发表于 31-5-2008 11:16 PM
比市場預測低 森那美料可達關鍵指標
報導 - 何開玄
他維持對該集團的盈利預測,並給予該股12令吉的目標價格和「超越大市」的評級 |
发表于 1-6-2008 01:27 AM
发表于 2-6-2008 07:13 PM
原帖由 小巴菲 于 31-5-2008 11:16 PM 发表
比市場預測低 森那美料可達關鍵指標
報導 - 何開玄
(吉隆坡30日訊)森那美(SIME,4197,主板貿服股)公佈了其最新的關鍵表現指標(KPI),估計08和09財政年可取得3150萬令吉和3700萬令吉的淨 ...
9.20...真的是... |
发表于 2-6-2008 07:16 PM
发表于 7-6-2008 01:16 PM
Sime Darby Company Announcement:
Commitment to Sustainable Palm Oil Unimills B.V.
1。329,470 hectares (Malaysia) and 195,856 hectares (Indonesia) total 525,326 Hectares.Sime Darby Plantation is the world’s largest listed plantations company and the world’s largest palm oil originator.
2。The company currently manages 65 oil mills and a number of refineries in Asia, Europe and Africa. Sime Darby aims to achieve RSPO certification for all its plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia by 2011.
3。our ambition to be among the first to have sustainable palm oil available for the European market.
发表于 7-6-2008 04:05 PM
原帖由 blackmoon123 于 7-6-2008 01:16 PM 发表
Sime Darby Company Announcement:
Commitment to Sustainable Palm Oil Unimills B.V.
1。329,470 hectares (Malaysia) and 195,856 hectares (Indonesia) total 525,326 Hectares.Sime Darby Plant ...
最好是在欧美国家设立研究中心-再和美国大豆那边一起的双边架构--这种才会得到公正和瞩目--如果在自家-喜欢就开-不喜欢就暂停-有钱就养“猪”--公信力等于零 |
发表于 10-6-2008 07:20 PM
Sime Darby的CFO Razidan Ghazalli和集團副主席Muhammad Mohan Kittu Abdullah因投資不當(RM1.2億)而被Sime Darby解雇了。 |
发表于 10-6-2008 08:16 PM
发表于 11-6-2008 08:36 AM
森那美 開除總財務長
(吉隆坡10日訊)森那美(SIME,4197,主板貿易)宣佈,即日起開除總財務長拉茲丹,和下游及生化燃油第一副總裁莫哈末莫漢吉都。 森那美在文告中指出,森那美、金希望(Golden Hope)和牙直利種植(Guthrie)合併前的數個月,即在去年8月,發現金希望種植(Golden Hope Plantations)子公司金哲瑪利納食品工業(Golden Jomalina Food Industries)蒙受1億2000萬令吉的損失。 該公司指出,經過董事部深入調查,及評估KPMG Forensic和審計委員會的調查結果后,決定開除拉茲丹和莫哈末莫漢,兩人已在昨日被告知有關決定。 該損失是在06年10月至07年8月期間,透過期貨交易累積而成。當時,拉茲丹是金希望財務董事,莫哈末莫漢則是金哲瑪利納食品工業總經理。 該公司發言人指出,已釋出適當撥備,該損失不會對集團日后盈利造成影響。 |
发表于 11-6-2008 08:39 AM
涉炒作期貨交易,2高層遭開除 森那美爆1.2億虧損醜聞
該集團是深入調查子公司Golden Jomalina食品工業,面對1億2000萬令吉的交易虧損后,決定中止這兩位高層的職務。
Golden Jomalina也是金希望種植的子公司,這筆虧損是在2007年8月份發現,也是三大種植公司合併的前幾個月。
森那美在文告中指出,該集團在發現這筆虧損后,就委任KPMG Forensic做出調查,並在今年完成調查報告。
他補充,「管理層決定解雇以上兩位雇員是經過調查和深思。這是決定是必需的,以負起應有的責任和保護森那美的股東。」 |
发表于 11-6-2008 08:44 AM
发表于 12-6-2008 12:02 PM
Sime Darby’s RM120m loss: Trader goes missing
By Zaidi Isham Ismail
Published: 2008/06/12
Company officials say the trader was one of 20 to 30 futures traders hired to sell Golden Hope’s premium crude palm oil in the open market to make higher profit
SIME Darby Bhd’s RM120 million futures trading loss may have been the work of a single rogue trader who made the wrong bet and was poorly supervised.
Existing and former company officials said the trader in question has since quit the company.
Sime Darby has declined to comment on the matter. The trader could not be contacted.
On Tuesday, Sime Darby fired two top executives after carrying out an inquiry into the trading losses at Golden Jomalina Food Industries, a subsidiary of Golden Hope Plantations Bhd.
Golden Hope has since last year been merged with Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd and Sime Darby Bhd.
Company officials said the trader was one of 20 to 30 futures traders employed by the company to sell Golden Hope’s premium crude palm oil (CPO) in the open market to make a higher profit.
The company then buys standard quality CPO from the open market at a lower price so that it can make a better profit margin when used at its oleochemical division.
That division processes CPO into value-added products like cooking oil, detergent and soap.
This is a normal practice by almost all plantation companies in Malaysia to protect themselves from the vagaries of CPO’s fluctuating price.
“However, he made a mistake by betting against the market since the end of 2006 by locking CPO’s selling prices at more than RM1,000 a tonne, thinking prices would go down.
“Until August, however, CPO prices more than doubled and he tried to cover up the losses by counter trading but was unable to do so. As a result, the company accumulated trading losses right until the run-up to the merger late last year,” one of the officials said.
Realising the loss, the rogue trader who has been a Golden Hope staff for 10 years, left without giving notice. Officials said attempts to locate him failed as the address listed in the company’s records turned out to be bogus.
A former official said futures traders were poorly supervised.
For instance, they did not have a limit that stopped them from trading when a certain level of loss was incurred.
http://www.btimes.com.my/Current ... 0611234909/Article/ |
发表于 12-6-2008 12:04 PM
Sime Darby to pick CFO soon
Published: 2008/06/12
SIME Darby Bhd says it will soon appoint a new chief financial officer (CFO) following the dismissal of Razidan Ghazalli, one of the two top executives held responsible for RM120 million losses incurred by the then Golden Hope Plantations Bhd, a unit of the conglomerate, through futures trading.
"We are moving quickly to identify the correct person, in consultation with our board of directors, and hope to make an announcement in the very near future," Sime Darby president and group chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Seri Ahmad Zubir Murshid said yesterday.
Golden Hope has since been merged with Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd and Sime Darby.
Sime Darby had also said that its board of directors had made the decision of dismissal after an indepth inquiry into the RM120 million trading losses at Golden Jomalina Food Industries, a subsidiary of Golden Hope.
Ahmad Zubir, speaking during a visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, gave the following exclusive interview concerning recent staff changes at Sime Darby.
Question: Are there going to be any more sackings over the futures losses?
Answer: As far as the futures trading losses in Golden Jomalina are concerned, we do not foresee any further terminations.
Q: How were the losses accumulated?
A: Approved trading parameters and limits with regard to futures trading were not observed between October 2006 and August 2007.
Q: The reports say that the Golden Jomalina losses were discovered in August. Why was action only taken this week? Why the delay?
A: Sime Darby does not make decisions in haste. While the preservation of our shareholders' interests is paramount we also had a responsibility to investigate the matter thoroughly and to make decisions on a properly informed basis.
It is important not to oversimplify the action we have taken as a reaction to losses incurred. The action that we have taken is based upon a close review of the conduct and the actions of those concerned, measured against the expected fiduciary standards.
The incidents involved took place in Golden Jomalina before the merger of Sime Darby, Golden Hope and Kumpulan Guthrie. After the trading losses came to light in August 2007, KPMG Forensic was engaged to conduct an investigation.
Group Corporate Assurance also undertook their investigations.
The results of these investigations were reviewed by the Audit Committee of Sime Darby and further inquiries were undertaken. The board of directors was then appraised of the conclusions and a decision was made. The individuals involved were also given opportunities to be heard.
Q: How important is corporate governance and accountability to Sime Darby?
A: Good corporate governance, accountability and transparency are the cornerstone of Sime Darby. It is even more important in this challenging economic environment that our employees, stakeholders and investing public have confidence in the systems we put in place.
Q: Given that the losses were put down to the failure of individuals to discharge their duties well, has Sime Darby taken steps to improve procedures?
A: Procedures and standards are always open to improvement, and this is an ongoing process. However, in any given situation, we would require our employees to observe a high standard of care and of diligence which is compatible with our dedication to good governance.
We now have more frequent monitoring and internal surveillance, improved controls, and closer management in all our divisions.
Q: The global situation appears challenging for all companies. What is your prediction for Sime Darby?
A: There is no doubt that the world economy is facing new and difficult challenges, from the aftermath of the US subprime mortgage crisis to the current food security and rising cost of energy challenges that affect all of us on this planet.
But we are cautiously optimistic about the prospects of Sime Darby, given that we operate across 20 countries and in some of the fastest-growing economies in the world. - Bernama
http://www.btimes.com.my/Current ... /Article/index_html |
发表于 12-6-2008 11:54 PM
阿末朱比薪酬:201.1万 2008/06/11 18:26:02
阿末朱比掌管森那美的这三年内,最为人津津为道的不外是在森那美的统领下,结合国内3大种植公司,即森那美、金希望和牙直利共8家上市公司,打造成全球最大种植公司。这家种植集团在合并及重新上市之后,也使之成为大马股市内市值最大的公司。 |
发表于 16-6-2008 07:18 PM
回复 391# 死神黑崎一护 的帖子
不用跑,只要再跌回RM 8.60 或RM 8.70 ,就可以买了!怕什么? 你不买,EPF 及CIMB也会买的!这么大的股,跌破RM8.50,会破坏政府的形象。。。他们一定会私底下通电话叫人买到RM8.90以上的。。。。放心! |
发表于 16-6-2008 09:44 PM
发表于 16-6-2008 10:01 PM
发表于 17-6-2008 08:21 AM
发表于 17-6-2008 10:00 AM
发表于 17-6-2008 11:58 AM
回复 396# 死神黑崎一护 的帖子
1. 全世界最大的种植股
2. 管理层不是大股东
3. 有大马政府做后台
4. 业务多元化
5. 流通量强劲
再假设 SIME 跌到 RM 5.00,。。。。。
SIME 跌到 RM 4.00,。。。。。 |
| |