“Hubby,我很不舍得你,不想你离开我,很想很想你….虽然你今天一整天都在我身边,可是感觉很遥远,很多人,想和你亲密一点也不行 ”
“I will nvr think of holding other gals, kissing other gals, hug or tough other gals... N I will report if got gal get close with me ( dun think will have also, cz I so guai =P).. Cz we are meant to be together... Our lips, our hands, our hugs,US... I oni wan to be owned by u and will oni be owned by u”
“Baby I so miss you now… So hope I can stay v u… Every moment I’m thinking of you …. Nvr felt so miss u before, even when u was in NS… so wish I can hug you now, can hold ur hand forever, can kiss u whenever I wan… Baby I wan u forever… Love you so so so much…. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you so many times… And I love you.. Miss you so badly”
因为依赖,所以不够独立, 很多时候,都是一个人静静落泪
Hey there stranger, how you been
Feels like I'm standing on the outside looking in
At the mess we left behind
And it's a long way to fall
I gave you everything I had
I gave it all
And then my heart was on the line
I can't hate you
Any longer
I know I'm going to miss you
I'll forget it and let it go.
Say hello to goodbye, cause it's gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And I'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.
Say hello to goodbye
Say hello...
And this is how it has to be
Cause it's a deadly combination, you and me
You know it's undeniable
Even though we tried it all
We brought the worst out in each other
I recall
We can't act it anymore
What doesn't kill you
It makes you stronger
And though I'm going to miss you
I'll forget it and let you go
Say hello to good-bye
It's gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And I'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.
Say hello to goodbye
Say hello...
And even though the tears will dry
I can't completely disconnect
Couldn't make the compromise
Didn't have a safety net
Say hello to goodbye
Heeey ya ya
Say hello, goodbye
Say hello to good-bye
It's gone forever
No more try, you and I
Not now, not ever
And I'll get by without you
I'm not going back again
I'm not going to lie to you
Cause, that was there and only then.
Say hello, to goodbye
Say hello, to goodbye
Say hello, hello
To goodbye.