本帖最后由 阿镖叔 于 20-10-2016 09:30 PM 编辑
Lets Avert a Complete Rout of the Opposition in PRU 14 A few days ago, at a PSM Press Conference I opined that the Opposition should not take the peoples’ continued support for granted. I predicted that the BN will not only hold on to Putrajaya, but might also regain its 2/3 majority in the Dewan Rakyat. My reasons for fearing this include - The break-up of PAS and the real possibility of 3 corner contests in seats contested by Amanah. - The rushed decision to form Gerakan Harapan Baru. PKR has chosen Amanah over PAS and this may lead to a diminution of PAS support for PKR in PRU14. This could prove costly to the PKR in seats with more than 30% Malay voters.
成立希盟太冲忙,PKR 选择了诚信党不选择pas,这样会使PKR在14届大选失去PAS的支持,这将使PKR在马来选民超过30%的选区付出沉重的代价。。。。
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