备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
DEADLIFT 187.5kg. 完成。
最后一下lock out 也吃力些。
还有,round back...
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*
备注: squat:
140kg 5x5 1st deload [2 JUL 2014]
147.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [3 AUG 2014]
150kg switch 3x5 [26 AUG 2014]
160kg 3x5 1st deload [21 SEPT 2014]
162.5kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 NOV 2014]
152.5kg switch 3x3 [30 DEC 2014]
165kg 3x3 1st deload [20 JAN 2015]
165kg 3x3 2nd deload [16 MAR 2015]
165kg switch 1x3 [05 Apr 2015]
160kg 1x3 1st deload [07 May 2015] bench:
87.5kg 5x5 1st deload [7 AUG 2014]
93.75kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 NOV 2014]
92.5kg switch 3x5 [16 MAR 2015]
95kg 3x5 1st deload [12 April 2015]
91.25kg 3x5 2nd deload [20 MAY 2015] ohp: 60kg 5x5 1st deload [4 JUN 2014]
61.25kg 5x5 2nd deload [27 JUL 2014]
65kg switch 3x5 [16 SEPT 2014]
67.5KG 3X5 1st deload [9 OCT 2014]
70kg 3x5 2nd deload [18 DEC 2014]
72.5kg switch 3x3 start from 65kg [09 APRIL 2015]
62.5 3x3 1st deload [17 MAY 2015] BB row: 90kg 5x5 1st deload [26 AUG 2014]
97.5kg 5x5 2nd deload [16 DEC 2014]
95kg switch 3x5 [22 JAN 2015]
SL 5x5 deload protocol
#1 stall, stall, stall
#2 deload and progress
#3 stall, stall, stall
#4 deload and progress
#5 stall, stall, stall
#6 switch to 3x5 keeping the SAME WEIGHT, do NOT deload
*repeat for 3x3 3x1*