PR 你们有upgrade 你们的medishield 吗?
发表于 15-9-2011 02:30 PM
这种可以省却大马医药卡费用的配套是许文远做卫生部长时所推行的最好计划之一啦,当然是要Upgrade的,这位乡 ...
花沙尼 发表于 10-9-2011 11:52 PM
呵呵,我是以前P的代理,现在在manulife了,manulife我们除了卖aviva的myshield,我们也是有自己的medical plan叫mycare。 |
发表于 15-9-2011 02:35 PM
发表于 15-9-2011 05:46 PM
那天才见保险经纪upgrade...加个sgd 30+
其中是加保器官 ...
shin9899 发表于 10-9-2011 08:57 PM
你绝对是应该upgrade的... |
发表于 16-9-2011 12:32 AM
我问我的agent了,他说你的original receipt可以拿去" 保险公司A" certified true copy 然后 claim ...
bad_awi 发表于 14-9-2011 10:45 PM
避免误会,我确认一下:你的意思是说,先拿original receipt到A公司claim max,然后复印一张,让A公司certified true copy这复印本。
然后拿那张certified true copy的复印本,到B公司claim剩余的?
如果是这样,希望以上的资料能对网友有帮助。 |
发表于 16-9-2011 08:15 AM
binson 发表于 15-9-2011 05:46 PM
大家甘話。。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 24-9-2011 01:50 PM
避免误会,我确认一下:你的意思是说,先拿original receipt到A公司claim max,然后复 ...
雁风 发表于 16-9-2011 12:32 AM
不,误会了。我所说的情况只适用在两间公司都在新加坡。 |
发表于 25-9-2011 03:12 PM
bad_awi 发表于 24-9-2011 01:50 PM
现在重点是:如果两间个别在大马和新加坡,该如何处理? |
发表于 25-9-2011 04:05 PM
大家好,我刚刚成为 PR, 到底 Medisave 是什么? 如果到我 55岁都没有用完 medisave 里面的钱, 是不可以拿回的吗?
这是我在cpf board website 看到的。Withdraw in full 的意思是3 个account 的钱都可以拿吗?请专人指点
Q: Can I withdraw my CPF if I am leaving Singapore and West Malaysia permanently? If so, what do I need to do?
[ Your Retirement Savings And Withdrawals > CPF Withdrawals on Other Grounds > Withdrawal of CPF on Grounds of Leaving Singapore & West Malaysia Permanently ]
You may withdraw your CPF in full if you have left Singapore and West Malaysia permanently with no intention of returning to either country for employment or residence.
You may apply for withdrawal online under my cpf Online Services - My Requests if you have a SingPass. Alternatively, you can also complete the application form CPF-LM and mail it to us.
To support your application, please mail us photocopies of the relevant supporting documents (as stated on the application form) which must be certified by a Notary Public or an official from Singapore High Commission. |
发表于 25-9-2011 05:37 PM
CPF medishield 提供的保障遇到大病就可能不够用,所以upgrade是有必要的。我最近upgrade去PRUShield,可以 ...
bad_awi 发表于 11-9-2011 12:37 AM
你说讲的应该是ridership... |
发表于 7-10-2011 02:45 PM
我有upgrade Aviva。现在买的话我和我的老公买可以免费我的女儿的到20岁。
max是4个小孩。 |
发表于 12-10-2011 08:02 AM
本帖最后由 海豚_夏日雪 于 12-10-2011 08:04 AM 编辑
回复 50# 如果有一天
我也是透过manualife买aviva的。。。加一个rider 10% co-insurance的,rider一个月大概S$10+反正medishield的钱拿不出来,所以还是拿来upgrade给自己多一个保障吧。。。
虽然本身在大马已有一个RM200k保障,我另外也帮自己买多一个小新的term insurance
我比较怕死。。。 |
发表于 12-10-2011 09:09 AM
回复 如果有一天
我也是透过manualife买aviva的。。。加一个rider 10% co-insurance的,rider一个月大 ...
海豚_夏日雪 发表于 12-10-2011 08:02 AM
你说 medisave 的钱拿不出来的意思是到退休,要回来马来下也不能拿回来的吗? |
发表于 12-10-2011 10:29 AM
你说 medisave 的钱拿不出来的意思是到退休,要回来马来下也不能拿回来的吗?
meili2211 发表于 12-10-2011 09:09 AM
CPF有3个accountOrdinary Account - the savings can be used to buy a home, pay for CPF insurance, investment and education.
Special Account - for old age and investment in retirement-related financial products.
Medisave Account - the savings can be used for hospitalisation expenses and approved medical insurance.
只有ordinary acc的钱可以提出。。。而且还要有min cap。。。balance的才可以提。。。
http://ask-us.cpf.gov.sg/hybrid/Themes/CPF/related.asp?MesId=8555325&FolderID=0&Selected=2&CSRId=&SourceId=0 |
发表于 12-10-2011 10:51 AM
回复 51# 海豚_夏日雪
你说的term insurance 五年一年才是S$300++,很不错勒很便宜。 什么公司的可以说?谢谢 |
发表于 12-10-2011 11:01 AM
CPF有3个accountOrdinary Account - the savings can be used to buy a home, pay for CPF insurance, ...
海豚_夏日雪 发表于 12-10-2011 10:29 AM
3 个account 的分配和用途我是知道的。 我是想知道有一天我退休回乡了。
3个 account 的钱通通可以拿回来吗?还是想你说的 medisave 的钱出了医疗用途
是完全不能拿回? |
发表于 12-10-2011 11:03 AM
回复 如果有一天
我也是透过manualife买aviva的。。。加一个rider 10% co-insurance的,rider一个月大 ...
海豚_夏日雪 发表于 12-10-2011 08:02 AM
什么是 term insurance呢? |
发表于 12-10-2011 01:28 PM
发表于 12-10-2011 02:55 PM
普通我们买的insurance,到了一段时间后,你 ...
海豚_夏日雪 发表于 12-10-2011 01:28 PM
真的吗? 为什么在 cpf board 找不到相关不能提 medisave account 的钱的消息?
在 FAQ 那边看到这个 :
Q: | Can I withdraw my CPF if I am leaving Singapore and West Malaysia permanently? If so, what do I need to do?
[ Your Retirement Savings And Withdrawals > CPF Withdrawals on Other Grounds > Withdrawal of CPF on Grounds of Leaving Singapore & West Malaysia Permanently ] | |
A: | You may withdraw your CPF in full if you have left Singapore and West Malaysia permanently with no intention of returning to either country for employment or residence. |
发表于 12-10-2011 03:30 PM
发表于 12-10-2011 03:50 PM
回复 59# 海豚_夏日雪
Q: | How much can I withdraw from my CPF Account when I reach 55?
[ Your Retirement Savings And Withdrawals > CPF Withdrawals at 55 & Beyond > Withdrawals of CPF Savings ] | | | A: |
If you reach 55 between 1 July 2011 and 31 December 2011, the following rules apply:
Cash balances in Ordinary and Special Accounts, and any balance above Medisave Minimum Sum (currently $36,000) in Medisave Account at 55 | Amount which you can withdraw | $5,000 or less | All your cash balances | More than $5,000 but less than or equal to $25,000 | $5,000. The remainder will be set aside in your Retirement Account*. | More than $25,000 but less than or equal to $163,750 | 20% of the cash balances. The remainder will be set aside in your Retirement Account.* | More than $163,750 | All your cash balances after setting aside the CPF Minimum Sum of $131,000 **(from Jul 2011 to Jun 2012) and the prevailing Medisave Required Amount ($27,500 for 2011) | *The Retirement Account is created when a member reaches 55. **The CPF Minimum Sum applicable for members turning 55 between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012 is $131,000. The Board will announce the CPF Minimum Sum figure (adjusted for inflation) in June each year. From 1 January 2011, members who reach 55 can only withdraw 20% of their cash balances, and the remaining balances, if any, after they have set aside the CPF Minimum Sum (MS) in their Retirement Account. If they have the full MS but have less than the Medisave Required Amount (MRA), they are required to make a top-up to their Medisave Account with part of the balances from their Ordinary and/or Special Accounts to meet the prevailing MRA. This percentage of withdrawal will go down by 10 percentage points each year until 2013.
Please click here for the percentage of the cash balances that can be withdrawn at 55.
From 1 January 2013, members who reach 55 can withdraw their cash balances only after setting aside the CPF Minimum Sum and Medisave Minimum Sum. However, members can still withdraw the first $5,000 from the CPF account at 55. |
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