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楼主: dupont378


发表于 16-11-2015 09:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 16-11-2015 08:50 AM
关闭关口会动用 NATO军队对付

哗,嘛鬼打鬼?@jowy 喜欢滴。

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 楼主| 发表于 16-11-2015 11:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
盡用話題 发表于 15-11-2015 05:20 PM

朝野 比赛建回教城


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
盡用話題 + 5 希望反对党不要重韜覆彻



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发表于 16-11-2015 06:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
乾坤 发表于 15-11-2015 09:16 PM
这些人,不能以正常人的标准来看待和猜他们的心思。就拿一个例子就好,他们相信死后会有72个神仙处女来供 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 18-11-2015 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 dupont378 于 18-11-2015 05:35 AM 编辑
water-ice 发表于 16-11-2015 10:23 AM
活得不耐煩,唯有寄望死後有奇蹟出現,就算在荒謬,成為聖戰士的過程也要不斷催眠自已,告訴自已有72個處 ...

Syrian Passports Found at Paris Attack Scene Were Fake, Made in Turkey[url=]
Apparently Syrian IDs and passports are easily purchased in Turkey to whoever has a little extra cash. A Dutch journalist reported on doing just that back in September, both using pictures of the Dutch prime minister, and for the low price of just $825.
Now police sources in France have confirmed the Syrian passports found in the wake of the Paris attacks are indeed fake:
Syrian passports found near the bodies of two of the suspected Paris attackers were fakes that were likely made in Turkey, police sources in France told Channel 4 News on Sunday.
Greek officials had said on Saturday that one of the two passports was held by someone who had registered as a refugee on the Greek island of Leros on 3 October…
Fake Syrian passports have become a valuable commodity in recent months and are freely traded on the black market, as they can help ease the path for non-Syrians to get protection as refugees in Europe. (source)
Fake passports are also helpful to refugees who cannot get proper papers due to the war.
Obama has vowed to take in tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of “carefully vetted” Syrian refugees, even as governors in more than half the states across the country have vowed to close state borders to them. Wonder how careful that vetting process is…
Meanwhile, the Egyptian passport supposedly belonging to one of the Paris attackers was later deemed to belong to one of the victims injured in the attacks at the football stadium.
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发表于 18-11-2015 01:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
dupont378 发表于 18-11-2015 01:34 PM
在巴黎的攻击现场发现叙利亚护照[/ba ...



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