野火购屋记 (31-10-2016 拜拜了,野火屋!)
发表于 14-8-2011 11:25 AM
发表于 14-8-2011 12:19 PM
接下来,接水管,拉电线,为SeweragePipe油漆,要做的还多的很野火 发表于 8-9-2009 03:59 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
如果你没有拆橱,就找不到蟑螂大本营? |
发表于 14-8-2011 08:57 PM
SINGAPORE: The government will raise the qualifying income ceilings of households for HDB's Build-To-Order (BTO) flats and Executive Condos (EC), said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday evening.
The qualifying income ceilings of households for BTO flats will be increased from the current S$8,000 to S$10,000, and for ECs from the current S$10,000 to S$12,000.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made the announcements in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday evening.
He said HDB will also build another 25,000 BTO flats next year to meet demand and keep prices of new flats stable and affordable.
The government will also be adding 7,000 rental units over the next two years and postponing demolition of some SERS blocks to be used as temporary rental units.
Mr Lee said the moves will ease the waiting time for needy Singaporeans who require rental flats.
The prime minister also made the commitment to keep housing available and affordable for Singaporeans.
- CNA/al |
楼主 |
发表于 14-8-2011 11:21 PM
回复 861# AhSengSg
说到ERP Gantry,我常常用KPE,它的每一个Entrance/Exit都有Gantry,只是还没启用![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif)
还有一件事还没在这里提过,衣橱里面一般上都有抽屉对吗?我的衣橱里有两个抽屉,平时来开抽屉是不会看到它的底下和背后的空间的,有一天把抽屉整个拉出来,发现那些空间竟然有好多干了的小小粒的黑色东西,不像蟑螂粪便,和老婆讨论了后觉得应该是屋里长出现的小壁虎在里面做大本营了,结果衣橱的抽屉也被我丢了:@ |
发表于 16-8-2011 11:47 AM
It's something expected as Minister for National Development (Mr Mah then) had mentioned in the run-up to General Elections in May 2011 that the income ceiling for HDB flats would be increased.
The changes announced by Prime Minister Lee during National Day Rally on Sunday night 14 Aug 2011 are as follows:
1. Income ceiling for purchase of new HDB flats and for HDB Resale flats raised to S$10,000 from S$8,000 previously.
2. Income ceiling for buying ECs (Executive Condos) raised to S$12,000 from S$10,000.
3. Income Ceiling for Singles raised from S$3,000 to S$5,000 to qualify for HDB Housing Grant. And Housing grant to be increased from S$11,000 to S$15,000.
Those earning up to S$10,000 will get S$30,000 CPF Housing Grant when buying NEW EC. Those who earn between S$10,000 to S$11,000 would get S$20,000, while those earning between S$10,000 to S$12,000 would get S$10,0000 instead. This is still better than before, where anyone earning more than S$10,000 cannot buy New ECs and will NOT get any Housing Grant at all.
What are the possible impacts?
1. demand for DBSS (Design, Build and Sell Scheme) flats might drop. DBSS flats is previously for those whose income exceed S$8,000 but below S$10,000. There is NO longer this group of sandwiched class in the new ruling.
People earning S$8,000 to S$10,000 can now either buy New HDB flats or buy Resale HDB flats and be entitled to Housing Grant.
2. Demand for 3 room Resale HDB flat to go up. Many more singles will be given the Housing grant to buy a Resale flat and many of them, are likely to rush out to buy 3 room Resale HDB flats.
3. Some of the demand for Mass Market condos, those priced between S$1,000 psf to S$1,300 psf will drop, as part of the demand will NOT be shifted to ECs and HDB Resale Flats.
4. With more Higher income people (those earning above S$8,000 to S$10,000) qualifying to buy HDB Resale flats, this might push up demand for HDB Resale flats and there might be upward pressure on COVs (Cash Over Valuation).
All in all, I do NOT see possibility of Singapore property prices falling much in the next 6 to 12 months becos within this period we still have Tight supply situation. Most of the 25,000 NEW HDB flats announced by Minister Khaw to be built in year 2011 would probably only be completed in year 2013 earliest.
Next year, Minister Khaw again promised to build another 25,000 NEW HDB flats. So I worry that there might be an over-supply of New HDB flats in year 2013 and year 2014. If it coincides with a slowdown in the Singapore economy as year 2013 might be in the depth of a Global Financial Crisis, that might hit the world in the next 3 to 10 months.
Year 2013 and year 2014 will also see over 30,000 units of new condos being completed, so there might be over-supply situation in condos during the same time period as well.
Dennis Ng - When You Master Your Finances, You Master Your Destiny
楼主 |
发表于 16-8-2011 12:46 PM
楼主 |
发表于 16-8-2011 12:57 PM
Next year, Minister Khaw again promised to build another 25,000 NEW HDB flats. So I worry that there might be an over-supply of New HDB flats in year 2013 and year 2014.
AhSengSg 发表于 16-8-2011 11:47 AM ![](http://cforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
还有如果要说到时Condo大平卖,大家都去买Condo,不要已建好的BTO的话,是有这个可能,可是避免这发生的方法是不让Condo大拍卖,而不是不要建BTO。 |
发表于 16-8-2011 04:46 PM
本帖最后由 tckiat_5700 于 16-8-2011 04:48 PM 编辑
对于BTO, 我觉得balance flat的价钱应该降低, 而且也不该拖久来卖. 卖水果的小贩也懂得卖不完的箩底橙得赶快便宜卖. 只有HDB是反方向的. 其实HDB应该得深入了解BTO会卖不完的状况而去改善它.
1. Balance of flat要以快速便宜卖出价来吸引买家, 而不是等到几年后逼人以贵价买下.
2. 设计方面的改善, 底楼层的房子要有多点features, 或把底楼房子建大一些.
至于野火大大楼上所说的, 我也是觉得对短期影响没多大改善. |
发表于 16-8-2011 10:58 PM
对于小新政府放宽 BTO ceiling from 8k - 10k on HDB & 10k to 12k for EC. 希望明年在 resale HDB 方面价钱能避免夸张的波动. COV 方面最好能下跌 ....
小弟觉得, 这个新政策能让更多人欲尝试拿新屋, 酱我的竞争者就相对的减少. 但对于楼上一些大大,可能就不是个好事....
希望明年能有个属于小弟的猪僚... |
楼主 |
发表于 17-8-2011 12:26 AM
回复 868# tckiat_5700
9月的SBF会有2500间,我估计有一半以上会是SERS的屋子,BTO剩下的底楼不会太多。 |
发表于 17-8-2011 11:07 PM
回复 867# 野火
我对 hdb 一直换来换去的 rules 也很 blur 一下。。。等我有时间再仔细看。。。![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
发表于 27-8-2011 10:22 AM
野火,你之前说的那间 sengkang condo,昨天 launch了。。。很多人一下。。
虽然经济开始衰退,股市跌不停,但要买屋子的人还是那么多。。![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
发表于 27-8-2011 10:26 AM
(1)没够现金,买 ...
野火 发表于 16-8-2011 12:46 PM ![](http://cforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
那是作者的个人看法。。。![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
发表于 27-8-2011 10:29 AM
不太明白为何会说2013-14会有Oversupply,BTO的买主,95%是没有其他屋子的FirstTimer,除非他们那 ...
野火 发表于 16-8-2011 12:57 PM ![](http://cforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
现在拼命建 bto,也许是促成以后 bto oversupply 的原因。。
好像是有80%的人订购就会建??如果那20%没人买。。 |
发表于 27-8-2011 10:59 AM
楼主 |
发表于 27-8-2011 11:39 AM
发表于 27-8-2011 01:00 PM
两个星期前在Popeyes还是CompassPoint好像有看到有Agent在卖/介绍这个Condo,不过他们都没有理我,因为 ...
野火 发表于 27-8-2011 11:39 AM ![](http://cforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
听 agent 说有10% discount - 也许"证明"了经济衰退的来临。。 |
发表于 27-8-2011 01:05 PM
回复 876# 野火
agent 也跟我说在小新,有很多 freehold 的 private properties 很便宜。。。这些 freehold properties 在全岛各地,没有 security ,没有 swimming pool,没有 gym + other facilities 。。。它们叫做 apartments,跟 condos 有区别。。。一个 development 10-20 units ,比普通99-year condo 便宜。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 30-8-2011 05:18 PM
本帖最后由 野火 于 30-8-2011 05:28 PM 编辑
回复 877# AhSengSg
盛兄有兴趣买?![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
发表于 2-9-2011 11:11 PM
有谁知道三房式Home Improvement Programme (HIP) PR 要付多少钱 ? |
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