


楼主: franklin

【团体】童军请进 [III]

发表于 12-11-2006 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 spiderman 于 11-11-2006 12:24 PM 发表
全国训练总监Mr Yeoh Seng Choon的童军生涯, 马来西亚华裔童军之光

日前游览了一个童军网,无意中发现以下的资料,特地转载过来让大家看看,Mr Yeoh Seng Choon, 马来西亚华裔童军之光

转载自Petaling童军网(非 ...

有关网站只限于他区的童军参考。。。。 很无奈华人竟然变成这个地步尤其不懂得讲话语的。。。。还有某州属一直夸耀及失去童军宗指意义的活动。。。 不像以前那样合群!

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 楼主| 发表于 16-11-2006 03:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-11-2006 09:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-11-2006 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-11-2006 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-11-2006 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

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Follow Us
发表于 18-11-2006 09:10 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 18-11-2006 09:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

Brand of Scout

Scouts, a brand for today's youth
Author: Thierry Tournet

A successful brand will draw attention, make people dream, generate an emotional reaction and will even tell a story. And the moment that it has been recognised, a brand has created its own value. So what if the Scout Movement were a brand?
Two years ago, the Secretary General asked this question, and explored the answer with the support of the World Scout Committee, the World Scout Foundation, and with the technical support of the World Scout Bureau Communications Team and the company Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux, of Zurich. The first results of the new brand design were revealed to the World Scout Conference in Tunisia in September 2005, following the adoption of a new Communications Brand Strategy. The final product has been unveiled this October with the launch of a totally new website and a line of branded products that carry the new design. The World Scout shop will soon follow with the launch of their new retail range.
The National Scout Organisations will have the opportunity to discover all the elements of the new brand during the regional Communications Forums which will be held from November 2006 to the beginning of February 2007.

Protecting our brand
The new brand logo is the signature of World Scouting. It consists of the World Scouting Emblem (the fleur-de-lys), the word 'Scouts' (our name and our reputation), and the claim ‘Creating a better world' (our vision). The brand logo is available in the five working languages of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and will replace all other emblems and visuals which previously represented the six regions of WOSM. This will ensure a consistent global identity for World Scouting, while
still respecting cultural diversity. The brand logo is protected by the international brand protection treaties, so to not respect its use guidelines is an act of piracy. Every member of the Movement should have a sense of responsibility and help to protect its integrity.

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发表于 18-11-2006 09:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

Brand of Scout

Scouts, a brand for today's youth
Author: Thierry Tournet

A successful brand will draw attention, make people dream, generate an emotional reaction and will even tell a story. And the moment that it has been recognised, a brand has created its own value. So what if the Scout Movement were a brand?
Two years ago, the Secretary General asked this question, and explored the answer with the support of the World Scout Committee, the World Scout Foundation, and with the technical support of the World Scout Bureau Communications Team and the company Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux, of Zurich. The first results of the new brand design were revealed to the World Scout Conference in Tunisia in September 2005, following the adoption of a new Communications Brand Strategy. The final product has been unveiled this October with the launch of a totally new website and a line of branded products that carry the new design. The World Scout shop will soon follow with the launch of their new retail range.
The National Scout Organisations will have the opportunity to discover all the elements of the new brand during the regional Communications Forums which will be held from November 2006 to the beginning of February 2007.

Protecting our brand
The new brand logo is the signature of World Scouting. It consists of the World Scouting Emblem (the fleur-de-lys), the word 'Scouts' (our name and our reputation), and the claim ‘Creating a better world' (our vision). The brand logo is available in the five working languages of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and will replace all other emblems and visuals which previously represented the six regions of WOSM. This will ensure a consistent global identity for World Scouting, while
still respecting cultural diversity. The brand logo is protected by the international brand protection treaties, so to not respect its use guidelines is an act of piracy. Every member of the Movement should have a sense of responsibility and help to protect its integrity.

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发表于 19-11-2006 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
好期待这次的Jamboree Malaysia。不知道这里谁有去??

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发表于 19-11-2006 11:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wxchuah0804 于 18-11-2006 09:27 PM 发表

Brand of Scout

Scouts, a brand for today's youth
Author: Thierry Tournet

A successful brand will draw attention, ...


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发表于 20-11-2006 12:01 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 21-11-2006 09:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
Mr. Yeoh授衔童军最高荣誉:

Pengakap mesti ada sikap kasih sayang – PM

MELAKA 20 Nov. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, untuk menjadi ahli pengakap terbaik dan bersedia membantu orang yang memerlukan bantuan, mereka mesti mempunyai perasaan kasih sayang dan semangat untuk berkhidmat dengan rela hati.

Beliau yang juga Presiden Agung Kehormat Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia berkata, kasih sayang adalah perasaan yang sangat baik malah ia diutamakan dalam ajaran agama, justeru ia wajar tersemat dalam jiwa setiap ahli pengakap.

‘‘Kita perlu menghayati nilai kasih sayang, jika ada nilai kasih sayang, insya-Allah perpaduan sesama kita dan dalam masyarakat juga akan teguh.

‘‘Perasaan ini tidak mengenal batasan agama dan bangsa,” katanya ketika berucap pada Majlis Penganugerahan Bintang dan Pingat Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia peringkat kebangsaan di Dewan Seri Negeri di sini, hari ini.

Pada majlis tersebut, seramai 302 orang tokoh, pemimpin pengakap dan orang perseorangan yang telah memberi khidmat terbaik secara berterusan dalam pembangunan pengakap di negara ini, dianugerahkan bintang dan pingat.

Seramai lima orang dianugerahkan Bintang Semangat Padi Kelas Pertama (Emas) iaitu bintang tertinggi dalam pengakap.

Mereka ialah Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Ketua Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negara, Kol. Profesor Datuk Kamarudin Kachar, Pesuruhjaya Latihan Negara, Yeoh Seng Choon, bekas Ketua Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negara, Datuk Hamidin Abdullah dan bekas Naib Yang Dipertua Majlis Pengakap Malaysia, Tan Sri Elyas Omar.

Najib dan Elyas akan menerima anugerah masing-masing pada satu majlis yang ditetapkan kemudian.

Abdullah berkata, dengan adanya perasaan kasih sayang itu, pengakap akan dapat menunjukkan erti kasih sayang serta sikap rela hati untuk membantu penduduk berbilang kaum di negara ini.

Beliau menambah, jika perasaan itu menjadi pegangan ahli pengakap, ia dapat mendorong mereka untuk berkhidmat dan membantu masyarakat yang memerlukan bantuan.

‘‘Jika ini menjadi nilai pegangan kita, jika ini juga menjadi pendorong yang kuat bagi kita setiap hari apabila kita melaksanakan kerja bukan sahaja semasa memakai uniform pengakap tetapi bila-bila masa tanpa uniform pengakap tetap jiwa pengakap dan bangsa, kita akan menjadi bangsa yang bersatu padu,” katanya.

Perdana Menteri menarik perhatian, beliau memahami perasaan serta tugas ahli pengakap kerana beliau juga pernah menjadi ahli pengakap.

Sehubungan itu beliau mengingatkan mereka bahawa pingat dan bintang yang diterima hari ini bukan sekadar hiasan di dada untuk nampak lebih segak dan elok.

Sebaliknya jelas Abdullah, penghargaan yang diterima itu mempunyai falsafah di sebaliknya dengan pingat dan bintang diberi atas penghargaan kepada semua pengakap yang telah menunjukkan kecemerlangan.

‘‘Pengakap mengutamakan pembentukan sahsiah dan peribadi mulia, mengutamakan keinginan membina semangat bekerja untuk negara, bangsa dan rakyat dengan penuh kefahaman bahawa apa yang dilakukan itu semata-mata berasaskan sukarela,” katanya.

Sejajar itu, kata beliau, apabila ada masa tertentu yang memerlukan bantuan dan kerjasama badan bukan kerajaan, pengakap tidak pernah ketinggalan untuk menghulurkan khidmat.

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发表于 21-11-2006 10:32 AM | 显示全部楼层

首相:发挥服务精神 童军应随时随地助人 2006/11/20 18:18:22






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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2006 11:21 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 21-11-2006 11:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 franklin 于 21-11-2006 11:21 AM 发表


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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2006 06:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 darrenkwei 于 21-11-2006 11:43 AM 发表





Anugerah Pingat Semangat Rimba Kelas 2

Tuan Haji Mohd. Bustamin Bin Daharun
Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Daerah Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

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发表于 21-11-2006 06:25 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 21-11-2006 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 24-11-2006 09:14 AM | 显示全部楼层

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