


楼主: pfg1group

未来5年, 你认为国防部应该再定购什么重要军备

发表于 17-2-2007 09:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
2007-02-16 20:09:33 MYT








大馬皇家空軍公關朱斯菲里拉迪夫表示,更換以色列零件的課題並不存在,因為賣方是根據大馬皇家空軍的要求來裝置零件的。 (星洲日報‧2007.02.16)

2007-01-22 20:09:39 MYT







“之前首批100人的國防衛隊,已在1月2日飛往黎巴嫩,次批則於1月4日從巴生港口出發,以聯同重型軍備開往黎巴嫩首都貝魯特。” (星洲日報‧2007/01/22)

嘿嘿~~ 苏凯们回家咯!很期待公开的那天呢!可惜我无法出席今年的LIMA

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发表于 24-2-2007 08:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
买再多的军备, 不会保养也是徒然。









副部長是於本週三前來沙巴,出席武裝部隊軍營管理會議之餘,也到仙本那、斗湖、哥打毛律等地視察與訪問。這也是促進軍人及家屬之親善活動之一。 (星洲日報‧2007.02.24)

[ 本帖最后由 kcchiew 于 25-2-2007 12:46 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 24-2-2007 10:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kcchiew 于 24-2-2007 08:17 PM 发表
买再多的军备, 不会保养也是图然。


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发表于 27-2-2007 12:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
Report: Malaysia To Receive Russian Jets in May

Malaysia will take delivery of the first batch of Russian-built Sukhoi jets in May after a yearlong delay partly due to the replacement of components made by Israel, a report said Thursday.
The New Straits Times, quoting unnamed defense industry sources, said six of the 18 30-MKM Sukhois ordered in a billion-dollar deal would be delivered to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in May.
“Part of the delay is attributed to the fitting of non-Israeli components,” the newspaper quoted a source as saying.
Malaysia does not have diplomatic ties with Israel and is a longtime critic of the Jewish state’s policies in the Middle East.
“Russian and French-made avionics replaced the Indian-Israeli-French combination, while the Israeli electronic countermeasure system was changed to a South African variant,” the source said.
Delivery of the jets is part of a deal conceived in 2003, when Russia agreed to send a Malaysian astronaut to the space station in return for the purchase of 18 Sukhoi 30-MKM fighter jets.
The Sukhois eventually will replace the RMAF’s 14 20-year-old U.S.-made F-5E jets and complement its 18 MiG-29N Fulcrums, the newspaper said.
Indian firm Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, which is assembling 140 Su-30MKI jets for the Indian Air Force, will provide the RMAF with technical support for equipment such as auxiliary power units, as well as spares, it said.


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发表于 27-2-2007 03:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pfg1group 于 6-2-2007 01:18 AM 发表


我最近也是找到很多类似的文章, 尤其是导弹飞控的。
全部pdf file,
大致上需要differential equations 来算。


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发表于 27-2-2007 03:59 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #481 qwerty223 的帖子


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发表于 27-2-2007 05:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cheein 于 27-2-2007 03:59 PM 发表

你学气动的啊?呵呵~ 那位老大好像是学流体的?你们是一家?

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发表于 3-3-2007 04:15 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-3-2007 12:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
是时候买AWACS了. 空军要代替NURI已买NH90直升机来CSAR服务。

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发表于 7-3-2007 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
How a helicopter deal flew into trouble                           

By Mark Forbes
June 17 2002

Singapore's aerospace conference showcaseda plethora of civilian and military hardware at the Changi ExhibitionCentre in February. Nine hundred exhibitors offered a high-techselection of weapons, executive jets, supersonic stealth fighters -even spacecraft design.

Senator Robert Hill, a newcomer to thissecret world of defence business, was soaking it in as he strolled theexhibit's aisles, until he stumbled across Kaman Aerospace's stand. Hefroze.

In pride of place was a poster of its Seaspritehelicopter, with the declaration "The right choice for the RoyalAustralian Navy". According to bystanders, the unfortunate salesman hadjust begun his spiel when Senator Hill informed him he was no less thanthe Australian Defence Minister and was far from convinced the navy hadmade the right choice when it signed up with Kaman to supply 11Seasprite helicopters. Costs had blown out to more than $1 billion, hetold the startled salesman, and the project was running three yearslate - if Kaman could deliver at all.

Today, Senator Hill is farless eager to discuss the Seasprite. He has refused to be interviewedon the subject. A spokeswoman said the minister would speak "when hehad something new to say about the Kaman contract". He even blocked arequest to photograph the unfinished helicopters - they are expected tobe operational in 2006 - stored in a Nowra hangar that has already costthe government $30 million.

An investigation by The Age hasuncovered major flaws in the government's handling of the project.According to leading figures in Australia's defence community, theleast of the Seasprite's problems are their refurbished, Vietnam-eraairframes that have attracted criticism in recent weeks.


"Weshould never have bought them in the first place," said Aldo Borgu, anadviser to former defence ministers John Moore and Peter Reith and nowa director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. The plan tobuild a unique helicopter was unrealistic and poorly executed, and wasdesigned for a proposed Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) to be builtjointly with Malaysia. The patrol vessel never got off the ground.

"Once the OPV didn't go ahead, the rationale for buying a smaller helicopter disappeared," Mr Borgu said.

Thepatrol vessel project was a favourite of the Keating government,proposed by major ALP donor Transfield (now Tenix). The Defence Forcehierarchy was always wary of a project it believed was driven by adesire for export dollars, and its fears increased after theCoalition's election in March, 1996.

Put simply, said one seniorofficial, the boat was "neither fish nor fowl", too big for aconventional patrol boat, too small to combat a frigate. To expand itsrange and firepower it needed a helicopter, but the vessel was toosmall to carry the Seahawks already planned for the Anzac frigates.

Tenderswere called for a small, state-of-the-art helicopter. The former chiefof navy, Don Chalmers, confirmed that the Seasprites were acquired forthe patrol vessels, OPV, although it was also planned to place some onthe Anzacs. Despite this, Defence and the government failed to formallylink the Seasprite and patrol vessel projects.

In Senateestimates hearings this month, Air Vice-Marshal Ray Conroy attempted tofudge over when the patrol vessel project was dropped. "That waseffectively abandoned in February, 1998, when Malaysia selected aGerman tender over the one submitted by the Australian company," hesaid.

At that point, the argument for buying the Seaspriteinstead of more of the larger Seahawk collapsed, Air Vice-MarshalConroy admitted. But he said the argument was hypothetical as theSeasprite contract was signed earlier, in June, 1997.

In fact,Malaysia announced the patrol vessel decision in October, 1997, butearlier that year in March the Howard cabinet was told the deal wouldnot go ahead and the vessel was unsuitable for the Australian Navy.

Ata cabinet meeting in Pakenham on March 11, former defence minister IanMcLachlan presented a call from the then Defence Force chief, GeneralJohn Baker, to suspend the patrol vessel proposal.

"I don't want to embarrass anybody, but we felt the thing was heading south," Mr McLachlan said this week.

"Aswell, we were in a position of having to buy some vessels that were notappropriate for replacing either the Fremantle patrol boats or warshipsand we didn't want to do that.

"All the information I couldglean was the Malaysians were cooling off on the whole deal. It was abig order but got smaller as the months went on and we thought it mightnever come to pass and it didn't."

Government sources confirmedthat the cabinet had effectively decided to suspend the patrol vesselproject, but no decision was announced after strenuous objections byForeign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer and fears that anannouncement would be portrayed as scuttling Transfield's Malaysiantender.

"There was a problem with not connecting the helicopterpurchase to the OPV purchase," Mr Borgu said. "When cabinet decided tokill off the OPV nobody thought about the Seasprites. It's adding anadditional helicopter platform to the ADF unnecessarily as the Anzacscould take the Seahawks."

A senior member of the Seaspriteproject agrees the deal should have been scrapped. "It's smarter to get27 Seahawks rather than 16 Seahawks and 11 Seasprites," he said.

MrMcLachlan said he has no recollection of the Defence Force ever tellinghim of the pivotal link between the patrol vessel project and theSeasprites.

One of Defence's most senior officials at the timealso did not "recall a lot of discussion about cancelling the Seaspritewhen the OPV hit the fence. I don't think it was looked at carefullyand that's perhaps where we made a mistake."

Despite the beliefthat the patrol vessel the Seasprites were designed for would never bebuilt, Defence - never keen to reject already-committed funds - wentahead and signed the $660 million helicopter contract with Kaman.

Thatcontract contained the seeds of today's fiasco, Defence insiders admit.Ever ambitious, Defence wanted to build a high-tech helicopter at abargain price. The number of helicopters ordered had shrunk to fitunder the price cap and it was determined to go for an option thatwould cut costs further, rebuilding surplus US navy helicopters up to40 years old.

Mr McLachlan said: "I do remember a long series ofdiscussions about the problem that now appears to have arisen, and thatis: if you buy something with old frames, will everybody say they areold aircraft?"

The second-hand helicopter purchase has beenpilloried, but those involved in the project are adamant the issue isoverblown. A team of 10 has supervised the selection of helicoptersfrom their shrink-wrapped storage in the Arizona desert and overseenthe removal of corrosion from the frames.

Expecting Kaman toinstall a new, sophisticated weapons and avionics system into these"old birds" is where the project came to grief, insiders said.

Toomuch was expected of Kaman in too short a time. The Seasprite deal wasKaman's biggest ever and the company was no big-time defence player.Founded by eccentric inventor Charlie Kaman, who also designed theOvation electric guitar, it has made more in recent years from musicalinstrument sales than aerospace. "The Commonwealth has signed up to anunachievable contract at an unachievable price," said one senior memberof the project team. "The whole thing was set up for failure."

Itwas unfair to blame Kaman, said one official who played a key role inthe contract. "Defence has to realise you can't lay all the risk andblame on this little company," he said.

The official said thecontract had no damages clauses because liquidated damages on a dealthis size would put Kaman out of business.

The head of theDefence Materiel Organisation, Mick Roche, has said the contract is"not the sort of contract we would wish to draw up these days". In aspeech to a Defence seminar earlier this year he said Defence's projectmanagement should have ensured effective penalty clauses and preventeda key software contractor walking away, resulting in seven helicoptersbeing delivered without a mission-control system.

Installingthis sophisticated control system had been subcontracted to US firmLitton, a major military company that dwarfed Kaman. Soon afteraccepting the contract, Litton won a much bigger US deal and moved manykey staff from the Seasprite project.


[ 本帖最后由 qwerty223 于 7-3-2007 08:03 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 7-3-2007 08:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

In 1999 Litton decided to walk away from the complex task, and under its contract won a settlement that cost Kaman $32 million. Australian firm CSC has now been contracted for the task, but the project is already more than three years' late.

Defence is trying to redraft Kaman's contract, despite having already paid out $960 million of the $1 billion budget. Last month Mr Roche told a Senate hearing the government was examining suing Kaman for breach of contract and could possibly recover that money, but then "we will not end up with the helicopters and will have to start again, that is the dilemma we are in".

Another dilemma remains for the navy. Even if it does receive working helicopters, the boats they were designed for do not exist. Putting the Seasprites on the existing Anzac frigates makes less sense. The Seasprites carry an anti-surface missile, the Penguin, originally intended to cover for the patrol vessel's lack of such a weapon, but the Anzacs already carry the Harpoon anti-surface missile.

A former defence official said the Seasprites created profound logistics and maintenance problems for the navy, with it having five different helicopters for five different uses. Air force chief Angus Houston has overall responsibility for air capability but pointedly refused to endorse the Seasprite purchase when interviewed. Asked if the Seahawk would have been a better choice with the patrol vessel off the scene and if the Seasprite was one helicopter too many for the military, Air Marshal Houston replied: "I'd prefer not to make a judgment on that, you can draw your own conclusions. I think we do have too many helicopter types."

"You can't dispute it's the wrong helicopter," Mr Borgu said. "There are obvious question marks over the Penguin anti-ship missile as opposed to the Harpoon, and the anti-sub capability isn't as good as the Seahawks. We should have got the Seahawks. On balance the ADF would have been better off."

Mark Forbes is The Age's defence correspondent.


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发表于 31-3-2007 01:29 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 1-4-2007 01:40 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #507 qwerty223 的帖子


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发表于 1-4-2007 01:45 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #512 绝影柯能 的帖子


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发表于 14-4-2007 05:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
Joining ceremony for the first Scorpene submarine
Cherbourg, 14 March 2007

The Chief of Staff of the Malaysian Navy, Admiral Ramlan, and the Chief of Staff of the French Navy, Admiral Oudot de Dainville, were present at the ceremony commemorating the joining of the fore- and aft-sections of the first Scorpene submarine being built for the Malaysian Navy. Also in attendance were the Chief Executive Officer of DCN, Jean-Marie Poimboeuf, along with representatives of DCN, Armaris and Navantia.

The contract was originally signed in June 2002 between the Malaysian Government, DCN and the Spanish shipbuilder, Navantia. It concerns the building of two Scorpene-class submarines, and also covers a contract for training Malaysian crews in submarine handling and operations. These two contracts will allow the Royal Malaysian Navy to acquire a first class submarine force.

The resistant and highly-elastic hulls of the two submarines were each built in two sections by DCN in Cherbourg (thus four sections overall for the two vessels). This concept allowed for modular, parallel construction. While Navantia undertook the manufacturing and installation of vital equipment and furnishings in the two aft-sections of the vessels in Cartagena, Spain, DCN Cherbourg did the same on the two fore-sections, which included, among other things, the combat system. The finished aft-section of the two sections ; later the aft-section of the second submarine will be transferred from Cherbourg to Cartagena for its final assembly.

Armaris, a joint venture of DCN and Thales, is the overall prime contractor for the Malaysian submarine program. DCN shares industrial prime contracting and design responsibilities of the Scorpene-class submarine with its Spanish partner, Navantia.

Capable of operating in both brown and blue waters, the Scorpene is armed with Blackshark wire-guided torpedoes and Exocet SM 39 sub-launched, anti-surface-ship missiles. It can undertake a wide range of missions : dissuasion, superiority on the high seas, naval blockades, information-gathering, landing or retrieval of Special Froces, etc. It can operate alone or in combination with air and sea forces. Ten submarines have been sold around the world : Chile (two vessels), Malaysia (two vessels) and India (six vessels). The Scorpene is already a benchmark on the world conventional submarine market.

source:Embassy of France in Malaysia


[ 本帖最后由 qwerty223 于 14-4-2007 05:48 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 14-4-2007 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 15-4-2007 01:09 AM | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 16-4-2007 09:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
07 4月4日 PT-91M在马来西亚越野测试实拍

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发表于 17-4-2007 09:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 qwerty223 于 16-4-2007 09:38 PM 发表
07 4月4日 PT-91M在马来西亚越野测试实拍


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发表于 17-4-2007 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 毛笔 于 17-4-2007 09:31 AM 发表



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