发表于 12-9-2007 09:19 AM
发表于 12-9-2007 09:24 AM
回复 #81 coli_u 的帖子
北京奥运---还有可能吗!! |
发表于 12-9-2007 09:28 AM
发表于 12-9-2007 09:39 AM
回复 #83 coli_u 的帖子
你这算捉八仙的字眼啊!! |
发表于 12-9-2007 09:53 AM
发表于 12-9-2007 07:12 PM
发表于 12-9-2007 07:25 PM
发表于 12-9-2007 10:43 PM
发表于 13-9-2007 09:13 AM
发表于 29-9-2007 09:35 AM
這些負面事件也會嚴重影響球員備戰明年的北京奧運會。 國家體育理事會總監拿督祖基菲恩蓬說,他是和教練組及球員召開過會議後,得悉此事,但他拒絕透露進一步的詳情。 恩蓬表示他將會在開齋節過后,和大馬羽球總會會長納茲米討論如何解決這問題。他說:“在我還沒有和納茲米以及其他官員展開會議之前,我是不會透露太多東西的。” 教練組成員共有5人,他們是總教練葉錦福、單打教練米士本及黃達明、男雙教練烈西及女雙教練謝順吉。烈西也兼管混雙的訓練。 每半年評估教練表現 另一方面,大馬羽總總經理吳志強透露,該會將每半年,對國家隊教練的工作表現進行評估,總教練葉錦福也不例外。 “過去我們只在教練的合約接近屆滿前,才對有關教練進行評估,而通常是以麾下球員的表現為準繩;但是現在我們要有所改變,評估的范圍也擴大到其他方面、如果球員及其他同僚間的關係、工作表現、分析能力、擬定有效的訓練方法、書寫報告及溝通能力等。 “各教練每半年的表現評估都記錄在案,作為是否續約等參考依據。” 他也說,葉錦標將是最先受到評估的教練:“我們將評估他半年來的表現,還有他應該怎樣去提高隊伍實力。” 葉錦福是在2004年成為國家隊總教練,他現時的合約,將在明年奧運會后屆滿。
发表于 29-9-2007 09:40 AM
The Star, Saturday September 29, 2007
Kim Hock: What rift?
KUALA LUMPUR: National chief coach Yap Kim Hock denies any knowledge of rifts among the elite badminton coaches in the national training set-up. But if there are problems he is ready to get to the root of it. | Tough call: The NSC director-general Datuk Zolkples Embong (second from left) having a discussion with the national shuttlers during a visit to Putra Stadium recently. Also present are doubles coach Rexy Mainaky (third from left) and head coach Yap Kim Hock (left).
| However, Kim Hock, was unhappy over the lack of openness and transparency in exposing the division among the coaches in the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM). “It is not right to say that there is a problem without stating what is the problem and who are the coaches involved? The public will be confused if details are not given,” said Kim Hock. He was commenting on the National Sports Council (NSC) director general Datuk Zolkples Embong’s statement on Friday. Zolkples said that he was aware of problems among the elite coaches following meetings with several BAM coaches but said that it was only right to go into details after a meeting with the BAM’s president Datuk Nadzmi Mohd Salleh, who is currently in Mecca performing his umrah. “I have an open mind. If there are problems, the coaches should have approached me. Since I took charge as the chief coach (in 2004), I have carried out my duties as what is required out of me,” said Kim Hock. “I am not aware of any major problems but I am ready to meet Datuk Zolkples if I am called up.” Kim Hock, however, said that it was normal to have teething problems in managing the national training centre. “There are 10 courts at the Gymnasium Two (in Bukit Jalil). Initially, it was not enough for everyone. I wanted Misbun (Sidek)’s group to train together at Bukit Jalil. But we have solved that problem. Misbun is at Stadium Juara (in Bukit Kiara) now while the others are here. It was a win, win situation,” he said. “My job is to find an amicable solution to problems raised by the coaches. “We have monthly coaches meeting too. Coaches have different ideas but we discuss about these matters here. “This is an avenue for all of us to be open. Usually, the matters raised are about training programmes.” Kim Hock said that being a chief coach was challenging but he had never thought of giving up. “The biggest challenge for me now is to help Malaysia win an Olympic gold medal and a world title. I have my own ways of dealing with the pressure that comes with this job. But I do not give in easily,” he said. “There have been good results in the men’s doubles (winning the Asian Games gold and the All-England title). Credit must go to Rexy (Mainaky) but who brought Rexy in the first place? There is a lot of work done by the chief coach that are not seen.” The elite coaches under Kim Hock are Misbun Sidek, Rexy Mainkay, Cheah Soon Kit and Wong Tat Meng. |
发表于 29-9-2007 11:02 AM
发表于 30-9-2007 10:54 PM
马来西亚出产的教练也很不错~~ |
发表于 30-9-2007 11:06 PM
回复 #91 No999 的帖子
如果是因为请了一个好教练而有功劳,至于训练球员+交出成果的教练,他的功劳又该怎么算? |
发表于 30-9-2007 11:59 PM
发表于 1-10-2007 01:53 AM
从90年代开始我们的本土教练哪个可以用?每次进行本土化后我们的成绩,有哪次能够不出现惨不忍睹的局面?现在的男双如果不是Rexy执教改称老谢或老叶教,能够有去年年底和今年上半年那么出色的成绩吗?老实说如果我是羽总的高层,会被我开刀的第一个项目绝对是男单。黄达明和Misbun我一定马上让他们离开。Rashid也一样,虽然是我国过去的高手可是我们不需要没成绩兼闹事的教练。 |
发表于 1-10-2007 09:53 AM
原帖由 feizhu 于 1-10-2007 01:53 AM 发表
从90年代开始我们的本土教练哪个可以用?每次进行本土化后我们的成绩,有哪次能够不出现惨不忍睹的局面?现在的男双如果不是Rexy执教改称老谢或老叶教,能够有去年年底和今年上半年那么出色的成绩吗?老实说如果 ...
呵呵!我有几分认同你的说法。但也有不认同之处。比如老谢执教女双,虽然这几年来还未带出一流水平的女双组合,但也成功把我国原本处于三流水平的女双提升至二流水平。不能说他没有用啊!毕竟我国女队的情况和别的强国不同,女球员所面对的困难很大,包括家庭阻力,和男队比享有极不平等的待遇(当然比起以前现在好多了),害怕前途未卜等等。 |
发表于 1-10-2007 11:03 AM
原帖由 No999 于 1-10-2007 09:53 AM 发表
呵呵!我有几分认同你的说法。但也有不认同之处。比如老谢执教女双,虽然这几年来还未带出一流水平的女双组合,但也成功把我国原本处于三流水平的女双提升至二流水平。不能说他没有用啊!毕竟我国女队的情况 ...
老谢如果真的能教的话为什么那么多女双会被他骂走。还有为什么混双老叶不让他教呢?反而给了执教男双的Rexy?我坚决反对用本土教练,他们在球员时代问题多多,让他们执教只会把问题延续下去。80年代和90年代初我们聘请了中国教练结果我们拿下了汤杯。2002年我们请了谢全新结果男单开始有了起色。从90年代起我们哪一次的成功不是靠外国的教练? |
发表于 1-10-2007 11:16 AM
回复 #98 feizhu 的帖子
可惜你不是羽总主席,要不然当年的谢全新就不会被踢走。如果谢全新还是我国男单教练,国家队的实力肯定比现在强得多了。。。 |
发表于 1-10-2007 11:45 AM
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