发表于 16-5-2004 03:26 PM
如果沒有女人,那麽他早就不存在了!!! |
发表于 26-5-2004 01:36 AM
Martin Luther 毕竟还是人(是吗?),多多少少都会有点痛脚吧? |
发表于 26-5-2004 10:11 AM
hermitee 于 25-5-2004 17:36 说 :
楼上高手们就 ...
那基督教徒就该承认错误啊,可是他们连认错的勇气都没有,一不对劲就"闪人" ,别人当然觉得他们只是要其他人认同基督教徒而已,他们是不需要理会你的疑问。 |
发表于 27-5-2004 03:02 PM
猪头兄,原来我们中华民族祖先信奉外邦神,嗯很好很好。 |
发表于 27-5-2004 08:04 PM
海神之風 于 27-5-2004 07:02 说 :
谁说的?该不会是那些德高望重的神父的猜测吧 |
发表于 28-5-2004 12:37 AM
豬頭 于 27-5-2004 08:04 PM 说 :
不只吧?还有其他的人硬要把他们认为对与是的“东西”塞进来。从他们对历史及文化的了解,真替他们感到遗憾! |
发表于 4-6-2004 10:54 PM
謙益 于 8-5-2004 09:29 PM 说 :
特別是西湖安静,fcthow,海神,NANAKO,Betty,討論,Liszt等網友的支持,還有藍天夢的高抬貴手讓我們在這裡自由發言.更應該謝謝PeterTan,你不屈不撓的斗爭讓 ...
还是专注弹钢琴吧。。。。比较单纯纯洁。。。 |
发表于 18-6-2004 02:09 AM
发表于 18-6-2004 12:21 PM
豬頭 于 18-6-2004 02:09 说 :
呵呵呵,如果站在对方及人性的考量,时间会让你知道答案,用心想想。 |
发表于 24-6-2004 09:58 PM
清风游云 于 18-6-2004 04:21 说 :
咦,你这句话很象是基督教徒最擅用50招理的第32招,就是推卸责任,答不到就叫别人想。 |
发表于 25-6-2004 01:54 PM
早期的女權運動都發生在西方國家,近二三十年來,亞洲地區的女性也不甘落人之後,開始相繼為本國的婦女伸張正義,爭取應有的權益。以台灣目前的教育水準而言,並非沒有研究女性神學的人才,但正如一百年前美國的史旦頓(Elizabeth Cady Stanton )的研究所顯示,許多女性不肯參與婦女神學的原因為:因為她們怕崇高的聲譽及學術成就,可能會因為參加這個在當時(此時亦然)被認為是不尋常的運動而遭損(註一)。畢竟,我們都是吃喝父權主義的釋經學長大的,若提倡女性神學,就必須預備迎接許多不可預測的反彈,以及從四面八方湧來許多不自覺的自家人之猛烈抨擊。
(教會原本就應該比任何團體都要盡快醒覺,全面醒覺,促進更多人的醒覺;我建議各位上MAR HILL FORUM看JOHN RANKIN如何解釋從一開始就揭示男女平等的創世記。在GOOGLE輸入上述兩個名詞就可以了。)
1. 若缺乏兩性平等的觀念,釋經學便不完全
現在我們所接受的釋經學,大多沿襲男性父權主義所預設的主觀立場來詮釋聖經的教義,除了含有當代的特殊處境性和文化差異性之外,亦已偏離聖經原文之原意。筆者以為,聖經的啟示原文是無誤的,釋經學的不完全是由於釋經學者的不完全所致。若以今天的兩性平等平權觀點而論,我們所尊敬的初代教父特土良(Tertullian)和中古世紀的阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)都算是鄙視女性的神學家(註三)。
楊克勤《女男之間》,建道神學院出版,p. 20~25。
[ Last edited by 慕容仰 on 25-6-2004 at 03:57 PM ] |
发表于 25-6-2004 01:58 PM
作者:潘蜜拉‧狄其‧楊(Palmela Dickey Young)原著
之前有一篇〈從西方「婦女宗教精神」運動到亞洲基督徒婦女神學的反省〉的摘要就曾經提及不僅應該瞭解整個婦女神學的歷程、也必須瞭解亞洲(至少台灣)的處境,完全地複製或排拒都是在造成研究/研讀的困境。這本書的最大目的就是能與各種想法互相對話,並在神學方法論上將女性的經驗與基督教傳統相互結合。由於作者對於『基督教女性主義』(a Christian feminism)和『基督教婦女神學』(a Christian feminism theology)的結合有著無比樂觀的態度
很多時候、我們重視自己所學的領域固然是一定必須要的,但何嘗不也來個自我解嘲(記得:開自己玩笑就好了!),也比較不會往死胡同鑽。尤其在女性的這個領域、不管是女性神學或女性主義,很多其他的聲音、特別是那些聽來令人生氣或討厭的聲音,其實有很多都是種助力(但當然不包含那些情緒性的語言啦…也說不定有,提醒我們不可以也那樣情緒化啦 )反倒是那些稱讚的聲音,只要聽一次就好了,不然你就會看到有一隻拿著小三叉、賊賊地笑又露出小尖牙的小不點在你的頭上出現啦,呵呵!
上回與朱姐的那次聚會中、news曾經問到:「我們好像從一岸跳下後,一直在找尋那個彼岸,但彼岸在哪裡呢?有時也會想說游回原來的岸上…」覺得朱姐的回答很值得我們思考:『也許我們永遠到不了彼岸,只是一直在這汪洋之中一直游著。』如果我們仍舊一定覺得得看到自己做的努力之後、能有成果的呈現,那麼只有可能氣死自己、永遠覺得不得志罷了。我常覺得、一個人要能很清楚自己,包含自己的stand、也包含自己的限制(自覺的和不自覺的)才能有真正的努力,這當中也就包含了不去打壓別人(或是說、期待自己不要去打壓別人。這些別人、特別指的是一些非走在正統路上的人)。我們在團契常喜歡說:『關懷邊緣人。』說這樣的話的時候、我們的心應該是沈重而祈求上主憐憫的,因為這些邊緣正可能是我們所造成而不自覺。 |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:05 PM
The Debate Over Feminist Theology:
Which View Is Biblical?
Part Three in a Three-Part Series on Liberation Theology
by Ron Rhodes
The woman is "in all things inferior to the man," said first century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus.[1] Rabbi Judah, a contemporary of Josephus, said "a man must pronounce three blessings each day: 'Blessed be the Lord who did not make me a heathen; blessed be he who did not make me a woman; blessed be he who did not make me an uneducated person.'"[2]
Jewish Rabbis in the first century were encouraged not to teach or even to speak with women. Jewish wisdom literature tells us that "he that talks much with womankind brings evil upon himself and neglects the study of the Law and at the last will inherit Gehenna [hell]."[3] One reason for the avoidance of women was the belief that they could lead men astray: "From garments cometh a moth and from a woman the iniquities of a man" (Ecclus. 42:13). Indeed, men were often viewed as intrinsically better than women, for "better is the iniquity of a man than a woman doing a good turn" (Ecclus. 42:14).[4]
In view of this low status of women, it is not surprising that they enjoyed few legal rights in Jewish society. Women were not even allowed to give evidence in a court of law. Moreover, according to the rabbinic school that followed Rabbi Hillel, a man could legally divorce his wife if she burned his dinner.
It was in this oppressive context that Christianity was born. Many people - both men and women - have hailed Jesus as a feminist because of His elevation of women in a male-chauvinist society. Moreover, Paul's statement in Galatians 3:28 - "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (NIV) - has been called "the Magna Carta of humanity."[5] Because of the Christian's standing in Christ, it is argued, the subordination of women that was (allegedly) caused by the Fall (Gen. 3) has been replaced with total equality of the sexes in Christ. Any apparent biblical teaching of the need for female submission today is based on misinterpretations by male scholars.
Feminism. To some the word represents liberation and long-awaited justice; to others, divisiveness. Emotions have run feverishly high in the debate over women's rights, and the past few decades have seen the debate move into the theological mainstream. Today, women are increasingly being ordained as ministers in many Christian denominations; Bibles are being published using "inclusive language;" and those who stand against either of these often find themselves branded as chauvinists.
Certainly no one can deny that women have suffered abuse at the hands of males throughout history. This has caused theologian Duane Litfin to ask some penetrating questions:
What follower of Jesus could ignore the fundamental injustice of laws that work to the disadvantage of women as women? Who could fail to be outraged at the prospect of a woman being paid a fraction of what a man earns for doing the same work? What fair-minded person is not dismayed when reminded that it has only been within the life spans of many living Americans that women have been thought worthy of the vote? And what believer has not discovered blind spots within his own perspective that, on closer inspection, caused embarrassment and repentance? Any who are willing to see can find much in the feminist movement to be praised and supported.[6]
I think Litfin is right. But alas, as Litfin also notes, "the worthy goals of the movement do not stand alone."[7]
In this article, my focus will be limited to examining how evangelical feminists are arguing their case from the Bible. I will then show why traditionalists reject this variety of liberation theology. First, however, it is necessary to distinguish evangelical feminism from three other varieties of feminism. |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:06 PM
The different subgroups among feminists have been categorized variously. For my purposes, I have chosen to classify them as secular feminists, New Age feminists, liberal Christian feminists, and evangelical feminists. These subgroups should not be viewed as having clearly defined lines of demarcation; rather, they are more like clusters along the theological-philosophical continuum. Along this continuum, it is possible that a feminist may fall between the clusters, thereby sharing some of the characteristics of two different groups.[8]
Secular feminists are humanists who disallow God, revelation, and religion in the discussion of feminism. They view the Bible as a major source of chauvinist ideas and a relic of antiquity that has no relevance to the ongoing debate over the roles of men and women in modern society.
New Age feminists are pagans who are typically involved in the worship of a feminine deity or goddess. (The upcoming Fall issue of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL will feature an article by Norman L. Geisler on neopaganism and feminism.)
Liberal Christian feminists operate within a Christian framework but approach feminism (and theology in general) from a very liberal perspective. They believe the Bible writers were simply men of their times and were limited in their perspectives. Liberal Christian feminists employ a "hermeneutic of suspicion" - that is, they "systematically assume that the Bible's male authors and interpreters deliberately covered up the role of women in early Christianity."[9] Using such a hermeneutic, it is easy to sift out from the Bible anything one finds offensive to one's feminist tastes.
Evangelical feminists are those who generally (not always) hold to conservative views on the Bible and theology but who nevertheless embrace the feminist ideal of abolishing gender-based roles in society, church, and home. They believe the Bible is authoritative and, rightly understood, supports their feminist views.
Historically, the first widely publicized book on the role of women in the church that hinted at the formulation of a specific feminist theology was published in 1968: The Church and the Second Sex, by Mary Daly.[10] Following the publication of this book, the market was virtually flooded with books and articles on feminist theology, all of which challenged the idea that female subordination was ordained by God.
In 1975, a conference of evangelical feminists was held in Washington, D.C., that attracted 360 participants from across the United States. The conference formally endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment and established the Evangelical Women's Caucus (EWC), a grassroots "consciousness-raising" organization with chapters in many major cities.[11]
Some traditionalists believe that the emergence of evangelical feminism may be an example of the negative influence of trends in the wider culture on contemporary Christianity. However, Christian feminist Virginia Mollenkott rejects this assessment: "We did not become feminists and then try to fit our Christianity into feminist ideology. We heralded the feminist movement because we were convinced that the church had strayed from a correct understanding of God's will for women."[12]
Has the church strayed from a correct understanding of God's will for women? We shall now examine how evangelical feminists argue their case from Scripture. To simplify the task, I shall focus primary attention on the writings of only a few of the major evangelical feminists. Moreover, because of space limitations, I shall examine only the major arguments and the major Scripture passages they cite in support of their position. |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:07 PM
We begin with the observation that evangelical feminists react against the idea that the male of the human species is most truly representative of God. E. Margaret Howe, one of the more prominent feminist theologians today, notes that this idea is largely based on Old Testament imagery that represents God as "Father," and ignores the Scriptures which typify God as "Mother." The Lord, for example, is portrayed as a nursing mother (Isa. 49:15), midwife (Ps. 22:9-10), and a female homemaker (Ps. 123:2).
In view of the tendency to view God as a male, Howe says the sexuality of God has often been stressed rather than His personhood. But "we are in the realm of mythology," she retorts, "when we conceptualize God as male, rather than female, just as we would be if we considered him to be female rather than male. The being of God transcends the limitations of sexuality."[13]
Jesus Was a Feminist. As noted earlier, many people have hailed Jesus as being a feminist in a first-century, male-chauvinist society. That Jesus considered women on an equal plane with men is clear, we are told, from the manner in which He taught women. Consider His visit to the home of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42):
Martha took the typical woman's role: "Martha was distracted with much serving." Mary, however, took the supposedly "male" role: she "sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching." Martha apparently thought Mary was out of place in choosing the role of the "intellectual," for she complained to Jesus. But Jesus' response was a refusal to force all women into the stereotype: he treated Mary first of all as a person who was allowed to set her own priorities, and in this instance had "chosen the better part." And Jesus applauded her: "it is not to be taken from her."[14] Feminist Gretchen Hull calls Luke 10:38-42 "the most significant encounter because it taught that women should prefer studying theology over a preoccupation with domestic chores."[15]
Aida Spencer, another feminist writer, discounts the fact that Jesus chose twelve men to be disciples. "If Jesus' choice of twelve male [Jewish] disciples signifies that females should not be leaders in the church, then, consistently, his choice also signifies that Gentiles should not be leaders in the church."[16] But, Spencer argues, since Gentiles are allowed to be leaders in the church, the same should be true for women.
Feminists also cast Jesus in the role of a feminist in His first resurrection appearance. Mollenkott notes that "women were considered too frivolous and untrustworthy to be witnesses in a court of law, or to teach children - let alone men; yet Jesus commissioned women to be the first witnesses of His resurrection and sent them to teach the male disciples that He was risen."[17]
And because of what Jesus accomplished in His death and resurrection, it is argued, women have been delivered from the male domination that was caused by the Fall (Gen. 3).
Female Subordination: A Result of the Curse. Evangelical feminists argue that male headship and female subordination in the marital relationship is a part of the curse. Indeed, in Genesis 3:16 God pronounced judgment against the woman: "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Mollenkott argues that "sin enters the human condition in Genesis 3. Only after Adam and Eve have substituted their will for God's will does the specter of male supremacy and female subordination enter the picture."[18] Feminist Gilbert Bilezikian thus argues that "it is proper to regard both male dominance and death as being antithetical to God's original intent in creation. Both are the result of sin, itself instigated by Satan. Their origin is satanic."[19]
The good news, feminists say, is that in Christ "the life-giving law of the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2). "Theologically speaking," Howe argues, "the death of Christ released humanity from the curse brought about by sin. Woman is no longer to be subjugated under male headship. The mutual and complementary relationship that Adam and Eve enjoyed before the Fall may now be restored."[20] |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:09 PM
Equal in Christ (Galatians 3:28).
One might say that the theme verse for evangelical feminism is Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Evangelical feminists argue that Paul is not speaking in this verse about the equality of men and women in their spiritual standing before God, but of the practical outworking of that standing in society. Richard and Joyce Boldrey assert that "Galatians 3:28 does not say 'God loves each of you, but stay in your places'; it says that there are no longer places, no longer categories, no longer differences in rights and privileges, codes and values."[21] Letha Scanzoni and Nancy Hardesty suggest that in view of Galatians 3:28, "all social distinctions between men and women should [be] erased in the church."[22] |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:10 PM
Mutual Submission.
Ephesians 5:21-24 instructs men and women: "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."
How can this passage be interpreted to fit the feminist ideal? Feminists generally make verse 21 - which calls for husbands and wives to "submit to one another" - the governing verse of the entire passage. Because of what Christ accomplished at the Cross, the male domination brought about by the Fall has been done away with, and now there is to be mutual submission between husbands and wives in Christ.
(Traditionalists, however, often argue that the Greek pronoun allelous ["one another"] may carry the meaning "some to others" [Rev. 6:4; Gal. 6:2]. Understood this way, Ephesians 5:21 - as an introduction to verses 22-24 - may be paraphrased: "Those who are under authority should be subject to others among you who have authority over them."[23])
Ephesians 5:22-24 - which calls for wives to submit to their husbands - is problematic for feminists. They explain these verses in any one of several ways. Some argue that a hierarchical model of male/female roles may have been appropriate for New Testament times, but such a model is no longer binding on twentieth-century Christians. Indeed, "an interpretation that 'absolutizes a given historical social order' is unacceptable."[24] Scanzoni and Hardesty suggest that "passages which are theological and doctrinal in content [should be] used to interpret those where the writer is dealing with practical local cultural problems. Except Galatians 3:28 [which is theological in nature], all of the references to women in the New Testament are contained in passages dealing with practical concerns about personal relationships or behavior in worship services."[25] Thus, passages such as Ephesians 5:22-24 must give way to Galatians 3:28.
Other feminists say that while Paul taught a hierarchical model of male/female relations in Ephesians, this was based on his rabbinic training and he was wrong. Mollenkott is an example of this line of thought and says that passages that teach a hierarchical model should be seen as "distorted by the human instrument."[26]
Still other feminists deal with these verses by appealing to another possible meaning of the word "head." It is argued that Ephesians 5:23 - "For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church" - has nothing to do with the exercise of authority. Rather, the Greek word for "head" in this verse must mean source, a meaning supported by two pieces of ancient literature: Herodotus 4.91 and Orphic Fragments 21a.[27]
The meaning of source for "head" is certainly compatible with the Genesis account, it is argued, for indeed the woman does have her source in man.[28] Hence, as Herbert and Fern Miles argue, "there is nothing in the fifth chapter of Ephesians that would even remotely indicate" that wives are responsible to submit to their husbands.[29]
(However, New Testament scholar Wayne Grudem researched 2,336 instances of the word "head" [Greek: kephale] in all the major writings of the classical and Hellenistic Greek periods, and found no clear instances of such a usage. He says the two pieces of ancient literature cited by feminists - which predate the New Testament by 400 years - are not convincing. Moreover, "all the major lexicons that specialize in the New Testament period give [the] meaning ['authority over'], whereas none give the meaning 'source.'"[30]) |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:11 PM
Speaking in the Church.
Evangelical feminists eagerly point out that Paul allowed women to prophesy in the church at Corinth (1 Cor. 11:2-16). However, the apostle Paul added a qualification: "Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head; the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head" (1 Cor. 11:5, 10). Howe takes this to mean that Paul's only concern in 1 Corinthians 11 was that women maintain their sexual identity as women, and that this should be reflected in their manner of dress. "A woman appointed to a leadership position in the church is not adopting a male role; nor, on the other hand, does she stand before the congregation as a sex object. Her hair and shoulders are to be covered because in the redemptive order she stands before God as man's equal, not as the object of man's desire. Thus the veil is a symbol of her 'authority,' authority invested in her by God as a result of the redemptive work of Christ in whom 'there is neither male nor female' (Gal. 3:28)."[31]
In light of these careful instructions, Howe argues, "it would be presumptuous to argue that Paul's later comments in this letter (14:34-35) preclude a woman from ordination on the basis that she is not permitted to speak in the church."[32] |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:11 PM
Silence in the Church.
In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, the apostle Paul said that "women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."
Most Christian feminists say the word "speak" in 1 Corinthians 14:34 refers only to general talking or idle chatter and does not include formal lectures, exhortation, or teaching. Hence, women were prohibited by Paul from chattering or disturbing the meeting, but not from formal public teaching or leading.
A more difficult passage for feminists is 1 Timothy 2:11-12, where the apostle Paul said: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." One popular feminist theory for explaining this passage is that Paul was prohibiting women from speaking or teaching because they had not been properly educated.[33] Hence, "because twentieth-century women are better trained and qualified to teach, Paul's directive doesn't apply. His prohibition was meant to gradually fade away along with the disappearance of social distinctions between men and women."[34]
Other feminists interpret Paul's prohibition as pertaining to women who were teaching error or false doctrine in the church. Seen in this light, the prohibition was not intended to be universally applied. Paul was simply dealing with a specific local problem in Corinth in which some misled women were leading others astray. |
发表于 25-6-2004 02:12 PM
The Feminist Approach.
From our brief survey above, we may conclude that evangelical feminists sometimes argue their case from the biblical text (e.g., Gen. 3:16; Gal. 3:28). Other biblical texts, they say, deal with local cultural situations of the first century and thus must not be seen as normative for modern society (e.g., Eph. 5:21-24; 1 Cor. 14:33b-36; 1 Tim. 2:11-15).
Evangelical feminists marshal many other arguments besides those we have cited to support their case. But the above is sufficient to illustrate their basic approach. We shall now turn our attention to how traditionalists respond to this brand of liberation theology. |
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