发表于 23-12-2008 08:39 AM
他說,由於政府已宣佈展延此收購計劃,所以不應被任何人渲染成為一項大課題。 |
发表于 23-12-2008 08:40 AM
发表于 23-12-2008 08:41 AM
僑豐投資研究補充,雖然這項新計劃讓本地航空業又重新成為焦點,不過短期內仍無法扭轉盈利低迷尷尬。“這項建議書仍有許多障礙,令航空領域展望仍不明朗,加上今年亞太地區共接收超過400架飛機,航空領域回酬持續受到壓縮。而東盟航線開放與長程航線需求下滑,將打擊完整服務業者如馬航(MAS,3786,主板貿服組) ,料後者把觸角延伸至廉價航空領域的步伐加速。 |
发表于 23-12-2008 08:42 AM
另一方面,針對森那美計劃在2025年創造名為“Sime Darby Vision Valley”的城鎮,聯昌研究認為若這項計劃成功執行,可刺激產業銷售與打響在巴生河流域品牌,並可趁機脫售旗下地庫套利,抵銷原棕油價格疲弱影響種植業貢獻偏低利空。
另外,分析員也認為對馬航短期影響不大,因為此建議案仍有許多障礙要跨過,及必須等到2011年2月才會營運,加上與澳洲昆達士的策略聯盟機會,因此短期內股價仍會獲支撐。 |
发表于 23-12-2008 08:53 AM
【本刊陈子莹撰述】本月初才传出马航有意与澳洲昆达士谈合并、亚航的私营化计划告吹;在短短的两个星期内,我国航空业又起了新变化:私营化不成的亚航将在2011或2012年经营在森美兰拉务(Labu)新建的廉价航空机场,而马航与与澳洲昆达士(Qantas)的合并谈判传出告吹的消息。【点击:亚太航空或有新局面 马航亚航各有新动向】
话说,政府已批准森那美(Sime Darby)在森美兰拉务建造一座廉价航空机场,而廉价航空公司亚洲航空(Air Asia)将在建竣后经营这座廉价航空机场。
《新海峡时报》今天在一篇评论中点出,马来西亚机场控股公司(Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd)早在今年二月就宣布已计划在吉隆坡国际机场隔邻拨出一块地,以建造一座一年可处理2500万%
http://www.merdekareview.com/news.php?n=8412 |
发表于 23-12-2008 09:07 AM
我有一张RM5.60的票,不知道该不该现在亏一点卖掉? ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
发表于 23-12-2008 09:12 AM
发表于 23-12-2008 09:25 AM
发表于 23-12-2008 10:59 AM
发表于 23-12-2008 11:24 AM
发表于 23-12-2008 08:28 PM
发表于 23-12-2008 08:32 PM
General Announcement | Reference No SD-081223-CAE69 |
Company Name | : | SIME DARBY BERHAD | Stock Name | : | SIME | Date Announced | : | 23/12/2008 |
Type | : | Announcement | Subject | : | Sime Darby Berhad’s interest in IJN Holdings Sdn Bhd (“IJN”) |
| Contents | : | We refer to Sime Darby Berhad's ("Company") announcements on 17 and 18 December 2008 on the above matter.
With regard to the Cabinet’s announcement to defer its decision on aproposal by the Company to take a 51% equity stake in IJN, the Companywishes to announce that it stands guided by the Cabinet’s decision andawaits further instructions from the Government on the matter.
This announcement is dated 23 December 2008. |
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© 2008, Bursa Malaysia Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
发表于 23-12-2008 08:33 PM
General Announcement | Reference No SD-081223-CAD97 |
Company Name | : | SIME DARBY BERHAD | Stock Name | : | SIME | Date Announced | : | 23/12/2008 |
Type | : | Announcement | Subject | : | Sime Darby Berhad
- Article entitled : “A Delicate Balancing Act" |
| Contents | : | We refer to the news article appearing in The Edge Malaysia, pages 74 to 76, on 22 December 2008 on the above matter.
Sime Darby Berhad ("Company") wishes to state that the Company’srevised Key Performance Indicators (“KPI”) quoted in the article ofRM1.6 billion is incorrect. There has been no change in the KPI ofRM1.9 billion for FY08/09 as announced on 28 November 2008.
This announcement is dated 23 December 2008. |
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发表于 23-12-2008 08:34 PM
General Announcement | Reference No SD-081222-A2ECD |
Company Name | : | SIME DARBY BERHAD | Stock Name | : | SIME | Date Announced | : | 23/12/2008 |
Type | : | Announcement | Subject | : | Sime Darby Berhad
- Article entitled : “Green light for Sime's LCCT” |
| Contents | : | We refer to the news article appearing in The Edge Malaysia, pages 1 and 76, on 22 December 2008 on the above matter.
Sime Darby Berhad ("Sime Darby" or "Company") wishes to announce thatthe Company and AirAsia Berhad ("AirAsia") have jointly expressed aninterest to the Government of Malaysia to develop and operate a privatelow cost carrier terminal ("LCCT Project") on the Sime Darby Group'sland in Negeri Sembilan.
The LCCT Project is in the initial planning phase and the Company andAirAsia are engaged in preliminary discussions with state and federalauthorities.
This collaboration with AirAsia is an integral part of the Company'sdevelopment plan for its Negeri Sembilan Vision City ("NSVC"). NSVC ispart of the Company's Central Vision Valley property developmentproject spanning Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.
This announcement is dated 23 December 2008. |
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© 2008, Bursa Malaysia Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
发表于 23-12-2008 08:34 PM
General Announcement | Reference No SD-081222-A2ECD |
Company Name | : | SIME DARBY BERHAD | Stock Name | : | SIME | Date Announced | : | 23/12/2008 |
Type | : | Announcement | Subject | : | Sime Darby Berhad
- Article entitled : “Green light for Sime's LCCT” |
| Contents | : | We refer to the news article appearing in The Edge Malaysia, pages 1 and 76, on 22 December 2008 on the above matter.
Sime Darby Berhad ("Sime Darby" or "Company") wishes to announce thatthe Company and AirAsia Berhad ("AirAsia") have jointly expressed aninterest to the Government of Malaysia to develop and operate a privatelow cost carrier terminal ("LCCT Project") on the Sime Darby Group'sland in Negeri Sembilan.
The LCCT Project is in the initial planning phase and the Company andAirAsia are engaged in preliminary discussions with state and federalauthorities.
This collaboration with AirAsia is an integral part of the Company'sdevelopment plan for its Negeri Sembilan Vision City ("NSVC"). NSVC ispart of the Company's Central Vision Valley property developmentproject spanning Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.
This announcement is dated 23 December 2008. |
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© 2008, Bursa Malaysia Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
发表于 23-12-2008 08:53 PM
发表于 23-12-2008 08:55 PM
白文春:打擊鄉區消費士氣 “雙油”收入跌 影響政府大計劃
大馬2008年11月份棕油庫存再創歷史新高 2008/12/17 中央社
另外,大馬11月份棕油產量達165萬8,416公噸,較上月增加3.8%;其主要出口市場為中國大陸(32萬9,072公噸)、荷蘭(12萬9,571公噸)、巴基斯坦(9萬3,380公噸)、美國(9萬1,463公噸) 及印度(8萬7,517公噸)。
~資料來源:經濟部國貿局 |
发表于 24-12-2008 09:23 AM
CONGLOMERATE Sime Darby Bhd (4197)said it will only develop the new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) project in Labu, Negri Sembilan, and not own or operate it.
Once completed by March 2011, it will then sell the new terminal dubbed"KLIA East@Labu" to budget carrier AirAsia Bhd, says a Sime Darbyofficial at a briefing in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, its first since thegovernment approved the project on Friday.
"We are now gettinga brief on the specifications (for the new LCCT) from AirAsia and willhand it over to the carrier once developed," he said.
Theofficial said the idea to set up a new LCCT in Labu was first mooted bySime Darby six months ago to spur the development of its 5,261-hectareNegri Sembilan Vision City.
On the RM1.6 billion cost of building the new LCCT, the official said it is just an estimate.
"But the good thing about undertaking this project at this time is thatconstruction prices are coming down. If we had done it six to ninemonths ago it would have cost us a lot more. Our initial figure wasRM1.73 billion," he added.
He said the RM1.6 billion cost doesnot include the cost of land, but only construction costs such as therunway and airport terminal which will have a handling capacity of 30million passengers per year and 70 aircraft parking bays.
"Yes, the sale price (of the new LCCT to AirAsia) will be more. However, we have not done the land valuation," he said.
The official also said Sime Darby has yet to work out the funding details.
"We only got word of this on Friday after the Cabinet meeting. (Assuch,) we have not made a decision on how it will be funded ... but theimportant fact is that it will be privately funded. There will be nogovernment funds used in the construction of the new LCCT," he said.
He said Sime Darby will seek approval from its board for the project, but gave no timeline.
Once approved, it will then decide whether to develop the project on its own or with other parties.
"It is still early ... it (a joint venture) is possible ... the boardmay say it's a good project, do it on our own or maybe partner withother parties to mitigate risk," the official said.
Alsopresent was an AirAsia official who said both Sime Darby and AirAsiahave not yet received the official letter for the project from theEconomic Planning Unit, but expect to get it in the next few days.
On the management of the new LCCT, he said the carrier may appoint a sub-manager.
"But we will be very involved in the construction of the new LCCT.Where we don't have the expertise, we will bring in that expertise," headded.
To a question, the official said the carrier may notneed to own the new LCCT, but will consider getting an infrastructurefirm that wants a guaranteed return.
"This is purely aninfrastructure project. So for people who are looking forinfrastructure returns this is a wonderful asset. There are lots ofpeople who see infrastructure as a steady income flow, good returns.
"The point is that it is a hugely cash generative machine. The way weplan it is that it should be very profitable, yet reducing our costsand fares. (We believe that) it is a very viable financial model," headded. |
发表于 24-12-2008 09:24 AM
CONGLOMERATE Sime Darby Bhd (4197)said it will only develop the new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) project in Labu, Negri Sembilan, and not own or operate it.
Once completed by March 2011, it will then sell the new terminal dubbed"KLIA East@Labu" to budget carrier AirAsia Bhd, says a Sime Darbyofficial at a briefing in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, its first since thegovernment approved the project on Friday.
"We are now gettinga brief on the specifications (for the new LCCT) from AirAsia and willhand it over to the carrier once developed," he said.
Theofficial said the idea to set up a new LCCT in Labu was first mooted bySime Darby six months ago to spur the development of its 5,261-hectareNegri Sembilan Vision City.
On the RM1.6 billion cost of building the new LCCT, the official said it is just an estimate.
"But the good thing about undertaking this project at this time is thatconstruction prices are coming down. If we had done it six to ninemonths ago it would have cost us a lot more. Our initial figure wasRM1.73 billion," he added.
He said the RM1.6 billion cost doesnot include the cost of land, but only construction costs such as therunway and airport terminal which will have a handling capacity of 30million passengers per year and 70 aircraft parking bays.
"Yes, the sale price (of the new LCCT to AirAsia) will be more. However, we have not done the land valuation," he said.
The official also said Sime Darby has yet to work out the funding details.
"We only got word of this on Friday after the Cabinet meeting. (Assuch,) we have not made a decision on how it will be funded ... but theimportant fact is that it will be privately funded. There will be nogovernment funds used in the construction of the new LCCT," he said.
He said Sime Darby will seek approval from its board for the project, but gave no timeline.
Once approved, it will then decide whether to develop the project on its own or with other parties.
"It is still early ... it (a joint venture) is possible ... the boardmay say it's a good project, do it on our own or maybe partner withother parties to mitigate risk," the official said.
Alsopresent was an AirAsia official who said both Sime Darby and AirAsiahave not yet received the official letter for the project from theEconomic Planning Unit, but expect to get it in the next few days.
On the management of the new LCCT, he said the carrier may appoint a sub-manager.
"But we will be very involved in the construction of the new LCCT.Where we don't have the expertise, we will bring in that expertise," headded.
To a question, the official said the carrier may notneed to own the new LCCT, but will consider getting an infrastructurefirm that wants a guaranteed return.
"This is purely aninfrastructure project. So for people who are looking forinfrastructure returns this is a wonderful asset. There are lots ofpeople who see infrastructure as a steady income flow, good returns.
"The point is that it is a hugely cash generative machine. The way weplan it is that it should be very profitable, yet reducing our costsand fares. (We believe that) it is a very viable financial model," headded.
http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/lcc23/Article/ |
发表于 24-12-2008 09:24 AM
CONGLOMERATE Sime Darby Bhd (4197)said it will only develop the new low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) project in Labu, Negri Sembilan, and not own or operate it.
Once completed by March 2011, it will then sell the new terminal dubbed"KLIA East@Labu" to budget carrier AirAsia Bhd, says a Sime Darbyofficial at a briefing in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, its first since thegovernment approved the project on Friday.
"We are now gettinga brief on the specifications (for the new LCCT) from AirAsia and willhand it over to the carrier once developed," he said.
Theofficial said the idea to set up a new LCCT in Labu was first mooted bySime Darby six months ago to spur the development of its 5,261-hectareNegri Sembilan Vision City.
On the RM1.6 billion cost of building the new LCCT, the official said it is just an estimate.
"But the good thing about undertaking this project at this time is thatconstruction prices are coming down. If we had done it six to ninemonths ago it would have cost us a lot more. Our initial figure wasRM1.73 billion," he added.
He said the RM1.6 billion cost doesnot include the cost of land, but only construction costs such as therunway and airport terminal which will have a handling capacity of 30million passengers per year and 70 aircraft parking bays.
"Yes, the sale price (of the new LCCT to AirAsia) will be more. However, we have not done the land valuation," he said.
The official also said Sime Darby has yet to work out the funding details.
"We only got word of this on Friday after the Cabinet meeting. (Assuch,) we have not made a decision on how it will be funded ... but theimportant fact is that it will be privately funded. There will be nogovernment funds used in the construction of the new LCCT," he said.
He said Sime Darby will seek approval from its board for the project, but gave no timeline.
Once approved, it will then decide whether to develop the project on its own or with other parties.
"It is still early ... it (a joint venture) is possible ... the boardmay say it's a good project, do it on our own or maybe partner withother parties to mitigate risk," the official said.
Alsopresent was an AirAsia official who said both Sime Darby and AirAsiahave not yet received the official letter for the project from theEconomic Planning Unit, but expect to get it in the next few days.
On the management of the new LCCT, he said the carrier may appoint a sub-manager.
"But we will be very involved in the construction of the new LCCT.Where we don't have the expertise, we will bring in that expertise," headded.
To a question, the official said the carrier may notneed to own the new LCCT, but will consider getting an infrastructurefirm that wants a guaranteed return.
"This is purely aninfrastructure project. So for people who are looking forinfrastructure returns this is a wonderful asset. There are lots ofpeople who see infrastructure as a steady income flow, good returns.
"The point is that it is a hugely cash generative machine. The way weplan it is that it should be very profitable, yet reducing our costsand fares. (We believe that) it is a very viable financial model," headded. |
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