SouthernBank forms Malaysian partnership (13-09-2007) HCM CITY — The PhuongNam Joint Stock Commercial Bank (Southern Bank) on Tuesday signed an agreementwith Malaysia-based Amcorp group’s RCE Capital Berhard Co to co-operate infinancial services in Viet Nam. Under the agreement,Amcorp experts and bank representatives will first do research to see how theycan work together. The Amcorp financial grouphas many subsidiaries, specialising in financial services, real estatedevelopment and management, and information technology. Among those, the AMMBHolding Berhard is Malaysia’s fifth largest financial service group involvingbanking, fund management and insurance. The RCE Capital BerhardFinancial Co has been listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange with capital ofUS$170 million. Amcorp is currently theproject owner of the Sibujaya Township in Sibu, Sarawak, comprising 5,600houses, a shopping complex, light industry factories and public utilities. —VNS |