(Abbreviations used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as defined in the announcement dated 15 August 2012, unless denoted otherwise).
We refer to the announcement on the Important Relevant Dates for the Offer for Sale dated 14 May 2013 and the announcement dated 29 May 2013.
On behalf of MPHB, we wish to announce that the last date for acceptance and payment for the Offer Shares as well as the last date for application and payment for the excess Offer Shares has been extended to 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 (instead of 13 June 2013) to facilitate an extended period of time for shareholders/renouncee(s) to accept and pay for the Offer Shares and to apply and pay for the excess Offer Shares (if any) after taking into consideration the feedback of the shareholders/renouncee(s).
Accordingly, the date for the announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Offer Shares will be on 21 June 2013 (instead of 17 June 2013), while the date for the transfer of the Offer Shares to successful applicants will be on 27 June 2013 (instead of 24 June 2013) and the date for the listing of the Offer Shares will be on 28 June 2013 (instead of 25 June 2013).
Save for the above, all other details, terms and conditions of the initial public offering of MPHB Capital by way of Offer for Sale, remain unchanged.
Availability of Prospectus, Notice of Provisional Offer (“NPO”) and Offer Acceptance Form (“OAF”)
If any applicant has lost, misplaced or for any other reasons require another copy of the Prospectus, NPO and OAF, the applicant may enquire and/or obtain additional copies from the Share Registrar, Metra Management Sdn Bhd or his/her stockbroker.
The electronic Prospectus, electronic NPO and electronic OAF can be viewed or downloaded from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad's website at www.bursamalaysia.com under MPHB Capital.
If any applicant wishes to print a hardcopy of the electronic OAF for manual or postal transmission, such application can be made using white or brown envelope measuring 18 cm x 26 cm. Each completed and signed OAF with the relevant payment must be despatched by ordinary post, courier or delivered by hand (at the applicant’s own risk) to the Share Registrar at the following address, in accordance with the procedures as set out in the Prospectus:
Metra Management Sdn Bhd
30.02, 30th Floor
Menara Multi-Purpose, Capital Square
No. 8, Jalan Munshi Abdullah
50100 Kuala Lumpur
(Telephone no. : +603 2698 3232)
(Facsimile no. : +603 2694 8571)
This announcement is dated 11 June 2013.