【PRESTAR 9873 交流专区】鸿达资源
楼主 |
发表于 21-6-2007 10:24 PM
楼主 |
发表于 21-6-2007 10:28 PM
原帖由 小股民 于 21-6-2007 08:22 PM 发表
明天prestar 肯能开始表演了...哈哈..兄弟们,prestar 来了
还是那句-不鼓励投机,买卖自负 |
楼主 |
发表于 21-6-2007 11:31 PM
发表于 22-6-2007 10:17 AM
楼主 |
发表于 22-6-2007 02:52 PM
楼主 |
发表于 24-6-2007 10:52 PM
目前本地鋼鐵價格每公噸增加了150令吉,這也導致本地業者希望政府取消在鋼鐵價格方面的管制。大馬研究分析員估計,每公噸鋼鐵價格若增加50令吉,將會使鋼鐵業者的盈利增加5%到7%。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-6-2007 11:41 PM
预测:花旗将澳大利亚08财年热轧钢的预期价格调升至525美元/吨(每吨上调50美元),以反映钢价近期将上涨的预测。同样,将08财年含铁废钢的预期价格调升至305美元/吨(每吨上调55美元)。花旗目前认为,钢筋的价格将于08财年上涨6%,之前的涨幅为3%。 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-6-2007 11:44 PM
日本的钢材需求量依然十分稳定,因为汽车、造船和机械制造商正不断进行扩张。建筑业的需求稳固,土地价格15年以来首次大幅上扬。钢铁的供给量受到控制,钢厂对扩张事宜极度敏感,甚至重组后也如此。日本从亚洲各国进口的钢铁数量有限,因为受到质量限制及亚洲钢价实际高于日本的影响。当然,中国产能激增仍是07年下半年的主要风险,但考虑到原材料成本的压力,预计日本高炉产品的下行风险有限。 |
楼主 |
发表于 26-6-2007 12:12 PM
印度钢铁业的集中度较高,五大钢厂-印度钢铁管理局有限公司(SAIL)、塔塔钢铁公司(TataSteel)、京德勒西南钢铁公司(JSWSteel)、埃萨钢铁公司(Essar)、伊斯帕特公司(Ispat)-占据了约60%的市场份额。印度国内钢价的走势基本与国际钢价一致(一般每吨折价10至20美元)。自2006年4月起,热轧钢卷的价格同比上升15%。印度是大型钢铁企业和部分高效的综合钢厂的理想发展之所,因为它们能以全球最低的成本进行生产。最近一段时期,在寻求最新技术、进一步拓展市场并寻找优质煤矿的愿望推动下,印度钢铁企业展开海外收购。塔塔钢铁收购了英国康力斯钢铁集团,京德勒正对莫桑比克的煤矿虎视耽耽。 |
楼主 |
发表于 26-6-2007 02:28 PM
护栏既要防止失控车辆冲出路外碰撞路外的障碍物或其他设施,或冲过中央分隔带闯入对向车道引起更大的交通事故,同时还要能使车辆回复到正常行驶方向,对司乘人员的损伤最小,并且要能起到诱导视线的作用。 |
发表于 27-6-2007 04:38 PM
趁现在回跌,再加码一点了 |
楼主 |
发表于 28-6-2007 01:01 PM
回复 #91 自在龙 的帖子
我也加码了一些 |
楼主 |
发表于 28-6-2007 01:02 PM
俄罗斯的钢铁需求量以每年20%的速度增长,2004年的年增长率为35%,2006年则跃升至1700万吨,主要是受运输管道、建筑业、工程和汽车业的推动。但同期的年出口量却下滑10%至1000万吨,进一步与欧洲市场脱节。2006年的出口欧洲钢材配额尚有剩余表明,俄罗斯国内市场的吸引力有所增加。板材产品2006年的产量较2005年增长5%。 |
楼主 |
发表于 28-6-2007 01:04 PM
预测:花旗认为,钢价上涨及波动性减弱开始成为罗斯钢铁市场的鲜明特色。自2005年7月起,国内钢价就较国际水平高100美元/吨。只有出口市场出现短期剧烈震荡,方可填补这一差价。 |
发表于 28-6-2007 01:15 PM
楼主 |
发表于 28-6-2007 08:54 PM
发表于 28-6-2007 10:18 PM
请问 Prestar 与 Scomi Group 还有关系吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 28-6-2007 10:35 PM
原帖由 monday01 于 28-6-2007 10:18 PM 发表
请问 Prestar 与 Scomi Group 还有关系吗?
这就不清楚了 请问prestar 和scomi group曾经有什么关系呢? |
发表于 28-6-2007 11:02 PM
New Straits Times - Business Times
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Prestar plans to boost Scomi’s export businessBy KANG SIEW LI
PRESTAR Resources Bhd, which is on the verge of acquiring Scomi Group Bhd’s transport-related subsidiary Scomi Sdn Bhd, plans to raise exports of the latter’s products to 30 per cent of total sales within two years.
Scomi is involved in the manufacturing of road transport equipment, including trailers, tankers, refuse compactors, aircraft refuellers and toilet trucks.
“At present, Scomi exports less than 5 per cent of its products and these go to countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Maldives, China and Hong Kong.
“However, we hope to increase the contribution of its export business once we take over the company by the end of this year,” Prestar Resources group managing director Toh Yew Peng told Business Times in an interview.
Scomi is expected to gain additional international reach as Prestar Resources currently exports material handling equipment to 40 countries throughout the world, including the US, Canada, South America, Europe, West Asia, New Zealand, Australia and Asean member countries.
“For example, from some 50 per cent in 1995, we have increased our exports of material handling equipment 1.8 times to 90 per cent,” said Toh.
Prestar Resources, a company that makes steel-related products and material handling equipment, had in March this year entered into an agreement to acquire Scomi and four related companies, Scomi Transportation Solutions Sdn Bhd, Scomi Precision Engineering Sdn Bhd (Scope), Scomi Trading Sdn Bhd and SMAS Rent-A-Car Sdn Bhd, for RM42.5 million.
Toh expects Prestar Resources to complete its acquisition of Scomi by the end of this year.
Prestar Resources yesterday received approval from the Securities Commission to buy Scomi. It now awaits its shareholders’ to put their stamp of approval on the acquisition.
Toh believes that Scomi is a synergistic fit with Prestar Resources because both are involved in material-handling equipment, although the former is on a bigger scale.
“Scomi Group also foresees that its transport-related business will grow. That’s why it will take a stake in Prestar Resources, while at the same time will allow it to focus on its oil and gas businesses,” said Toh.
The proposed acquisition involves Scomi Group taking a 22 per cent stake in Prestar Resources.
“Scomi Group intends to redistribute the shares to its shareholders as an incentive or reward. Thus, major shareholders of Scomi Group will eventually hold about 12 per cent to 15 per cent stake in Prestar Resources, making it the second-largest shareholder after the Toh family,” said Toh.
The Toh family currently holds some 40 per cent of Prestar Resources, but its stake will drop to 38 per cent after the acquisition.
“Once we complete the acquisition we can focus on accelerating the growth of both Scomi and Prestar Resources,” said Toh. “It will be easier to penetrate new markets with a wider range of products.”
Prestar Resources is already working together with Scomi on several overseas tenders, including in Maldives, to supply road transport equipment. However, Toh declined to elaborate.
Toh said he sees potential in Scomi to grow its refuse compactor business.
“People are talking about environmental management. We believe that Scomi is in an ideal position to meet this requirement, having entered into a three-year technical cooperation agreement with ShinMaywa Industries Ltd of Japan in March this year to develop a more environmental-friendly refuse compactors. A prototype of these refuse compactors is ready for testing, which are targeted at the Asian and Japan markets,” he said.
Apart from the benefits it reaps from Scomi, Toh said Prestar Resources also sees opportunities in supplying steel material to Scomi Group’s existing oil and gas businesses, which are currently sourced externally. This will be done through its steel-processing subsidiary, Posmmit Steel Centre Sdn Bhd.
“We have plans to enter into joint ventures with Scomi Group. For example, we intend to venture into the manufacturing of new product lines related to oil and gas for distribution worldwide through its newly-acquired company Oiltools International Ltd.
“We will also look into manufacturing the precision parts that Scomi Group is currently buying from the US for its oil and gas businesses,” said Toh.
Meanwhile, Toh gave the assurance that Prestar Resources would maintain the existing staff of Scomi after the proposed acquisition.
“Its current set of staff is capable. There is no need to interrupt the current operations. But of course the acquisition will result in a change in the board of directors,” said Toh.
Prestar Resources will be holding its annual general meeting next Monday.
or the first quarter ended March 31 this year, it recorded a year-on-year rise in net profit to RM5.3 million from RM2.9 million on higher revenue of RM106.8 million.
For the financial year ended December 31 2003, Prestar Resources reported a net profit of RM11.4 million, or 13.34 sen per share, on a revenue of RM345.4 million. That compared with a net profit of RM11.8 million, or 13.99 sen per share, on a revenue of RM315.8 million for the same period a year earlier.
希望各位踊跃分享,谢谢。 |
楼主 |
发表于 29-6-2007 12:58 PM
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