*US Figures: June 22nd-August 9th 2009
*Global Figures: June 27th- August 5th 2009
-340,000 (US)
-785,000 (Globally)
-853,000 (US)
-2,059,000 (Globally)
-285,000 (US)
-892,000 (Globally)
-238,000 (US)
-761,000 (Globally)
-78,000 (US)
-390,000 (Globally)
-70,000 (US)
-343,000 (Globally)
-717,000 (US)
-1,584,000 (Globally)
-1,355,000 (US)
-1,945,000 (Globally)
-1,042,000 (Globally)
-200,000 (US)
-393,000 (Globally)
-50,000 (US)
-100,000 (Globally)
*This does not include single sales, digital downloads, dvd's, ringtones, illegally downloaded material, pirated albums, or countries that don't track album sales/refuse to reveal it. Just legally purchased ALBUMS.
Source for the US numbers: Nielsen Soundscan/Billboard/HitsDailyDouble, Source for Global Numbers: Media Traffic.
Michael Jackson's glittery glove up for auction
Michael Jackson's rumoured final resting place revealed as his death generates
£50m in new deals
這首歌曲唱得很感動﹗ 很好﹗
Michael Jackson performed this song only once. The occasion was the Sammy Davis Jr. 60th Anniversary TV Special. The song was written especially for the broadcast. Videotaped at the Shrine Auditori...
Michael Jackson's glittery glove up for auctionhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090813/ap_en_mu/us_michael_jackson_glove_4
AP – This image released by Julien's Auctions shows Michael Jackson's glove from his 1983 performance of Billie Jean
Michael Jackson Opus to include unseen lyrics and pictureshttp://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/music/article6795428.ece
The only new official Michael Jackson book is being compiled after weeks of legal wrangling. It will include lyrics never seen before, plus drawings and pictures from the singer’s personal archives.
The book will include a feature called augmented reality, with which a computer and webcam can be used to show 3D images emerging from the page.
內容很豐富啊﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗真的是很吸引人啊﹗ 尤其那個晶體卡
Michael Jackson tribute song nabs Whitney Houston, Usher, John Mayer, Lionel Richie, and othershttp://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/michael_jackson/2009/08/13/2009-08-13_micheal_jackson_tribute_song_nabs_whitney_houston_.html
Artists To Remake "Will You Be There"
(13-08-09) Michael Jackson's classic "Will You Be There" is beingremade. The artists reportedly uniting to make the hit are WhitneyHouston, John Mayer, Lionel Richie, Usher, Dione Warwick, Wyclef Jean,Jermaine Jackson, Larry King's wife, Shawn and possibly Jennifer Hudson.Accordingto TMZ, proceeds from the song will be split between the Larry KingCardiac Foundation and an unspecified charity close to Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson's death could make estate £120m by end of year http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/michael-jackson/6024519/Michael-Jacksons-death-could-make-estate-120m-by-end-of-year.html
Murray Left Michael Alone To Make Phone Calls
(13-8-2009) According to the LA Times, Dr. Conrad Murray (51), acardiologist and Michael’s personal physician, left him alone under theinfluence of a powerful anesthetic to make telephone calls the morninghe died. By the time he returned, Michael had stopped breathing.
Thepaper received this information from three people familiar with theinvestigation. The sources spoke on the condition that they not benamed because the investigation is ongoing.
Murray acquired thedrug, propofol, from a Las Vegas pharmacy and gave it to Michael astreatment for insomnia. In an interview with Los Angeles policedetectives two days after Michael`s death, Murray acknowledgedobtaining and administering the medication. He reportedly told policethat the entertainer had returned to his Holmby Hills mansion in theearly hours of June 25, exhausted from a lengthy concert rehearsaland unable to sleep. Michael Jackson had been using propofol as a sleepaid on and off for a decade, according to one law enforcement source.Murray told investigators that he had given Michael Jackson doses ofthe drug repeatedly since taking a $150,000-a-month job as his doctorin May.
Murray told detectives that because there had never been a problem in the past, he felt comfortable leaving Michael alone to place calls on his cellphone, the sources said.
Forthe record: Propofol is a powerful anesthetic and operation room drugthat should only be adminstered in a hospital and with sufficient andconstant monitoring of heartbeat and respiration!
It’s unclearhow long Murray left Michael alone. When he returned, the 50-year-oldentertainer was not breathing. Murray performed CPR and another personcalled 911. At 2:26 pm Michael was officially pronounced dead.
Murrayhas maintained that he did nothing wrong. His attorney, EdwardChernoff, has repeatedly declined to say whether his client gaveMichael Jackson propofol. Asked Wednesday about the version of eventsoutlined by the sources, the lawyer said:
“I’m notgoing to dispute the police officers' claims in that regard. They werethere at the interview, and Dr. Murray did not lie to them. But theyare not telling the whole story.”
Chernoffconfirmed that the doctor had spent time on the phone talking to familymembers and employees in his medical offices before he discoveredMichael Jackson stricken in a bedroom.
In an interviewWednesday, Chernoff suggested that Murray did not realize what he wassigning up for when he agreed to become Michael Jackson’s doctor.
“Whenhe accepted the job, he was not aware of any specific requirementsregarding medications that Michael Jackson was taking or any addictionsthat he was suffering from,” Chernoff said.
But after relocating to Los Angeles, “he realized that Michael Jackson had some very unusual problems,” the lawyer said
DmitryGorin, a defense lawyer who was a deputy district attorney, said thatto prove involuntary manslaughter, prosecutors would have to show thatMurray’s conduct was reckless to the point that no reasonable physicianwould consider such a course of treatment.
“They’duse medical experts to show that the lack of monitoring equipment, lackof staff and leaving the room was so beyond the pale of what aprofessional would do,” Gorin said.
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