |
发表于 23-7-2008 01:16 AM
回复 1058# 学校汉堡 的帖子
发表于 23-7-2008 01:18 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 01:20 AM
女主角真的很一般.......很残下,面无艳光.....剧情就是剧情,还是有人在剧情里赞她不错............... |
发表于 23-7-2008 01:26 AM
很可惜,The Dark Knight 是用 IMAX 技术来拍摄,可惜 BTS 票价 RM11,应该是普通 2D 版本。真的很奇怪,一套 IMAX 的电影,在 IMAX 电影上映,竟然是 2D 版本。
要不然,IMAX 效果比 GSC MV 的 Digital 3D 要好多了。
明天是看第 3 遍了。 |
发表于 23-7-2008 01:38 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 01:43 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 01:46 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 02:29 AM
原帖由 过路客 于 23-7-2008 01:26 AM 发表
很可惜,The Dark Knight 是用 IMAX 技术来拍摄,可惜 BTS 票价 RM11,应该是普通 2D 版本。真的很奇怪,一套 IMAX 的电影,在 IMAX 电影上映,竟然是 2D 版本。
要不然,IMAX 效果比 GSC MV 的 Digital 3D 要好多 ...
你很夸張,看三次! |
发表于 23-7-2008 02:58 AM
原帖由 战神蚩尤 于 23-7-2008 01:02 AM 发表
同感,是很好看,不过也不值得9.6这个分数,所以我怀疑这个分数是他们自己人作弊,或者这个分数是专给joker的。单是那一班白痴看到joker来也不会开枪的警察,就该扣1分了。哪有这么白痴的剧情阿。 |
楼主 |
发表于 23-7-2008 06:22 AM
去看Batman Begins就会明白了~!
和他的成长旅程有关~! |
发表于 23-7-2008 08:44 AM
回复 1049# thomas_jay 的帖子
故意的,Batman要生擒他,而且Batman不殺罪犯。 |
发表于 23-7-2008 08:45 AM
回复 1070# eewei23 的帖子
不是劊子手 |
发表于 23-7-2008 08:46 AM
但最少最少都有9分 |
发表于 23-7-2008 09:09 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 09:12 AM
发表于 23-7-2008 09:19 AM
原帖由 kang_a_roo 于 23-7-2008 02:29 AM 发表
不算夸张,第一次太太有自己节目,自个儿看。第二次谈完生意经过联邦大道怕塞车,所以跑进电影院。第三次陪太太看。Hellboy 2 都看了三次,这部更应该。我记得 titanic 时候,报章报导澳洲有位妇女看了 67 次,还打算继续看,这才夸张。
本地的应该不是 IMAX 版本,不过不能肯定,是从 RM11 猜测的。通常 BTS 的 2D 版本卖 RM11。
Heath Ledger,让小弟发现真正的一块宝。非常可惜,非常可惜!!年初阅读报纸,知道<<断背山>>主角用药过量,英年早逝(28 岁多),报纸也说他是 joker 饰演者,当时有点可惜。经过这套 The Dark Knight,再查证后,才知道他真是人才!被提名 28 次拿过 13奖,不是盖的!真正感到万分可惜!万分可惜!
如果今年没有什么其他电影的角色突破,这个 joker,有九成九把握可以让他提名 OSCAR,甚至九成机会让他拿下 OSCAR 主角奖!
不知道是不是这个原因,让我对 joker 产生了同情分! |
发表于 23-7-2008 09:25 AM
顺道一提,暂时这套电影在 IMDB 超越 GodFather,成为观众票选第一的好电影!
9.4 分,接近满分。如果一个人怪古的家伙给 4 分,另九个人必须给 10 分满分才可以得到这个成绩,暂时九万多人投票(通常 IMDB 的热门电影,开始分数比较高,因为那些自喻为电影人的比较喜欢在第二个星期后才观赏,预见投票成绩会有点下滑)
太不可思义了!!! |
发表于 23-7-2008 09:31 AM
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