


楼主: 幸福老姑婆


发表于 8-8-2024 12:09 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 xinkafei 于 8-8-2024 12:17 PM 编辑
Dogs1985 发表于 8-8-2024 10:35 AM
我比较好奇你说的“写程序赚差价”,是说上面 30 楼的那位吗?

还有你说的小丑又是谁?三楼那位?还是 ...

小丑是第27楼那位在政经版“鼎鼎大名”的pupuman,他仙大妈和入世未深的小妹妹就行,一直说自己赚多少又赚多少,还有什么去银行不必排队的“primierer”(他自己拼音的),在政经版讲大话,赚大钱,梦想有一天可以当亿万富翁来私有化马华,嘿嘿,叫他摆出来他的profit,siam到远远,不然就pusing,要好练自己三张不必排队的“primierer”, 来这里打脸我呗,我一个户口都有2个“ , ”随时可动用的现金,他呢?在政经版不就是给罗马借口掩蔽?来show off 他的primierer呗。

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发表于 8-8-2024 12:24 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
aquamax 发表于 8-8-2024 12:05 PM

HFT 软件出手下单是不留机会给韭菜逃的,0.1秒就完成交易,(韭菜)能用鼠标取消ORDER吗?🤣

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发表于 8-8-2024 12:52 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 09:16 AM



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发表于 8-8-2024 01:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 12:52 PM

就像那些救国的,别人的老公拿到合同 ...



使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2024 01:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 8-8-2024 01:13 PM 编辑
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 12:52 PM

就像那些救国的,别人的老公拿到合同 ...

马华狗糧仔, 你的一张烂图就代表真的?

我的是真的吗? 要看 HFT live 的视频吗?


使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2024 01:27 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 01:01 PM


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发表于 8-8-2024 01:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 01:27 PM



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发表于 8-8-2024 01:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 01:27 PM

有人要证明自己开volvo , 只能秀钥匙,
High-frequency trading (HFT) machines 是证券行花费几十万美元到几百万美元的设备,

High-frequency trading (HFT) machines require specialized hardware to execute trades with extremely low latency and high throughput. Here are some key hardware requirements for high-frequency trading machines:

Low-Latency Processors: High-frequency trading algorithms require fast processing speeds to analyze market data and execute trades quickly. Many HFT firms use specialized processors, such as Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), to achieve the necessary low latency.
High-Speed Network Connectivity: A high-frequency trading system must have access to high-speed network connections to receive market data and transmit trade orders quickly. Direct market access (DMA) connections to exchanges and proximity hosting services can help reduce network latency.
Low-Latency Memory: HFT systems often use high-speed memory, such as Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) or high-frequency Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM), to store and retrieve data quickly.
Fast Storage: High-frequency trading systems require fast storage devices, such as Solid State Drives (SSDs) or Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) drives, to quickly access historical market data and trading algorithms.
Redundant Systems: To ensure high availability and reliability, HFT machines often use redundant components, such as power supplies, network interfaces, and cooling systems, to minimize the risk of downtime.
Specialized Co-location Services: Some high-frequency trading firms colocate their servers in data centers near exchange matching engines to reduce network latency. These data centers may offer additional services, such as optimized power and cooling infrastructure.
Monitoring and Analytics Tools: HFT systems often include monitoring and analytics tools to track system performance, latency metrics, and trading outcomes in real-time. These tools help traders optimize their algorithms and respond quickly to changing market conditions.
Compliance and Risk Management Tools: High-frequency trading firms must comply with regulatory requirements and manage risk effectively. Hardware components that support compliance monitoring, risk controls, and audit trails are essential for HFT systems.
Overall, high-frequency trading machines require a combination of high-performance hardware, low-latency networking, and robust monitoring tools to execute trades at millisecond speeds and stay competitive in today's fast-paced financial markets.

使用道具 举报


发表于 8-8-2024 01:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 8-8-2024 01:56 PM 编辑
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 01:45 PM
有人要证明自己开volvo , 只能秀钥匙,
High-frequency ...

hahaha . . .  .证券行是向别人买的HFT软件, 我是证券行吗? 只有证券行有软件? 我自己的软件须要几百万美金? 你小学生当然做不到, 但不代表我做不到 !

无论拿出什么交易证明, 你都能说假的, 你仙家飞的一张烂图就是真的? 我的视频怎样也好过你仙家飞的一张烂图 !


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发表于 8-8-2024 01:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 01:27 PM


How much money would it cost to setup high-frequency trading?

Data: High-frequency strategies are data-intensive, so you need to get the best data providers at the tick level (level 3). That’s expensive. Depending on the market you are in (forex, futures, bonds, etc) the cost could vary. FX is even more complex, because of its highly fragmented nature, so they will need to have a broad view of all different sources. The cost for each provider could start from $5k per month each, up to $50k per month.

If you are running a market-making strategy on FX you will want to make sure you can have "at least" 3 or 4 of the main FX platforms (EBS, CBOE FX, FXAll, Fastmatch) and this could total $70k per month.

Servers: You will need power. A decent dedicated server (please don’t use the clouds), could cost you 20k at least. It needs to have CPU 32-cores at least. You can rent a dedicated server, and its cost could start from $2k per month (this could be a very good starting point).

Some have argued with me that is not necessary for so many CPU cores, and before entering into the same discussion, I would recommend reading my other articles on how to "architect HFT trading/low latency systems" in my blog. If you want to reach the best latency, you will need all those cores. And maybe, extra servers as well... but that could be left once your operation is up and running and you are profitable already.

Collocation: That powerful server you just got, must be placed inside a collocated environment. The idea is to reduce the latency between exchanges or ECNs as much as possible. Being close to the exchanges/venues is the only choice, and it will make the difference between a profitable business and a failure. These data centers will charge you for your server space and for the connectivity you use. The connection between your server and the exchanges or venues are called: cross-connections, and you will need to "cross-connect" to every exchange or venue you are working with. This varies considerably depending on the markets you are in, but the collocation & cross-connections could total $8,000.00 per month

Software: this would be the most expensive piece of your setup. Remember, that the software is the brain of your operation. Not only needs to get ALL the data from the exchanges/venues but normalize it, store it, manipulate it, and prepare it to be consumed by your strategies(s). These strategies will be doing different calculations, will lookup for previous data, and then will generate buy/sell signals. And all that must be done in a fraction of milliseconds (hopefully within 5–30 microseconds)

On top of that, you must be sure, that you will have all the different modules in place: price aggregators (to make sure you have all price sources aggregated in one place), order management systems (OMS), execution management systems (EMS), smart order routing (SOR), liquidity manager (LM), risk management systems (RMS). and any interface you may need (to databases, storage, monitoring systems, reporting, etc)

Cost-wise will depend on what you choose: If you go with an off-the-shelf solution (not recommended, it is cheaper, hard to customize, you don’t own anything, slow), or you start your own development (time to market +1 year, very costly). If you choose the 1st option, the cost varies from provider to provider between $10k to $20K monthly. If you go for the second option, the cost could go way over $1M, but the advantages and the edge you may have over the competition is incomparable.

There is a third option, which is using a hybrid between the two: you can hire experts to develop your entire system, along with your current software development team (if you already have it). Something like this could cost you half of what will cost you if you build it all by yourself.

Full disclosure: our company offers this kind of hybrid service, where we can join into companies' team, bringing all the expertise and help them to build this kind of system.
People: you will need human resources. This is not a one-guy operation. You will need to have software engineers, quantitative analysts, technical support for your servers, and researchers. Think about 150k /year at the lower end.

Brokers/Prime Brokers: you will need to open up a brokerage account to have access to the trading venues and start to execute your HFT system. They will require you to have a minimum capital to trade (besides the commissions/fees they may charge). So, that adds up to your initial setup cost.
It’s a very lucrative business but is hard to get started. Usually, startups try to start small and grow as they see profits, but that always falls into failure. If you do that, you will fail to have all the above points I’ve listed.
Your initial investment is high, and keeping in mind that after having all these startup costs, all your infrastructure in place, and the software ready to run, your first profitable trades could start to come in after 6 to 12 months of operations.

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2024 01:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 01:45 PM
有人要证明自己开volvo , 只能秀钥匙,
High-frequency ...

人家用 notepad 就能发动 HFT 了。 你还是算了吧。

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2024 02:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
lcw9988 发表于 8-8-2024 01:53 PM
hahaha . . .  .证券行是向别人买的HFT软件, 我是证券行吗? 只有证券行有软件? 我自己的软件须要几百万美 ...


How much money would it cost to setup high-frequency trading?

Data: High-frequency strategies are data-intensive, so you need to get the best data providers at the tick level (level 3). That’s expensive. Depending on the market you are in (forex, futures, bonds, etc) the cost could vary. FX is even more complex, because of its highly fragmented nature, so they will need to have a broad view of all different sources. The cost for each provider could start from $5k per month each, up to $50k per month.

If you are running a market-making strategy on FX you will want to make sure you can have "at least" 3 or 4 of the main FX platforms (EBS, CBOE FX, FXAll, Fastmatch) and this could total $70k per month.

Servers: You will need power. A decent dedicated server (please don’t use the clouds), could cost you 20k at least. It needs to have CPU 32-cores at least. You can rent a dedicated server, and its cost could start from $2k per month (this could be a very good starting point).

Some have argued with me that is not necessary for so many CPU cores, and before entering into the same discussion, I would recommend reading my other articles on how to "architect HFT trading/low latency systems" in my blog. If you want to reach the best latency, you will need all those cores. And maybe, extra servers as well... but that could be left once your operation is up and running and you are profitable already.

Collocation: That powerful server you just got, must be placed inside a collocated environment. The idea is to reduce the latency between exchanges or ECNs as much as possible. Being close to the exchanges/venues is the only choice, and it will make the difference between a profitable business and a failure. These data centers will charge you for your server space and for the connectivity you use. The connection between your server and the exchanges or venues are called: cross-connections, and you will need to "cross-connect" to every exchange or venue you are working with. This varies considerably depending on the markets you are in, but the collocation & cross-connections could total $8,000.00 per month

Software: this would be the most expensive piece of your setup. Remember, that the software is the brain of your operation. Not only needs to get ALL the data from the exchanges/venues but normalize it, store it, manipulate it, and prepare it to be consumed by your strategies(s). These strategies will be doing different calculations, will lookup for previous data, and then will generate buy/sell signals. And all that must be done in a fraction of milliseconds (hopefully within 5–30 microseconds)

On top of that, you must be sure, that you will have all the different modules in place: price aggregators (to make sure you have all price sources aggregated in one place), order management systems (OMS), execution management systems (EMS), smart order routing (SOR), liquidity manager (LM), risk management systems (RMS). and any interface you may need (to databases, storage, monitoring systems, reporting, etc)

Cost-wise will depend on what you choose: If you go with an off-the-shelf solution (not recommended, it is cheaper, hard to customize, you don’t own anything, slow), or you start your own development (time to market +1 year, very costly). If you choose the 1st option, the cost varies from provider to provider between $10k to $20K monthly. If you go for the second option, the cost could go way over $1M, but the advantages and the edge you may have over the competition is incomparable.

There is a third option, which is using a hybrid between the two: you can hire experts to develop your entire system, along with your current software development team (if you already have it). Something like this could cost you half of what will cost you if you build it all by yourself.

Full disclosure: our company offers this kind of hybrid service, where we can join into companies' team, bringing all the expertise and help them to build this kind of system.
People: you will need human resources. This is not a one-guy operation. You will need to have software engineers, quantitative analysts, technical support for your servers, and researchers. Think about 150k /year at the lower end.

Brokers/Prime Brokers: you will need to open up a brokerage account to have access to the trading venues and start to execute your HFT system. They will require you to have a minimum capital to trade (besides the commissions/fees they may charge). So, that adds up to your initial setup cost.
It’s a very lucrative business but is hard to get started. Usually, startups try to start small and grow as they see profits, but that always falls into failure. If you do that, you will fail to have all the above points I’ve listed.
Your initial investment is high, and keeping in mind that after having all these startup costs, all your infrastructure in place, and the software ready to run, your first profitable trades could start to come in after 6 to 12 months of operations.


使用道具 举报

发表于 8-8-2024 02:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 8-8-2024 02:07 PM 编辑
洋葱小弟 发表于 8-8-2024 01:59 PM
人家用 notepad 就能发动 HFT 了。 你还是算了吧。

notepad 只是给自己记录几时开始 . . .不必暂停软件去查, 看到notepad却看不到软件运行?  不懂装懂, 你醒了吗?

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发表于 8-8-2024 02:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
洋葱小弟 发表于 8-8-2024 01:59 PM
人家用 notepad 就能发动 HFT 了。 你还是算了吧。

cari卧虎藏龙 神人真的很多。


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发表于 8-8-2024 02:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 02:01 PM

证券行是向别人买的HFT软件, 向别人买软件当然昂贵啦! 我是证券行吗?

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发表于 8-8-2024 02:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 02:03 PM
cari卧虎藏龙 神人真的很多。

看到notepad却看不到软件运行?  你醒了吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 8-8-2024 02:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
lcw9988 发表于 8-8-2024 01:07 PM
马华狗糧仔, 你的一张烂图就代表真的?

我的是真的吗? 要看 HFT live 的视频吗?


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 楼主| 发表于 8-8-2024 02:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 12:09 PM
小丑是第27楼那位在政经版“鼎鼎大名”的pupuman,他仙大妈和入世未深的小妹妹就行,一直说自己赚多少又 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 8-8-2024 02:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 02:01 PM


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发表于 8-8-2024 02:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
幸福老姑婆 发表于 8-8-2024 02:07 PM

别信他, 他们就是一班失意马华仔, 一张烂假图而已 !

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