In tandem with Singapore's growing population and affluence, the amount of solid waste generated in 2015 increased to 7.67 million tonnes, up by 159,000 tonnes from 7.51 million tonnes in 2014. The amount of waste recycled also increased from 4.47 million tonnes in 2014 to 4.65 million tonnes in 2015. The overall recycling rate was 61 per cent in 2015, a slight increase from the 60 per cent in 2014. The increase in recycling rate was due to an uptick in the recycling of wood, horticultural waste and metals. The contribution from a new Metal Recovery Facility, which started operations in July 2015 and recovers metals from incineration bottom ash (IBA), increased the amount of metal recycled from 1.48 million tonnes to 1.49 million tonnes.
Stiffer Fines For Idling Vehicle Engine Repeat Offences From 1 June 2016[size=12.0144px][size=12.0156px]
[size=12.0168px]Targeted measures to deter repeat offenders and minimise air pollution
[size=12.0168px]Singapore, 29 April 2016 – Motor vehicles are a significant source of air pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution poses health risks (refer to Annex A on the health impact of criteria air pollutants). Singapore plans to reduce domestic emissions to meet its 2020 air quality targets which are benchmarked against WHO standards (refer toAnnex B for Singapore’s air quality targets for 2020).
[size=12.0168px]2 As part of ongoing efforts to further improve Singapore’s ambient air quality and safeguard public health, the National Environment Agency (NEA) will increase the penalty for idling vehicle engine repeat offences from 1 June 2016. The move serves as a stronger deterrence against idling vehicle engine.
[size=12.0168px]3 The higher penalty for repeat offenders is being imposed following an upward trend of idling vehicle engine offences. Between 2013 and 2015, the number of enforcement cases grew from about 3,200 in 2013; to 3,800 in 2014; and 5,100 in 2015. During the first three months of 2016, NEA took action against 1,489 errant motorists for idling engine offences (refer to Annex C for an infographic which summarises NEA’s enforcement statistics and impact of idling vehicle engines).
[size=12.0168px]4 Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, it is an offence to leave the engine of a motor vehicle running when it is stationary for reasons other than traffic conditions. Starting from 1 June 2016, motorists caught leaving their vehicle engines idling for a second or subsequent time may compound the offence by paying a composition sum of S$100, up from the current S$70. If the composition sum is not paid, the errant motorist is liable to a maximum court fine of $5,000 upon conviction.
[size=12.0168px]5 The regulations apply to all motorists driving all types of motor vehicles, except:
vehicles that require their engines to be switched on for operation of on-board machinery, such as chiller trucks, concrete mixers etc.
taxis/buses in a queue at their designated stops, stands or terminals waiting to pick up/drop off passengers;
vehicles that are used for law enforcement or emergency purposes, such as ambulances, SCDF or police vehicles; or
vehicles undergoing inspection or maintenance.
[size=12.0168px]6 NEA adopts a multi-pronged approach to mitigate pollution from idling vehicles. Apart from the penalty for repeat offenders, NEA also conducts public education to promote awareness and compliance. Over and above enforcement exercises carried out periodically, educational pamphlets are also distributed to remind motorists. Additionally, NEA works closely with the vehicle inspection centres (VICOM, JIC Inspection Services and STA Inspection) and fleet operators (such as the Singapore School & Private Hire Bus Owners’ Association, the Singapore School Transport Association, the Public Transport Operators and the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore) to raise awareness among drivers. NEA also works with schools to raise awareness among parents waiting in their vehicles to pick up their school-going children. To further enhance public awareness, public signs have also been installed at hotspots to remind motorists.
[size=12.0168px]7 To achieve better air quality and safeguard public health, NEA urges motorists to turn off their engines after parking their vehicles. Members of the public, who spot parked idling vehicles, are encouraged to report them to NEA and provide details such as vehicle registration number, location, date and time of the incident via the channels listed below. Motorists, who wish to submit videos of parked idling vehicles (from their in-vehicle cameras), can also do so via email to the email address indicated below.
For more information, please contact us at 1800-CALL NEA (1800-2255 632) or submit your enquiries electronically via the Online Feedback Form or myENV mobile application.
[size=12.0192px]ANNEX A
[size=12.0192px]Health Impact of Criteria Pollutants
[size=12.0192px]ANNEX B
[size=12.0192px]Singapore Ambient Air Quality Targets
[size=12.0168px]ANNEX C
[size=12.018px]Infographic on Idling Vehicle Engines
News Releases 3 May 2016
Walking and Cycling Plan - A New Requirement for Developers
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) are introducing a new requirement for developers to submit a Walking and Cycling Plan (WCP) so that the needs of pedestrians and cyclists are considered upfront in their development plans. This is part of the government’s efforts to realise the Walk Cycle Ride SG vision, to make walking, cycling and riding public transport a way of life for Singaporeans.
2. The WCP ensures that new developments are designed to be thoughtful to the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and other non-motorists. Through good design that minimise conflict between users of different mobility options, we can create a safer, more accessible and people-friendly environment for all.
3. “We can do more to improve safety and connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists in our built environment. Often, we see pedestrians and cyclists having to negotiate traffic across driveways, or service roads before they can enter the developments. There is also room to improve supporting facilities such as bicycle parking and a good signage system, as these facilities can also play an important part in creating a seamless experience for pedestrians and cyclists. Therefore, we will work closely with developers to design our built environment with the needs of pedestrians and cyclists in mind. Only then would we be able to encourage more to walk, cycle, and ride the public transport in their daily commute and as part of a more active lifestyle,” said Mr Chew Men Leong, Chief Executive of LTA.
4. “Making Singapore friendly to people travelling on foot and other forms of light personal mobility devices is an important part of our planning for liveability going forward. For that to happen, we will need to involve all stakeholders. This is an important step in that direction,” said Mr Ng Lang, Chief Executive Officer of URA.
5. As part of the WCP, developers will have to plan for the safety, convenience and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists in the development design. The walking and cycling routes from key transport nodes and surrounding areas should be reviewed carefully, with provisions for covered walkways or linkways, and safe pedestrian and cyclist crossings. It should also incorporate facilities for cyclists - such as bicycle parking facilities, shower rooms and lockers. Vehicular routes should be located away from pedestrian and cyclist routes to better ensure safety for these users.
6. The WCP will be required of developers from July 2016, and will apply for a start, to commercial developments, such as shopping complexes, offices, business parks, as well as schools, where we expect high pedestrian and cyclist traffic.
陆路交通管理局和市区重建局上午联合发表文告宣布,将从7月起规定发展商在为新发展或重新发展项目向当局提出申请时,须提呈一套步行与脚踏车计划(Walking and Cycling Plan),包括在设计建筑时建议如何为行人和骑士提供安全及方便的出入点。
- See more at: ... thash.HQB5i6BI.dpuf